8 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 560.7 hrs on record (213.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: Sep 17, 2015 @ 9:16pm
Updated: Sep 17, 2015 @ 9:18pm

Early Access Review
Since its release to alpha it was made aparent this game and the people behind it are somthing rare and special.

The forest is a sp/coop survival game placed in a remote enviornment. A survivor of a plane crash you must come to your senses, no guns no gimiks just you a crafted axe and a forest filled with canabals er mutants as they like to be called. A lil more realistic than rust this is no 7 days to die game. The lighting and gfx are moving in an exciting direction. As is the dev of the game.

Endnight games has blown the bar right off the hangers here. Consistant updates (literally, i mean these guys put the counter on thier game menu) and meet the timeline without fail or immeadiate communication. The steam community is being managed in a manor that should become codex for ea games. The game itsself is a awesome example of care and skill. A great base with wip that not only is fun to use but allows for player input. The work being done here is beyond my highest expectations of this nature and after a long time of consistant performance this games quality and ability cannot be contested by even the big names out there..... in fact all big names out there are hard pressed to keep up with the level of skill being displayed here.

Anyways. as I usally do i warn : if you dont know how to deal with beta games please wait. If your a gamer like me i recomend this one and actually ask you to come help us with this one. It has great potensional and the devs really desurve the help and effort.
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Corona2172 Sep 19, 2015 @ 4:39am 
I am inclined to agree with you completely. Though my hours are few (more than listed due to offline mode), I have actually had this game for about a year. During that time I played sporadically; just checking in for updates. After a few months I have returned to it and....wow. The graphics look better. The world is bigger and more fleshed out. There is far more to do than I last remember. You are spot on when you say that this should be the standard for ea games. This team is awesome. The fact that the game is only $15 is crazy considering the amount of fun I have now coupled with how much there is sure to be in the future (if current trends continue).