westibels 30 ago 2024, ore 5:35 
Should've never introduced this cuck to GTA RP :cozywolfensteinII:
westibels 3 mag 2023, ore 15:09 
Should've never introduced this cuck to StarWarsRP :cozywolfensteinII:
R 25 mar 2023, ore 11:07 
My Guy Fanda signed by ✍️
Ninya 14 nov 2021, ore 20:10 
+rep will let you peg him
westibels 2 set 2021, ore 4:37 
:missing: +REP His sex game is average.. but his gamer boy skills are nut worthy. :missing:
Skyee 29 ago 2021, ore 13:55 
+hugh mungus
Sandii 15 ago 2021, ore 9:54 
Skyee 15 ago 2021, ore 6:36 
Sandii 29 lug 2021, ore 19:29 
Serena-Aaliyah 15 gen 2021, ore 5:53 
YK ✨ Design Service 12 ago 2020, ore 10:13 
“Twenty years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things you did not do than the ones you did.” – Mark Twain 💜
Papsi Isaac 11 ago 2020, ore 16:23 
+rep nice survivor
YK ✨ Design Service 11 ago 2020, ore 3:53 
“You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.” – George Lorimer 💜
ღ★Panterka★ღ 8 lug 2020, ore 1:55 
Thank you very much:3 :revheart:
OneBigMike 5 mag 2020, ore 17:14 
◢██████◣        ◢████◣
◢◤      ◥◣    ◢◤    ◥◣
◤        ◥◣  ◢◤      █
▎   ◢█◣   ◥◣◢◤  ◢█   █
◣  ◢◤  ◥◣      ◢◣◥◣ ◢◤
◥██◤  ◢◤         ◥◣
       █ ●       ● █
       █ 〃   ▄   〃 █
       ◥◣   ╚╩╝   ◢◤
        ◥█▅▃▃ ▃▃▅█◤
          ◢◤   ◥◣ 
          █     █ 
         ◢◤▕   ▎◥◣
НубМастер69 19 apr 2020, ore 13:58 
+rep nice surv
Biggie Juke 16 apr 2020, ore 14:14 
a little bit of a racist lol
Megawate 15 apr 2020, ore 15:56 
DC noob haha
Gremlin_Wattsy 14 apr 2020, ore 11:43 
left team mates to die
AranTIX 🔞 10 apr 2020, ore 16:37 
You are awesome man, I admire you how many achievements you got in one minute in multiple games.
YK ✨ Design Service 22 gen 2020, ore 8:46 
Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth. Bradley Whitford 💙
ZaabZz 3 gen 2020, ore 15:55 
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210 Legpress 7 dic 2019, ore 12:38 
get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in your ass ♥♥♥♥♥ sabeth liebt dich nicht
YK ✨ Design Service 15 lug 2019, ore 4:51 
It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.
have a good day mate 💙
Sleeptime 20 mag 2019, ore 4:47 
-rep cant handle being hooked just ragequits
VanillaSoSalty 15 mag 2019, ore 12:12 
give him a flashlight and you will win this ♥♥♥♥.
Mrozuuu 17 gen 2019, ore 9:23 
no problem. i kill you
OlyShit 15 gen 2019, ore 14:03 
-rep survivor no teamplay...
Pain 13 gen 2019, ore 4:37 
Atch00 8 gen 2019, ore 5:24 
sorry for last match, we did not understand the killer wanted to farm as he was next to you in the basement
Wonder 7 gen 2019, ore 3:20 
Profile so LEWD I like it
YouFeelingItMrKrabs 5 gen 2019, ore 10:30 
I'm sorry. Our character models bugged in each other. Didn't ment to block.
clueless 4 gen 2019, ore 6:44 
i won the fight
mollyann 4 gen 2019, ore 6:31 
ily <3
hidsigluyee 4 apr 2018, ore 5:49 
Signed af luyee :BuffKnightCrown:
Xmankamp 2 apr 2018, ore 14:41 
♥♥♥♥ weeb
L1ON 9 feb 2018, ore 8:58 
he literally just cant think
GucciBait 3 feb 2018, ore 16:59 
+rep very nice guy
pure 3 feb 2018, ore 16:39 
kiddy don't cry
holmigoeJ 21 gen 2018, ore 13:35 
Lær mig at spille cs maten
PxL_MdK 19 gen 2018, ore 21:14 
280 hrs legend... aha
Freddie 18 gen 2018, ore 2:58 
+rep nem og hurtig handel (Fast & easy trade)
berge 15 gen 2018, ore 9:04 
-rep ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ player
mcbaton300 14 gen 2018, ore 2:08 
Nice hacks idiot
w1shhhhh 12 gen 2018, ore 10:31 
это чмо ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Røý࣠†š 7 gen 2018, ore 18:00 
hacks always lose coz they have silver brain bratan
K1p3 31 dic 2017, ore 19:51 
gg ez
domis=DDD! 12 dic 2017, ore 4:16 
+rep best adc euw
Symfuhny 10 set 2017, ore 10:48 
Signed by symfuhny
blue 5 set 2017, ore 23:47 
+rep! I went first on MobilePay, super nice guy big +rep