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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 171.0 hrs on record (34.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 26 Jul, 2018 @ 5:47am

Ah paladins paladins paladins i played you when you first were out and everyone thought it would be another overwatch clone and die but it didnt instead they made it one of the most fun free fps games on steam without pay to win mechanics i stopped playing for a while to play the game that according to many is what this game ripped off Blizzzards Overwatch. After playing overwatch since its launch till now i cannot continue to play it its just getting to un balanced and blizzard refuses to aknowldege it not to say paladins is balanced no game is but hi rez makes an attempt and trys to be active with its community, so in shot im really happy to see this game still around and i think its gonna replace overwatch and tf2 for me keep up the good work hi rez :3 -Hana (p.s english is not my main langauge so.. expect gramatical issues here)
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