James Clark   Louisville, Kentucky, United States
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783 Hours played
Been waiting to rate & review this game for a when I 100% the achievements and now that I have
10/10 Would definitely play again!
I honestly cant say much other than that this is well worth any price you buy it at. Content mass is ENORMOUS with this one, tons of weapons, tons of spells, and features thousands of play-styles and variations of builds, and you can express yourself in very unique ways. This game is like its own ecosystem of awesomeness and humor.
There are covenants you can join (like a clan or posse), completing tasks in most earn you useful rewards:
-Want to defend your favorite locations as an 'invader' to ward off other players and give others a challenge? Try 'Watchdogs of Farron', 'Aldrich Faithful', or the DLC covenant 'Spears of The Church'.
*Watchdogs are summoned in to guard the Farron keep location.
*Aldrich's faithful are summoned in at random when a player trespasses on the holy ground of a ruined cathedral near Anor Londo.
*Spears are sacred guardians The Ringed Cities church, they are pretty neat, they are summoned in at random as an actual boss that's more powerful than they normally are. (However it's pretty difficult to gain membership of this one...)
-If you find yourself in a more mischievous mood you could pick an invading covenant. You can be a Finger of Rosaria or a Mound-Maker.
*Fingers are the typical invader, their whole goal is to invade in to another world and kill the player hosting it, if they succeed then they receive a pale tongue that can be returned to Rosaria for boons or spent on changing your appearance or on rearranging your skills.
*Mound-Makers are a funny sort, they don't have to be "mean", they only have to kill one person in the world they invade but they might just choose to help you since they are the only invader type that can hurt/be hurt by the worlds enemies, but be wary... they might help you just long enough to earn your trust and then stab you in the back.
-If you want to just be a friendly helping hand you can pick one of three covenants; Warriors of Sunlight (PRAISE THE SUN), Blue Sentinels, or a Blade of The Darkmoon. [Note: Blue Sentinels and Blades of The Darkmoon are essentially the same from my experience, just IMO Blades are more respected and fierce].
*Warriors of Sunlight are Holy-righteous guardians of players and are summoned in with a summon sign on the ground, their entire goal is to protect and help the player who summoned them in throughout the lever until they reach a boss, at which point they should but might not choose to help with the boss fight.
*Sentinels and Blades both serve the same person just Blades are a higher level of Sentinel, they are summoned in at random to help those who are being invaded and are members of 'The Way of Blue' covenant, their whole goal is to just come in and kill invaders but they can also help clear out hostile monsters since they can be hurt by them.
-Then if you don't want to be summoned in and just want to get help you should just join the Way of Blue covenant.
*Blue's are not summoned in at random, they can invade if they want, they can place summon signs down and are as bare bones as covenants get and is the only covenant that is impossible to miss and received just before or just after the second boss depending on how you do things.

I've gone on for a little too long so I'll finish up quickly, I also don't wanna ruin much more than the covenants.
I'll just finish with some pro tips:
-The first time you play if you are new to souls games then you should play knight and just use straight swords and miracles, a great build is the; Lothric Knight Armor (can be bought from Greirat after sending him to pillage once or twice, or farmed from Lothric Knights near the dragon & 2nd boss), Saints Talisman (in an optional portion of the Undead Settlement area near Dilapidated Bridge in the sewer to the right), and your best early game sword is either the Broadsword or the Astora Straight Sword (both are in the same general area) and your goal is to get the Sunlight Straight Sword from a specific Mimic in Lothric Castle its regarded as one of if not the best Straight Sword in the game.
-The first time you play, if possible, find a friend to help you learn the game but don't let him carry you too hard or else you wont get good, and don't be afraid to play alone it is hands down the best way to improve skill.
-Don't be a "Twink", nobody likes a "Twink" (a Twink is someone who either spawns or is given in late game gear and starts a new playthrough so that they have massive advantage against other players of their level).
-First off don't cheat, but if you are caught cheating or if you pick up certain items from cheaters you are likely to get Soft Banned. Getting Soft Banned means that you will be unable to play with normal layers and can only match with other Soft Bans. Its basically cheater/hacker Purgatory. So just be careful.
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