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Publicada el 21 JUL 2023 a las 13:53

This is legit the best way to experience Middle-Earth, period.

Have you ever wanted to visit Rivendell, Shire, Minas Tirith, Edoras, Moria, and many other popular locations in LotR? Well, you can do that in LotRO. And it’s not just limited to known and popular locations, you can see so much more. I’ve played almost all MMOs in existence, and I can say that this one has the best world by far. It doesn’t even matter the graphics are outdated, game will leave you speechless with its worldbuilding. Seeing Rivendell in Imladris valley left me speechless. Not to mention the moment when I entered Moria. Simply fantastic!

Regarding the story. It’s absolutely phenomenal. Both main and side quests are beautifully written. I suggest you to read the quests out loud for more immersion.

Music: Fantastic! It goes well toe to toe with OST from the movies. You will find yourself staying in a single area, chilling, smoking a pipe, just to hear that song one more time.

Gameplay: Now, this is where the type of player you are bears importance. If you don’t care about the story, and only want to level up, gear up, and do endgame content, like in braindead games like WoW, you can do that, but you will get bored pretty soon. This game is all about the journey. The game is much slower than other MMOs, there are 140 levels at the moment of this review, and after lvl 20, getting levels gets a bit slower l, which is completely fine. It gives you the time to fully explore the rich world of Middle-Earth. If you’re not that type of player, you should move on and play something else.

Community: LOTRO community is the best in the MMO space. People will often offer help even if you don’t ask for it. For instance, I asked in the chat how can I craft gear for myself, people answered and then someone sent me mail with the full low level set from the dungeon, along with accessories. And that’s extremely helpful early on, since you can die easily against several stronger mobs. Guilds are also great and helpful!

If you’re a Tolkien fan, you simply need to play this game! There is really no better way to experience Middle-Earth in its entirety!
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