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Останні рецензії користувача Glitch

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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 7
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93.4 год. загалом (92.3 год на момент рецензування)
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I want to preface this review by saying that for me, this project was incredibly personal and I absolutely loved it. If you're considering getting this game, I'd absolutely suggest it if for no other reason than to support a dedicated, active, and incredibly passionate developer. The small team working on this project are both very active in the community as well as consistently taking feedback and suggestions from their community. Works of love and dedication like this are extraordinarily rare and you should consider this as a reason alone to support this team.

All of that said, this is a highly customizable tactical rpg that has some inspiration evident from some of the greatest examples in the genre. Unfortunately because this genre is somewhat niche in the current market this project hasn't received the amount of attention it deserves. If you like tactical rpgs, you should buy this game. It is an excellent example of what can be accomplished in the genre and is worth every penny and then some. I simply cannot say enough kind things about this game and it truly breaks my heart that I nearly passed on it exclusively because of the low number of reviews. I am so happy I gave it a shot.

The concept and plot: Brilliant. There have been similar ideas explored but I've never seen it done in this format and I love the intrigue and how many of the story threads are left open either for player interpretation or for later sections of the game yet to be revealed and released. I think my favorite story beat was in the very endgame when the connection between the silence and beorg is revealed. Hit me like a sack of bricks.

The gameplay: Timeless. Most of us are into Turn based tactical rpgs because they have a unique manner of tickling that 'puzzle' bit of our brains while still feeling impactful. Speaking of which, Wantless does an amazing job at making you feel like you just punched something into oblivion, the sort of tactile feel of impacts in the game are done exceptionally well. What sets Wantless apart, however, in my experience is the incredible variation in playstyle and builds. As a single player game, the fact that some builds are simply better than others doesn't subtract from the experience because meta doesn't create a competitive gap between players. I simply can't praise the complexity of the builds enough, but most of all how gently the game eases you into these builds. I never once felt overwhelmed by options or choices which is an issue that often plagues games with so much customization. I'm still not sure how you did it, but it blows me away and is an example of brilliant planning and development.

The design and descriptions of environments and enemies: I've been struggling with trying to find a good way to describe this simply. It feels.. gross? Perhaps messy? But NOT in a bad way. Human minds are relentlessly complex and we're still trying to figure it all out and the visual representation of a traumatized mind by creating an environment that feels ill and distinctively unwelcoming is just a stroke of brilliance. The over the top obvious bits like the 'unwelcome' signs managed to make me chuckle while still being a fun way to show the instability of the environment. This is a game where exposition would be extremely expected given the complexity of the plot design and game concept, and yet I found I was given a lot more 'show' than 'tell', and that I can only respond with BRAVO.

Please give this game a shot, please review it to continue to increase the visibility of this project, please join the discord and help this community thrive and most of all, please help keep this genre alive by supporting developers that love these games and want to bring something fresh to the table.

If I can give this a numbered review, it's a 10. Unquestionably. As an early access project, it still has dozens of hours of unique and innovative gameplay and doesn't come short of presenting a beautiful experience. If I can rate the dev team, I'd give them a 10 as well. As a debut project this is so clearly a labor of love and an excellent example of the creativity we should be fostering in this space as players and consumers.

A fantastic example of a highly customizable tactical rpg. It checks every box for those interested in this genre. 10/10. Buy it.
Додано 23 квітня 2024 р..
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20.3 год. загалом (2.5 год на момент рецензування)
Look, I'll update this later. I just need to put this here, because I've never played any of this dev's games and went in totally blind on a suggestion from a friend. Just met the titular gator. All I have to say so far can be summarized in a pretty short sentence.

I thought this was a visual novel. Why is the animation in this SO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GOOD?

I paid 15$ for this right?
I'm 5 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minutes in the game and I feel like I've criminally underpaid for this.

I'll edit this later when I've completed the game.


