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guy   Haifa, Hefa, Israel
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“sekiro: shadows die twice was my first souls born game, and as a new soulsborne fan, the game did a really good job of hooking me to the genre”~me

In sekiro: shadows die twice, you play a shinobi, with no past name other than Wolf, chosen by your master, who you had to guard and save at all cost, but when you get more down the rabbit hole, you learn how complex the things are.
The game gives a very interesting story, with a lot of small details on the side, to keep you searching for more and more information about the story.

The game’s combat is very complex, with a lot of bosses changing through different moves, which will always keep you on your feet, and force you to change and adapt your strategy.
Yet the combat is still not too complex to the length of forcing you to relearn the entire game’s combat. And with new abilities added by grinding and progressing, you wouldn’t feel that the combat becomes too state and boring.

Additional mechanics:
The game also gives the player the ability to climb and parkour throughout the map, and with a grapple hook aiding you to move through the rooftops, you’ll feel like those mechanics really make the game much more fun, even while just traveling throughout the game’s map.

Dynamic story:
Based on different events in the story, the game’s map will change dynamically as well while progressing, helping the game’s world to feel alive at times, with NPCs moving from place to place, and new enemies coming to old places, making the game feel fresh with new challanges.

While almost all utility throughout the game will have a use in some point or another, a high amount of utility means some of the utility is barely be used, compare to some which are used almost all the time, with some utility suffering from power creep, rendering others useless. In my opinion, the game does suffer in that regard at times.

Even after finishing the game, you’ll have special challenges, different ending, side missions, new game+ and many more to still keep you coming for more.

The difficulty question:
As a new player to the series (who didn’t even knew the joke about how hard souls games are), the game is challenging, and may take a lot of time to master (and curses), but in a fair way. Most of the time, the game’s difficulty would come from not being conscious to the threats of the environment, and from the need to study the enemies’ moves.
In other words, the difficulty isn’t unnecessary, and compliments the game’s mechanics and combat.

In my opinion, Sekiro: shadows die twice is a great game to enter into the series, with fun and complex mechanics, hard yet fair gameplay, interesting story. However, still lacks a bit due to too much utility. Really a masterpiece of a game in my opinion.

Pros and cons:
- fun gameplay
- great story
- challenging yet fair
- great and beautiful graphics
- adaptable environment at times
- a lot of replayability

- takes time to master
- hard to run
- to much utility
- require a lot of time to grind at times

Rating: 9.3/10