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20.9 h registradas (18.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Have you ever wanted a charming (but not overly-cute), relaxing (but not dull), and chunky (but not obtuse) farming sim that doesn't require a lot of investment/time-sink? Lightyear Frontier is definitely something you should check out, despite it's Early Access status. The game is not complete but this not to it's detriment; the last two months have seen quite a few updates, including a new vehicle mode for your mech! There are a lot of great Quality of Life features, such as the ability to place items in chests based on what is already in the chest, saving you having to open everyone to dump your loot; building storage near machines to give them access to said inventory for recipes, saving you from having to carry everything on-hand...there's truly a lot to appreciate about this game, and the Developers truly seem to care about our input (hence the new vehicle type plus moar customization), so this doesn't *feel* Early Access.

Just don't forget to water on the days it doesn't rain!
Publicada el 27 de noviembre de 2024.
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0.7 h registradas (0.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
AT FIRST I shook the rat because they TOLD ME to but then I started to ENJOY IT which they didn't anticipate but I'm starting TO THINK that they maybe WANTED ME to like to like to it would BE EASIER to do it to the rat shake em up shakeemup shakemupshakemupshakemupshakemupSQUEEZE
Publicada el 25 de noviembre de 2024.
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214.3 h registradas (49.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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To get a few things out of the way:
- The water depletion in real time is not as much of a problem. I had two weeks worth of water in the first few hours of gameplay and I had at least 200 days in reserve by the 15th hour. There are repeatable quests that will net you 1-2 days of water and, if you run a bigger rig with lots of Large Item slots, you can easily get a weeks worth of water in one run. So: if you are the kind of gamer who puts 20-50 hours into games like Helldivers 2, Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2, Dragon's Dogma 2, or even Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (all 20 of you), then getting enough water to be set for a few weeks is nothing.
-Yeah, it's Early Access. Yes, there are some glitches and bugs here and there (looking at you: pneumatic jump!) so the game does lack polish. That bug you? Wait.
- Matchmaking is kinda borked, though you can easily join via someone's profile link. It gives you the option to connect to your Epic Games account to find people there; if you hate Epic Games, good for you, don't use it.

As for the game itself, the stealth is very well done, though enemy AI seems a bit...non-plussed about your existence until it's too late. There are decent weapon varieties, though a handful are empirically superior to their counterparts, hence there's a bit of a meta right now (AA12 gang rise up). The different maps are fun, though beware of nightmode (I'll let you discover more about this one your own) and there are a lot of enemies and opportunities to learn some lore. There are also great pop culture references littered throughout the game (for example: when you loot cyborgs, they always have a bunch of booze as reference to Bender, which the devs confirmed).

Each class feels unique, though some are obviously much stronger than others (LEAVE SCAV YOLANDI ALONE!). Masked Man is a treat for players who wanna go loud; Bag Man is slow as ♥♥♥♥ but will carry everything you throw at him; Shaman is a great all-rounder. The one tip I will leave you new players with: the XP that you farm is stored in two categories; your lifetime XP will never deplete and you need to prestige to increase your stats, including max XP. What this means for you is: spend your XP on talents and try out different builds because, when you prestige, you reset all skills and increase your stat caps. Wanna try out a grenade launcher you just got from a quest? Put 2,000 XP into Masked Man's tree and go ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nuts, bro. Keep in mind: prestige whenever you can.

TLDR: water is wet and your tears aren't potable, so git outta yer Innards and gitchoo sum water; the game is a fun, if not a lil buggy mix of great stealth, combat, looting, and exploration.
Publicada el 21 de octubre de 2024.
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4.8 h registradas (3.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Okay, I've only just started but I am having a blast. If you enjoy having mild roguelite elements packed with a loose narrative, extraction-FPS RPG, then this is for you.

Firstly, you start out by picking a class (don't fret too much about this even though you cannot change your class; you can unlock all spells, weapons, etc via progression) and you drop into a world that is relatively static, though spawn locations, points-of-interest, and chests change each time (kinda). The portal you arrive in slowly closes, so you can fight through the map to the end boss or, once you've gained enough metanoia (souls/XP) you have the option to reverse the portals that spawn enemies periodically and return to your base. Each boss defeat is accompanied by some additional lore, another portion of the map to explore, and some quality gear. There are multiple progression systems within the game that keep the gameplay loop from getting stale accompanied by a mechanic wherein when you level, the boss levels and changes their minions/tactics.

