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GreasyGamer Jan 25 @ 12:04pm 
-rep another stinky cheeter
76561199571134187 Dec 26, 2024 @ 3:29pm 
+rep nice profile😉
76561199165612798 Apr 19, 2024 @ 6:10pm 
+rep nice profile😉
wellhung69 Mar 17, 2023 @ 11:21am 
dude garbage ukn
Niilo Feb 4, 2023 @ 2:44am 
If i were to 1v1 you, with old spray and you had new spray, not only would you be 6 feet under, you wouldnt have the guts to ♥♥♥♥ talk me, or even have the guts to continue more then a round. you wouldnt even be able to post something like this on your youtube channel because you would know deep down in your heart, that this ak spray was the saving grace in your rust career and the only thing that is keeping you in this game to this day.
Niilo Feb 4, 2023 @ 2:44am 
you walled, meded to full, peaked, half your body is behind the wall (which is the pussiest thing you can do in UKN) and him having 170 dmg to your 115 dmg before either of yall dmged eachother. NOT TO MENTION the clip is litterally ONE single round. which tells me how EVERY other round played out. My friend. this is no flex, this shows truly the player who you are, and its not a pvper. ALSO they changed recoil for ak, so now 5 year olds that have half their brains and play with 1 hand and 1 foot can spray the ak straighter then your sexual preference and now you are able to kill this man that has more then over 3.5k hours then you. FYI, i dont know you, or him. i just saw this on my youtube for you page, and it kills me to see this ♥♥♥♥ because you shouldnt even be able to spray ak that most people with any amounts of hours that have played this game worked so hard for, just for it to be destroyed to benefit the little ♥♥♥♥ talkers like yourself.