Dead Death Ahead
Just remember that I am a human, just like you.

Welcome To L4D2
L4D2 Achievements:
Beat expert in a 1v1 h/a

exp DDA
NYC 760 - 550
AUS 400 - 1400

[444] (7%) discreet

Mythos: can you beat our score? hahahaha

T-Pain: good job rwtard

rjmacready: that was piss poor carrying dead

Berry: i am smrater

fatcat59620 : first time play this game mode

D U K E Y: Go and kill yourself you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ retarded little kid

Icywolf1 : HEAL ME

Berry : ♥♥♥♥ you aiden you lesbian

mudjoe2 : bg losers

(Infected) !D.C![CDU]Dead Death Ahead : why did barthrim ban me
(Infected) Bazza : barth
(Infected) Hitman : becouse you are hacker

Berry : pour all that gravey on dead death's meat

(Survivor) Berry : get out of me

(Infected) Magical Pancakes : i may be ♥♥♥♥♥♥
(Infected) Magical Pancakes : but im not retarded

Bazza : shtu up

Bazza : ♥♥♥♥ you dead
Bazza : youre such a bad person

Filipy : ill headbutt your ♥♥♥♥ mate

❣ AllanaFkn ❣: dont be so thick please
❣ AllanaFkn ❣: it hurts my brain bells

MrHeartAttack : ♥♥♥♥ i killed myself

Saccie : CTFU : death cant even play on my team without trolling too. too much built up butthurt xD

(Infected) Auto : wait im a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beast

(Infected) Auto : dead death ur a monster
(Infected) Auto : 1k


Grunty : I have the shrek mod so I can't stop luaghing when there's a tank

sgt.Melware : me ♥♥♥♥
Nari : me too
sgt.Melware : YEP STILL ♥♥♥♥

Simon: its like the skeet Daryl
Simon: some days you skeet em all
Simon: some days you don't
Simon: but we must keep skeetig

7:41 PM - Jay-Doh: ok

zen : ey, u ♥♥♥ up

#teamLASNGA: it might slip it that im gay
#teamLASNGA: out*
#teamLASNGA: it might slip out that im gay
#teamLASNGA: in*
#teamLASNGA: it might slip in that im gay
#teamLASNGA: you're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥*
#teamLASNGA: you're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that im gay

(Infected) Friday : do damage ♥♥♥♥♥

★★★★ !D.C![CDU]Dead Death Ahead death-charged iƿat (height: 493)

Jimmy Gibbs Junior : Repeat!!! Proceed to Mercy Hospital for Ejaculation
Jimmy Gibbs Junior : I always wanted to Ejaculate infront of a slutty nurce from Mercy Hospital
Jimmy Gibbs Junior : nurse

Jimmy Gibbs Junior : reatrds

iƿat : yeah ♥♥♥♥ off
Player iƿat left the game

Gamer880: shame you cant hack out of your mothers basement

(Survivor) Dee-no-sore : can we hurry this up so i dont have to hear these people

Simon : why the ♥♥♥♥ is ipat on my team

Hesitation ♿ : man turn ur no spread of, most ppl think u do

Sodium: yes dead, ur aimbots on again i know
!D.C![CDU]Dead Death Ahead: I just lift my mouse

(SURVIVORS) slayer: ok lets try make it halfway now (SURVIVORS) oBsIdIaN: thats too much

slayer : you are playing too strong
Hesitation ♿ : dumb ass
Hesitation ♿ : its the range
Hesitation ♿ : of ur no spread
Hesitation ♿ : how many times
Hesitation ♿ : have i said it
Hesitation ♿ : ur spreadles damage is the longest out of anways
Hesitation ♿ : anyones

*SPEC* Pounch : im not ritard ok

xJohnno : shutup hacker

Purp : yeah so imma pre gg

★ Nick skeeted King Black Mumba in 1 shot

I dont wanna be a gamer no more : dda youre my best friend in the entire world but you cant play
(Survivor) bits of joy : you need better friends

Sprog : raging ♥♥♥♥♥♥ thats for sure

*SPEC* Robert Cop : its like lardy was only born so he could dog the boys

(Spectator) arti : ill play csgo with maz in a tournament
(Spectator) arti : just no demo checks pls
(Spectator) Robert Cop : u cna make him some more cheats as well

Twitch PrimeHesitationVR: LOL DDA crying about a wall stumble is the biggest cop out, the ♥♥♥♥ uses the ladder punch glitch 100% knowing that its a scum thing to do

Twitch PrimeHesitationVR: dont target the no spreader LUL

Robert Cop:
if u were a harry potter character ur name would be dudley death ahead

*SPEC* friday : sprog has at most a brain stem and nothing more

*SPEC* Ayers : dda i reckon you look like a jockey irl

friday : even on gear you cant skeet ♥♥♥♥

Krychaxd: Ipat. Dino. Caution. Long ago, the three Aussies streamed together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the F O R S E N B O Y S attacked. Only DDA, master of all four, could stop them, but when L4D2 needed him most, he was too salty. But my brother and I found the new Avatar, a salty l4d2 player named nevermore

dis_creet:LETS GO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot loser !! (btw ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot loser is dda, i can use his first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know top players but its not a big deal to me lol)

*SPEC* (S)Erika Kane : ♥♥♥♥ u server
[TS] Player (S)Erika Kane left. (Disconnect by user.)

(Survivor) Ɗαηβαη : dead
(Survivor) Ɗαηβαη : go play novice

carry me plz : im best yellow monkey

Bruce : if only you had to take an iq test to play this game, we wouldnt even be able to fill a lobby

Discreet: that's what seperates the good players from the bad, if I get noclip I am going in

A wise man : southeast asian "women" - high risk, high reward

*SPEC* vd屎 炼铜djn : u mom live Colombia

11 minutes away (Bits of Joy)
you don't get an e-harem by withholding affections
i'm just trying to expand my steam library
maybe get a nice cs:go knife skin
don't forget to smash that like & subscribe
to banter by bits

Grupo favorito
Aus/NZ L4D2 Confogl - Grupo público
Australian and New Zealand Competitive L4D
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