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Преглед на глобалните статистики за постижения
Трябва да сте влезли, за да може да сравнявате тази статистика с Вашата
12 от 60 (20%) достигнати постижения:
Лични постижения

Garage time bronze trophy

Spend 333 minutes in the garage.
Откл. на 16 март 2018 в 8:25

Click the egg bronze trophy

Click the egg 7 times in 1 second.
Откл. на 14 март 2018 в 13:29

Click the egg silver trophy

Click the egg 9 times in 1 second.
Откл. на 14 март 2018 в 13:30

Click the egg gold trophy

Click the egg 11 times in 1 second.
Откл. на 14 март 2018 в 13:30

Stuntman silver trophy

You've gone where you shouldn't.
Откл. на 14 март 2018 в 14:45

Stuntman gold trophy

You've gone where you shouldn't.
Откл. на 16 март 2018 в 2:54

Lucky bronze trophy

1 in 500 chance of getting this achievement within 1 second.
Откл. на 17 март 2018 в 12:12

Lucky silver trophy

1 in 5 000 chance of getting this achievement within 1 second.
Откл. на 17 март 2018 в 12:11

Cash stash bronze trophy

Find 7 piles of cash.
Откл. на 14 март 2018 в 14:40

Cash stash silver trophy

Find 14 piles of cash.
Откл. на 14 март 2018 в 14:41

Tutorial bronze trophy

Finish the tutorial.
Откл. на 14 март 2018 в 13:32

Tutorial silver trophy

Learn how the radio works.
Откл. на 14 март 2018 в 13:31

Take out engine bronze trophy

Remove engine in 5 motorcycles.

Take out engine silver trophy

Remove engine in 10 motorcycles.

Take out engine gold trophy

Remove engine in 20 motorcycles.

Assembly bronze trophy

Install 10 000 parts.

Assembly silver trophy

Install 20 000 parts.

Assembly gold trophy

Install 40 000 parts.

Frame in time bronze trophy

Disassembly motorcycle in less than 16:39.

Frame in time silver trophy

Disassembly motorcycle in less than 11:06.

Frame in time gold trophy

Disassembly motorcycle in less than 5:33.

Screw bronze trophy

Unscrew 5 000 screws.

Screw silver trophy

Unscrew 10 000 screws.

Screw gold trophy

Unscrew 20 000 screws.

Yebuy transactions bronze trophy

Make 50 transactions on yebuy.

Yebuy transactions silver trophy

Make 100 transactions on yebuy.

Yebuy transactions gold trophy

Make 200 transactions on yebuy.

Task bronze trophy

Do 50 tasks.

Task silver trophy

Do 100 tasks.

Task gold trophy

Do 200 tasks.

Disassebly bronze trophy

Disassemble 5 motorcycles for parts.

Disassebly silver trophy

Disassemble 10 motorcycles for parts.

Disassebly gold trophy

Disassemble 20 motorcycles for parts.

Cash bronze trophy

Collect 50 000$.

Cash silver trophy

Collect 100 000$.

Cash gold trophy

Collect 200 000$.

Creator bronze trophy

Assemble 5 motorcycles from scratch.

Creator silver trophy

Assemble 10 motorcycles from scratch.

Creator gold trophy

Assemble 20 motorcycles from scratch.

Click on the chicken bronze trophy

Click on the chicken 5 000 times.

Click on the chicken silver trophy

Click on the chicken 10 000 times.

Click on the chicken gold trophy

Click on the chicken 20 000 times.

Marathon bronze trophy

Travel 5 kilometers.

Marathon silver trophy

Travel 10 kilometers.

Marathon gold trophy

Travel 20 kilometers.

Garage time silver trophy

Spend 666 minutes in the garage.

Garage time gold trophy

Spend 999 minutes in the garage.

Destroyed parts bronze trophy

Find 500 destroyed parts.

Destroyed parts silver trophy

Find 1000 destroyed parts.

Destroyed parts gold trophy

Find 2000 destroyed parts.

Lucky gold trophy

1 in 50 000 chance of getting this achievement within 1 second.

Cash stash gold trophy

Find all piles of cash.

Tutorial gold trophy

Play your first song.

Egg bronze trophy

Collect 50 golden eggs.

Egg silver trophy

Collect 100 golden eggs.

Egg gold trophy

Collect 200 golden eggs.

15 trophies bronze trophy

Collect 15 bronze trophies.

15 trophies silver trophy

Collect 15 silver trophies.

15 trophies gold trophy

Collect 15 gold trophies.

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