Yeah. I hugged the gator. I may have had to take a few breaks to wash my face for totally unrelated reasons. Look, it's just good. The animation is good. The story is good. The thing is good. It's worth more than 15$. It's good. Just please play it. I got the ending I got, and I'm glad I did, and I'm not going to touch it again because as much as I admire the work that went into this game I need to let this experience exist without being disrupted by me playing through it again. I'm not going to let it become diminished through carefully choosing decisions I don't necessarily agree with. I'm happy with the experience that I had and I appreciate that this art exists. Now if you'll excuse me, need to go wash my face again after that ending. Ya jerks.

Thanks, Cavemanon.
Додано 19 лютого 2024 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 20 лютого 2024 р..
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44.1 год. загалом (21.7 год на момент рецензування)
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I suppose I should chip in to help this get some of the attention it deserves.

Coming off a binge of roguelike deckbuilders, This popped up to me as a bit of a risky try as it had released the same day I found it. I was NOT disappointed. I went through a few runs and found myself astounded at the sheer C O N T E N T in front of me. I put in 20 hours and was still unlocking new pilots, like what? This is early access right? I actually had to check. Look, hats off to the devs, this is a masterpiece of the genre and brilliantly put together. You can clearly see points of inspiration as well as strong innovation, and I'm still having a lot of fun with it.

Honestly, it's hard to give an early access game a 10, just because we can't know what is still in the plan for Lonestar. From what I've seen I can give it a solid 9.8, docking a bit based on some balancing issues that I'm quite certain will be ironed out in the near future. Sound design is good, art is awesome, character and theme concepts are great. I think the only thing I'd REALLY like to see fleshed out are some of the in-game explanations of systems and effects and how they work.

Really, this is worth picking up. An absolute pleasure if you enjoy this genre.
Додано 20 січня 2024 р..
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1,004.0 год. загалом (799.4 год на момент рецензування)
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It's good.

Will edit later with an actual review.
Додано 18 вересня 2022 р..
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20.9 год. загалом
Hero's Hour. A blatantly direct love letter to Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

I've read a lot of comments complaining about this game, and frankly I'm a little surprised they all seem to be around the same sort of idea. You need to play a certain way to win, there's really only one way to do it, et cetera et cetera. The thing that surprises me is that all of the issues people are whining about existed in HoMM3, and not only did they exist but are sort of central to the concept of the game. "No Necropolis" was something we just said if we were going to play pvp. It was simple, yet eloquent. It perfectly captured the fact that HoMM3 was an imbalanced mess that we all fell in love with.

In my opinion, Hero's Hour succeeds on two things very well. Capturing that feeling of nostalgia while mixing in enough differences to make this a whole new experience worth chewing on. I can't honestly find much to complain about, so far I've really enjoyed it. I noticed the AI could use a bit of work, but also noticed them doing things that ai in HoMM3 would never do that surprised me very much. Bravo, this game is fantastic. To anyone writing negative reviews, I'd imagine you would feel differently had you played Heroes 3. It's a shame, really, as this game is a pretty impressive faithful sort of homage.

For the record, in response to the negative review that claimed that you 'HaVe To RuSh To WiN', Bud, you know that that is how these games work. And worked. And will continue to work. That's not a secret strategy, that's like knowing the car goes on the right side of the road (In the US). It's common knowledge, and if you can't handle even the most basic of concepts like that, perhaps you should become a game journalist.

TL;DR: Buy the damn game if you played Heroes of Might and Magic 3. If you didn't consider it anyway. It's a solid piece of work.
Додано 11 березня 2022 р..
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224.9 год. загалом (48.4 год на момент рецензування)
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A lot of people are complaining about the necessity to grind to complete the game as it stands right now. Let me take a moment to dispel this notion.

I'm clearing Madness 3 currently with my brother. We've been obsessed with this game since we bought it a few days ago, and if you've completed it yet you'll have no doubt toyed with the madness mechanic. Not much of a spoiler, but madness 3 negates the use of a chest in your run and more importantly, does not reward the player with one. The chest is not there as a necessity, the chest is there to help, presumably, video game journalists be less terrible at the game.

I know this is coming across as a bit preachy. Judging the game based on a system to relax the difficulty curve, (like the chest rewards) is just silly. The game ramps and scales well with time. Like most rogue-lites, yes, you do get stronger from leveling characters and the chests do make the game easier, but they are by no means necessary to win. My goal is to clear madness 8 by the time they release the next big update, and if I can find a way to do it then perhaps I should consider a job in video game journalism.

