JackzyWT Feb 18, 2023 @ 11:46am 
I miss the old Kanye
heyrin Mar 21, 2021 @ 7:34pm 
`Kayne Jul 7, 2017 @ 8:35pm 
After the incubation period was over, Small thin tendrils of some type of fungi had grown to aprox 1cm in length. I extracted the fungi and performed another enema, hoping the fungi would take to the pollyps. Unfortunately, 3 days later the fungi became dislodged during a bowel movement. I then noticed the species, Copelandia cyanescens, which I consummed orally as drugs aren't free. It was a good trip and I made a lot of friends.
`Kayne Jul 7, 2017 @ 8:34pm 
Mostly harmless. I don't notice them until I saw the lumps of fleshy "bits" when I wiped. I think they became infected at one point as I was excreting a dark black mucus which didn't have a smell until you got up very close (within 2cm) where you would smell what could best be described as a slightly acidic stale ginger. I used a tampon to get a sample from the source and found that it was actually a solid crystaline substance, with the colour of blood. This smelt more like pineapple (again, very faint unless close). PH tests revealed that it was actually a base, not an acid. With that knowledge in mind, I did an enema of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. A very bad idea, as an imediate reaction occured and small (2mm diameter) red / pink bubbles started forming a light foam at my sphinctre. I collected aprox. 8ml in a 10ml test tube and let this ferment in a EasyYo Yoghurt maker for a week.
Clin Jul 7, 2017 @ 4:09pm 
how are those colonic pollyps coming along?
Branties Jan 2, 2017 @ 11:47pm 
anal fissures
Bass Boosted Milk Oct 10, 2016 @ 10:06pm 
Such a good booty
xro Dec 18, 2011 @ 4:21am 
Heres a comment for you to read 'kayne