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1.5 hrs last two weeks / 2,736.0 hrs on record (2,720.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Aug, 2022 @ 6:47pm
Updated: 27 Nov, 2024 @ 9:09pm

After playing Destiny 2 for about 6 years on Blizzard and migrating to Steam with about 3,000+ hours combined I will never recommend this game anymore as I have invested a lot of my time and money in this game. I have played and paid more than $300 for its cosmetics, all DLC expansions since 2017, and seasons as the last season I played was Season 24 (Echoes) as these words I'm typing are coming from a hardcore and die-hard gamer for whatever I'm playing. It's been fun in the early days then I fell out playing a lot around the Witch Queen expansion and onward.

I cannot recommend spending money on this game anymore as content is most likely not worth their asking price of $40 for the new main story expansion which is mandatory if you want to play the new seasons and an additional $10 for each season pass you want or if you bought the deluxe edition then it's $80 which is like a whole new game, instead you get some new mechanics, mode, weapon, exotic, story, dungeon, raid, etc. where they want you to play the game a certain way and maybe your content may or not be sunsetted like everything before Beyond Light which is season 11 (Arrivals) RIP...

I've been through sunsetting and had content deleted, I got rid of good gear I've grinded for months just for it to be useless later. They brought back refurbished places and weapons for people to do and pay for the same thing in repetition. BTW I am not kidding they re-use content a lot. Also not to mention the content drought and constant end-game grinding where you want to farm a god roll weapon or armor with good stats is highly unlikely as you might need to finish a Master Lost Sector, Raid, Grandmaster Nightfall, or Trials more than at least 12 or more times in my experience just to get a gun or exotic you want to drop and have decent stats you wanted on it. BIG OOF

Throughout my time playing Destiny 2 they have made improvements but never addressed problems the community has been begging and ranting about such as the lack of choices and challenges set out for the players to do. It has always been like you have to buy this major main story DLC to play the seasons or continue to play on leveling up your character in this game. Not only that but you would have to power grind your power level to the new power cap every single season and expansion to do all these daily and weekly challenges for a couple of weeks to eventually in a couple of months you would have to do that all over again.

This game wants you to be addicted to it and make you do time-consuming stuff in repetition to make you spend more time on it. Even if you haven't noticed it but it's not okay spending 2 to 12+ hours a day just to level or grind for your character/s. Spending every single day and the weekends only for you to grind and waste your time on something that may or not guarantee something you wanted. Not to mention sunsetting, good thing they paused that and they listened to their player base right? But you can never get back those hours or moments you had playing this game using a new gun you just grinded just for it to be power creeped by some other gun in the new season because it can be upgraded to the new power cap or has some new special perk that may or not be better than than the gun you got.

PVE against bot enemies we've all been there when we get a new enemy type and turns out they're very hard to kill without the new subclass, mod, or weapon you just got let alone what power level you are. Like champions, new factions, or types of the hive they have their moments where at one point they're just regular storm troopers and then they become pin accurate aimbots. Their combat behavior changes from passive to a killing machine massacring all your teammates as you try to stun or escape them because they're immune. Overall the bot enemies in this game are unforgiving, especially in end-game content. My go to loadout messing around was always Heritage, Trinity Ghoul, and Falling Guillotine.

The only thing left is PVP and oh boy this one is a real mess. The cheating by other players with aimbot or walling has become rampant as their anti-cheat has banned a lot of them but it's not enough. Sometimes you're gonna have to report them and hope for the best in most cases not to mention taking an L in a comp or trial game. As a person who loves PVP, most of the time in this game it's not just about skill. Most of the time who's using the most broken weapon in the game as my favorite Mountaintop, you will be missed, was a player's choice of weapon getting the easiest kills like Recluse when it came out and 140-120 RPM Hand cannons breaking the meta. But I did not like how power level mattered in Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris as a guy 10-20 levels higher than you can body shot you with a sniper rifle while only making a dent on him only for him to heal or regenerate health taking cover. Even your subclass or exotic armor you wear can be a game breaker from winning a fair match to an unwinnable one.