Best of luck to all of you, this game is an absolute gem with a brilliant use of co-operative play in a style of a game that I've adored for most of my adult life.

Should you buy it? If, like me, you were a kid playing games like X-COM and picking characters with your friends to take turns in a sort of makeshift co-op, then yes. This game is well designed for single player but becomes increasingly fun with more people. Try it. Give it a shot.

It is worth it.
Додано 14 вересня 2021 р..
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1,487.1 год. загалом (1,214.2 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на CS:GO
So this is going to get drowned out and I certainly doubt it will be seen, but here goes.

This game is relatively well crafted for its time. The positives are there, it provides an arena for developing beautiful strategies and the team play can often be a treat. The issue that I have is not with the community, it's not with the toxicity, it isn't with something out of the developer's control. My issue with this game is almost entirely with the lack of thought and effort put into matchmaking. There are elo systems that work, there are ranking systems that work, this isn't one of them. I can't bring myself to say that the matchmaking in this game is well done when the vast majority of games are one-sided. You either absolutely stomp on your opposition, or you get stomped. A beautifully rare game is a close and well matched game, and it being so rare is the issue here. I LOVE when I'm against a well matched opponent, where they use their advantages and exploit their opponents weaknesses, where they adapt and build a strategy to counter the one my team is putting forward. This happens maybe 1 in 25-50 games or so, and that's just not a great system. This has been an issue for years and doesn't seem to be addressed well, if at all.

I love the physics system and the grenades. I love the concept of pushing onto a site and shuffling out opposing positions with utility. I love all of these concepts, but winning against planks or losing against elites just saps so much of the fun from the game. You built a great foundation to a game but took a vacation with your matchmaking.

TL;DR Game is good, matchmaking is horribly optimized thus distracting from the game itself.
Додано 2 травня 2020 р..
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1,747.4 год. загалом (1,009.9 год на момент рецензування)
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I've been a part of this game since around Alpha 11. I originally bought it before that and tooled around in it a bit and I remember distinctly people throwing fits about it being an early access title and a scam and worries that TFP would abandon the project.

I'm a proud supporter of the game. I've purchased it for multiple friends, hosted servers and love everything that TFP has done to improve the game and listen to the feedback of their fanbase. I love this game and I love these developers. I would suggest this game to anyone that is a fan of the survival and building genre, it's only improved over the years.
Додано 7 квітня 2020 р..
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504.1 год. загалом (52.8 год на момент рецензування)
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For me, Darkest Dungeon arrived at a time when it was needed. The market has been more or less flooded with independant and beautifully artistic games recently, and though that's certainly not a bad thing, what myself and I imagine many members of the independant gaming community enjoy in a game can be easily described as depth and challenge.

Darkest Dungeon may be lacking somewhat in depth compared to finished roguelike masterpieces, but for an early access game it is absolutely bursting in content and challenge. As far as difficulty goes, this game brings me back to the classic dungeon crawlers of the late 90's. It has the innate ability to teeter between punishing and rewarding risky decisions, and this always makes embarking on a mission something that takes time to plan for. Your party composition may have lots of crowd control and support capabilities, but if you don't balance it properly, your damage will be lacking and you'll soon find yourself with a party of champions teetering on the brink of insanity. When one hero's mind wavers, he will begin pulling the rest of them down with him, like a drowning victim reaching for escape only to personally ensure the mortality of his would-be rescuers.

This game is enjoyable in every aspect. The atmosphere and voice acting work adds to the immersion and sense of dread, the enemies always seem hell-bent on making life as terrible (terribly enjoyable in the most masochistic way) as possible for you, the art style is dark and interesting, and the story makes you want to continue delving deeper, again and again into the darkest dungeon!

TL;DR: Excellent game in all aspects, if you're looking for a punishing but overall enjoyable dungeon crawler, look no further. The team on this project deliver an excellent product that I will continue looking forward to updates and new content daily.

9.8/10 based on being unfinished alone. Higly recommended to people that enjoy challenge in their games.
Додано 9 лютого 2015 р..
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