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3 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 119.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 122.4 saat)
Ridiculously great game... The fact that it's dead and takes 10 minutes to find a match sometimes is depressing. The weapons and abilities are fun, the fact that different character models gave you didn't traits was neat. I love coasting around looking for someone to divebomb. Satisfying! Or watching the damage tick up ridiculously fast with my pellet gun. Marvelous!

Just wish people played.
Yayınlanma 23 Kasım 2017.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 3.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.9 saat)
What an adrenaline rush. Wow. They did Doom right. 10/10
Yayınlanma 21 Temmuz 2017.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.5 saat
From someone who is age-appropriate for this game: this is a great losing friendships in the mid 2000s simulator. It hit a little too close to home.
Yayınlanma 9 Temmuz 2017.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 152.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 139.0 saat)
I'm writing a review for M&B because I couldn't decide which award to nominate it for -- it applies to so many (Steam Award nominations).

When I first started playing it, I played it for three days straight (little sleep if anything) because I couldn't pry myself away from it. I wanted to keep improving, growing my troops, gaining reknown, increasing friendships, buying towns, trwarting foes, winning tournaments... There's so much to do, that it's hard to stop playing.

I don't normally get so wholy immersed in a game. What helps is the plethora of mods it has.. all adding more to the game than the last. That said: I could play it vanilla and still have a good time. I married Tirida, he is my love, but the game is also my love.

I am desparate for Bannerlord. It can't come soon enough. Until then, buy this game. You won't regret it.
Yayınlanma 23 Kasım 2016. Son düzenlenme 23 Kasım 2016.
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9 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 393.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 371.4 saat)
My feelings for Payday are so mixed. I really enjoyed Payday: the Heist, and minus loving how the game played, was mostly disappointed with Payday 2 when it was first released (pre-ordered it). There wasn't that much content. They promised that they'd be updating the game for years to come so I wasn't worried about it, but the amount of PAY updates is insane for how base this game was when it came out. I paid like $40 for it at the beginning (I was a sucker, cause later it went on sale for nothing), but how much do I gotta put into this thing?

A lot apparently.

I have almost all (if not all?) the DLCs (granted, most of them were gifted to me -- but I feel bad that someone out there paid for them). Most of the DLCs are complete ♥♥♥♥. If you're going to come out with such a puny game, Overkill, why make it so expensive to play? From the getgo I feel like I was cheated out of the game I originally paid for.

Then they announced that there was going to be a female hesiter, and I lost my ♥♥♥♥. As a chick, yeah, I enjoy playing ladies in games. This is after they came out with the Hoxton character pack (for free). When the Hoxton Breakout heist and character came back, my faith in Overkill was (somewhat) restored. Great heist, free content, good EXP -- thank you so much Overkill this is what I was expected! And pretty soon I was going to get to play a lass, and that was exciting for me. But then it was announced that my ability to play as a girl was going to be a $5 DLC. WHAT. ♥♥♥♥. And I paid for it too, just for the novelty of getting to be a girl in the game. This is when I lost aaaaall faith that they'd redeem themselves for me. The issue of making a character pay2play is -- only 1 of each character is allowed in a game. The amount of times I've joined a game and Clover was already taken, meaning the whole reason I bought the DLC was unusable to me, was so frustrating. I'm a very particular gamer -- I don't like change, be it a flaw in my makeup or whatnot...but if I pay money because I want to be a specific character, and if I can't, that's really bothersome for me.

Fast forward to me picking this game up sporadically because I have friends who really love it. My love can't be that great because at this point, I don't feel comfortable supporting Overkill and their money-grubby DLC decisions. I will stress -- this game CAN be really fun and challenging. I've played in heists that I felt were really rewarding when I finished them, and I've enjoyed improving over how many hundreds of hours of gameplay I've accumulated. But is it worth it? Not really.

The fun doesn't last, in my opinion. This game gets so repetitive so fast, I feel like I've played each heist 10x more than I'd ever want to. The locations get old. I have friends with thousands of hours of play in this game and I don't know how that's possible -- for me, even after going on hiatus after hiatus, coming back to the game I still feel the "ugh, not this one again" fatigue of the game.

But fast forward again to this microtransactions fiasco... and hooooo

I called it.

I've been ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about Overkill being a greedy company for so long, and it just proves it. Even my friends who have defended them when I've complained about the number of $5 DLCs have agreed -- that this is just crap. It makes me happy to see the community turn on them, because unless they get the message then I only see it escalating. I thought Crimefest was supposed to be about rewarding their players, and they give us microtransactions like "there you go, I hope you're proud of what you've unlocked"?

Nah. Overkill... you need to stop. Seriously. Your game isn't great enough to crap on your entire community like this.

Even before the microtransactions, I'd find it really hard to recommend this game, despite the fun I've had playing it (just because the base game is so weak, and I can't in good conscience recommend someone buy a game and then 5+ DLCs to make it playable). But the microtransactions is the nail in the coffin.

Don't buy this game. Overkill doesn't respect you, and will do anything to bleed as much money out of you. Give your money to someone else.
Yayınlanma 20 Ekim 2015.
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