Titans and hunters are favorably the most used among players as I'm a warlock main for 5 years they certainly have unfair advantages against other classes. Back when stasis came out it was a hunter's best class for just its freezing potential and cheap tricks for easy kills by the way they're still popular with a few nerfs compared to titans and warlocks. Warlocks in my opinion are a minority and always get nerf hammered to the point of being unplayable to useless.

Back when solar classes were fixed, Icarus dash was fairly balanced and the community was targeting it like it's the most broken thing because they can dash 2 times and get a speed advantage with their super. While hunters can still dodge spam with a limited cooldown, shatterdive free kills, and the Mask of Bakris is still unbalanced. Even titans still barricade spam, sprint charge /w Dunemarchers capable of killing a whole team, and Ward of Dawn is still impossible to break or kill its user unless you got a high damage super or weapon that can that break it and maybe you can kill the guy inside. Then you got warlock with its nova warp brought back to its former glory with a speed nerf, no one is mad about that, stasis turrets that you can break with a shotgun, well of radiance where they can break by shooting the top orb enough, and Dawnblade where you can now have dash and tracking with the new subclass UI where you still can't outrun a hunter running away, using it's super, and jump spamming to do a shatterdive shotgun combo.

Warlocks are underappreciated in so many aspects as much non-warlock mains sees us as support characters for our ****ing well of radiance in raids and nightfalls they even bail because we don't use them in LFGs and they're the ones that keep dying LMAO. I rock a stasis turret build in grandmaster/master missions and nightfalls and never had anyone complain "WHY DON'T YOU USE WELL OF RADIANCE" because I'm freezing everyone and I have a healing rift you can use while were taking cover and I usually get it back after a few seconds. Plus I don't see anyone complain if you go full warlock in a raid and go nova bomb with empowering rift, tractor cannon, and do DPS with our weapons. Compared to any other class they can't function right in a raid team full of hunters or titans. Sometimes I wish Bungie would listen to their brains and fight them with logic. Just say no to those haters and maybe talk about what their broken things are and maybe nerf their ****.

I think I'm done rambling about this game as I am 100% done with it and moved on to a different one. This one took a huge chunk of my life but the time I spent playing this game will not be forgotten. The memories of vaulted content and how I loved this game before will no longer be experienced by new players. I only typed this review because I was bored as **** and this was the least I could do leaving a review for this game for people to read and think about. GLHF

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Bloodhedge 20 Sep, 2024 @ 3:37pm 
Keep in mind you can still play Destiny 2 DLC and expansions for free on select weekends or months. I've been doing that in the past and got my entertainments worth LMAO. I played through the Witch Queen campaign and seasonal activities, even got some free season exotics that is blocked by a paywall. Overall if you want to still play Destiny 2 and not pay a single dime, then this is the way to go. Can't wait to play LIghtfall for free soon.
Bloodhedge 19 Mar, 2023 @ 7:24pm 
Did this review age well lol? Lightfall sucks and not worth my money, glad I quit this game...
Bloodhedge 8 Sep, 2022 @ 1:33am 
hotwheeis 7 Sep, 2022 @ 7:45pm 
Skill Issue
Dr. Suggon Deeznutz 7 Sep, 2022 @ 3:57pm 
Well my point taken, your just a butt-hurt fanboy that's all bark no bite lol. friendly fire won't be tolerated
Dr. Suggon Deeznutz 7 Sep, 2022 @ 3:52pm 
Bloodhedge 7 Sep, 2022 @ 2:11pm 
Most of my friends have 4,000+ hours in steam alone and they know the game is still trash but still play it, like that symbiotic Stockholm Syndrome relationship. Where they love and hate this game cause they're hooked on it like crack spending money to keep feeding their addiction, I see right through it and noped the f*** out.
Bloodhedge 7 Sep, 2022 @ 2:02pm 
Well my point taken, your just a butt-hurt fanboy that's all bark no bite lol.
Dr. Suggon Deeznutz 7 Sep, 2022 @ 12:47am 
no savathussy either
Dr. Suggon Deeznutz 7 Sep, 2022 @ 12:47am 
u aint got no babussy