Street Muthafuckin Jimmy   Canada
Hello, Welcome to my profile here you will find information about the things I do and how I do them.(Drop Down)

All trades I do with real money ($$$$$$ for those that don't understand), I will not go first unless you are well known

I buy and sell keys and knifes
If I come to you for a knife I will buy at 100% market value as it is for a special ocasion, but if you come to me trying to sell I will only buy for 90% of the value.
I sell keys for 3.00 CAD or equivelent, When you see keys in my inventory that means they are for sale. I buy keys for a a price that will never be mentioned as that is classified for my "dealers" sake.

I know every scam in the book(invoice paypal, Middleman, Sending something to a good friend, 2 trade ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, item is worth this much but in reality its not, two people scams one wants something of yours but the other is looking for it) thats just some of it

If you can somehow scam me goodjob as I will never be able to be scammed.

Terminus Central
This is a community I help run and anyone there can vouch for me.
We are currently looking for some members that are dedicated to CS:GO and can be in teamspeak on call. All members must know smokes and flashes for maps that say when we ask. We have a 120 slot teamspeak and IP will not be disclosed unless asked for. Anyone that joins is under the codition that they can get banned and I will not save them from it. If you harrass us you will regret.

Currently Offline
ToastyAnakin 22 Sep, 2015 @ 6:36am 
scammer dont trade with this ♥♥♥♥♥♥
RAINBOW SHOWER 2 Sep, 2015 @ 10:51pm 
Je1Iybean 2 Sep, 2015 @ 10:49pm 
HAHAHAHAHAHA loser. Smurfing my ass. what a loser resorting to hacking
RAINBOW SHOWER 2 Sep, 2015 @ 10:49pm 
rosunda1937 29 Aug, 2015 @ 11:15pm 
-rep he scammed me :(
Incident 22 Aug, 2015 @ 10:02pm 