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1 person found this review helpful
709.5 hrs on record (520.7 hrs at review time)
funny terraria mods
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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37.5 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
so im not a pvp game player, never liked it, i heard back when overwatch 1 came out that it was going to include a pve mode, it didnt i still played it anyway with hopes of one, come 4 years later ow2 is announced with pve going to be a central focus. where is that now? no where. gone reduced to hopes in developers heads for a company that will never allow real creativity over cost.
Posted 10 August, 2023.
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335.7 hrs on record (93.6 hrs at review time)
Rise on its own, it feels lacking in content but that is also because its the 4 to 4g/u, i think with sunbreak hopefully things will feel more fulfilling, side note god nerf the bowguns please

after playing through sunbreak rise has definitly gotten a good change, lots of variety in playstyle and build choices weapon design is great as older mh games used to do, the new afflicited monster system is, intresting unsure if its better than the hypers or older apex monsters from gu and 4u.

Posted 26 June, 2022. Last edited 21 September, 2023.
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5,147.9 hrs on record (1,448.8 hrs at review time)
help please
I am ascending
Posted 2 October, 2019. Last edited 9 April, 2024.
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0.8 hrs on record
i have made a mistake
Posted 16 May, 2019.
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2,112.3 hrs on record (557.7 hrs at review time)
Monster Hunter. What can be said that hasnt been said about it, that hasn't been said before. Well being the newest entry into the series world changed alot for the better and for the worst I'll start with the things it does wrong then the things it does right.

Things this game did wrong
1.Online balance- in monster Hunter world they put more emphasis on the game being a connected experience not a bad thing but when it comes to online hunts a duo will have to deal with a monster that has 4x HP making it way harder online especially for players who came from say monster Hunter 4 ultimate or generations.

2.lack of charcter- the monster Hunter series has always had it's charm of silliness world toned this down alot with it's more realistic approach sure thats nice but it took away alot of the charm the series has had.

3.less connected- in the past guild halls where 4 players world upped that to 16 but they took away a key feature seeing each other and talking to other hunters if you go the gathering hall now unless it's a kulve taroth session it will most likely be empty since everyone stays in astera. They could fix this by having everyone be visible in astera making it feel more alive.

4.Bloat values- now to most this won't matter but to us older fans after x and xx or generations we had pure damage values and not bloated values bloated values are things such as the starter weapons a sword and sheild does 60 while a greatsword does 100+ these values aren't true they just make it seem like the great sword is stronger when in actuality it is the same attack power just increased by the motion value like a sns may hit fast but it's motion value is low giveing it maybe 60% of it's attack power while a fully charged gs has a 130% attack power or more.

Things world does right

1. Graphics-obviously it looks amazing compared to older games it's definitely an improvement

2. Healing-moving while healing is amazing that's all I'm going to say

3. artillery sections- You can roll while carrying cannons thank God

4.hunting horn- I may be biased as a hunting horn main but the ability to chain songs and the chest sheet on the top right

Finishing thoughts

There is more I could say but I'm writing this on my phone and my fingers hurt I'll finish it later the game gets an 8/10 from me
i shall never finish because ♥♥♥♥ this
Posted 30 April, 2019. Last edited 12 December, 2023.
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360.5 hrs on record (197.3 hrs at review time)
fixed my issue with it now still abit annoying but its worth it somewhat
Posted 28 July, 2018. Last edited 3 August, 2018.
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171.0 hrs on record (34.6 hrs at review time)
Ah paladins paladins paladins i played you when you first were out and everyone thought it would be another overwatch clone and die but it didnt instead they made it one of the most fun free fps games on steam without pay to win mechanics i stopped playing for a while to play the game that according to many is what this game ripped off Blizzzards Overwatch. After playing overwatch since its launch till now i cannot continue to play it its just getting to un balanced and blizzard refuses to aknowldege it not to say paladins is balanced no game is but hi rez makes an attempt and trys to be active with its community, so in shot im really happy to see this game still around and i think its gonna replace overwatch and tf2 for me keep up the good work hi rez :3 -Hana (p.s english is not my main langauge so.. expect gramatical issues here)
Posted 26 July, 2018.
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69.1 hrs on record (30.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 5 July, 2018.
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11.7 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
Personal opinion- A great single player fps a big refresher after the endless multiplayer fps games, not to say any of those are bad but its nice to go back to the roots of the genere. Wolfenstein has always been the same kinda game for most of its games this one is no diffrent. If you are looking for a good and satasifying action game or just wanna shoot up some nazis this is the game for you. Gameplay- The game plays very well and the controls are very fluent and easy to understand but there are some things hidden from the player but with a little practice you can easily master the combat system in this game wether it be guns blazing or stealthy. Overall- the game is really great very few flaws id give it a 8.5/10
Posted 27 December, 2017.
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