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Publicada: 27 nov. 2024 às 17:47

Análise de Acesso Antecipado
Have you ever wanted a charming (but not overly-cute), relaxing (but not dull), and chunky (but not obtuse) farming sim that doesn't require a lot of investment/time-sink? Lightyear Frontier is definitely something you should check out, despite it's Early Access status. The game is not complete but this not to it's detriment; the last two months have seen quite a few updates, including a new vehicle mode for your mech! There are a lot of great Quality of Life features, such as the ability to place items in chests based on what is already in the chest, saving you having to open everyone to dump your loot; building storage near machines to give them access to said inventory for recipes, saving you from having to carry everything on-hand...there's truly a lot to appreciate about this game, and the Developers truly seem to care about our input (hence the new vehicle type plus moar customization), so this doesn't *feel* Early Access.

Just don't forget to water on the days it doesn't rain!
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