Honestly, the gun-play is stellar, the movement feels snappy, the combat feels engaging, and there is a lot of fun to be had with new weapon, spell and gear synergies. For Early Access, this game is remarkably polished (do not discount the last year it spent in EA over on EGS).
Publicada el 7 de octubre de 2024.
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Me: Mom, can we get Witchfire?
Mom: We have Witchfire at home, dear.
Me: Okay.
Publicada el 7 de octubre de 2024.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
72.6 h registradas (69.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
On release, Space Marine 2 has been a very satisfying entry in the Warhammer 40K family. The game is stable, looks amazing, has chunky combat, tons of game modes, and some pretty decent customization. It feels a little short on content with only 6 operations, 3 PVP maps, and Heretic skins locked behind a single mode, so there's that.

There is a lot to enjoy here with coming seasons and updates on a pretty visible roadmap, so there's no pressure to pick it up now if the lack of content worries you. This game is old school without being dated; enjoy it.
Publicada el 13 de septiembre de 2024. Última edición: 22 de septiembre de 2024.
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29.2 h registradas (23.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
While this game is obviously geared more towards a younger audience (i.e. you don't really kill anybody, villains feel a little one-dimensional, etc) it doesn't take away from the charm or gameplay experience, unless corny anime dialogue makes your eyes roll outta your skull.

The combat is very engaging, fluid, but somewhat repetitive. The various bounty style missions break this up for a bit, and some dungeon-specific traversal mechanics keep things fresh as the story progresses. Keep your eyes out for your crafting and gear drops; there are some really unique pieces of gear out there. For example, I got a piece of equipment that allowed my tank to lock in place and fire off a volley of 9 heavy cannon shots very quickly that made some of my bounty fights give me the giggleshits.

Having mentioned the story, I'm almost 24 hours in and I've only made it through the first two acts because, while the story is interesting, if not straight-forward, the exploration is superb and your various options for navigating the aforementioned treacherous dungeons as well as cave systems, and other things that I don't want to spoil.

The voice acting is really good, though some of the exchanges you hear as you travel get tedious and very repetitive ("RAO HOW WOULD YOU FIGHT BOTS?!", "PRINCE, IT SOMETIMES HELPS TO GO OFF THE BEATEN PATH.").

TLDR: I am thoroughly enjoying this game, despite some repetition and a pretty straight-foward (dry) storyline because of some fantastic exploration and customization and rewarding combat. 8/10 would recommend.
Publicada el 24 de agosto de 2024.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
147.3 h registradas
Look, I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love this game. The Claptastic Voyage is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ phenomenal and underrated. There are DLC Vault Hunters (looking at you Borderlands 3) for ♥♥♥♥'s sake! But I lost 147 hours of multiple playthroughs on this game; no earned skins; nothing. I'll probably never be able to appreciate this game again, so I cannot recommend it.
Publicada el 17 de julio de 2024.
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55.1 h registradas (51.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
When this game first came out, I might've given it a thumbs-up, but having played it pretty thoroughly, I have to say that these issues are glaring and make it un-enjoyable, if not downright unplayable:

1. Coop is borked beyond belief. You will buy weapons, armor, augments, etc and they just disappear from your inventory. Completing missions? You have to go back into your game to get that ♥♥♥♥ done on your own time. Unbelievable.

2. Steam Deck users will find this game frustrating because there is a memory leak of some kind that causes your OS to seize up and crash that occurs seemingly randomly.

3. This game is a blast to play when it works, so when it doesn't it just feels like adding insult to injury.

Buy this if you have no friends and/or do not plan on playing in a coop lobby. Buy this game if you like cyberpunk themed, top-down shooters and you wanna have a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ aneurysm trying to play this.
Publicada el 17 de julio de 2024.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
57.1 h registradas (12.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I'll start by saying that it plays very well on the Deck without any effort needed.

Dead Island 2 carries on in a vein similar to Dead Island 1, though not on an island and with remarkably better game physics. You earn players cards as you level and progress through the story and side missions, which give you access to new abilities and passive, allowing you to generate a play-style that you want. However, some decisions are kind of odd, such as only being able to block *or* dodge but not both?

The melee combat looks great but feels a little under-developed, as the weapons have a set attack animation that doesn't seem to differ much and has some issues with attack cancelling. I have yet to try the co-op because I'm not interesting in playing with PUGs and I have no friends, so I cannot comment on co-op, though it does look really fun.

I would suggest picking this up on sale; the SOLA and Haus DLCs are fun but too easy to accidentally trigger their start, so there's that. I would say a lot more but putting more effort into a review than they did the combat mechanics seems silly.
Publicada el 8 de junio de 2024.
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