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Recent reviews by Jack Noir

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16.9 hrs on record
An outstanding production! Well written, well voice acted, and well designed.

The story cleverly weaves its own plot alongside the official games' canon, and even goes a bit further into events that have only been hinted at (or leaked I guess). We might never get HL2:E3, but I regard this as HL2:E2.5. There are a couple of rough edges here and there, but the important parts are all niiicely polished, and I for one am grateful that these guys gave us what Valve refuses to. For free, no less!
Posted April 11, 2023.
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5.0 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is EXACTLY what you think it is. Very faithful to the comic, right down to the (optional) tedious inventory nonsense!

It's quite glitchy, but it already shows great promise. I'm really looking forward to seeing these bugs get ironed out, but even in its current state I'd recommend at least trying it. It's fun to just frig around inside a house, eject your sylladex at bad guys, and lose yourself in a mountain of cruxite totems.

Even if it's not perfect, it's enjoyable.
Posted April 15, 2022.
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124.8 hrs on record (39.0 hrs at review time)
If you liked OFDP1, you might be skeptical that the sequel really is an improvement. Let me lay your fears to rest: this game is better.

The campaign has more game modes, the survival mode is better fleshed out and no longer forces you into a boring "heal up" section every 250 kills, and there is a new thing called "gauntlet" which is sort of like a mini randomized campaign. These are all straight upgrades.

There are lots of other changes though, like the skill system being totally overhauled. At first I thought it was pretty stupid, but after playing with it for a while, I like the new system better. If you just read a list of what the new skills are, it'll sound like they made the game too easy (especially when you're allowed to have all skills active at the same time!) so I won't go into the details. Don't be fooled, the game is still hard, and you'll need the extra skills if you want to get far in the survival modes.

The animations and art style is also a bit different, with the stick figures being quasi-3d and having (optional) eyes. However, it still looks and feels like those old xiao xiao animations from the 00s, so it's all good.

There are also a ton of secret bonus levels and minigames, which I didn't care for personally, but are completely optional.

If I had to change one thing, I'd make it so there was a survival mode that incorporated more of the different campaign modes. I really love the ones where you fight on top of a train, but I don't want to just do the same campaign levels over and over again!

Overall a 5/5 experience for me.
Posted January 25, 2021.
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11.4 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
I'm very surprised this game isn't getting more attention. It's like 2D skyrim, but set in the Dwarf Fortress universe (technically its own setting, but with very similar themes and lots of nods to DF lore) and also there's some Diablo-eqsue elements to the looting. Plus there's also a base building aspect, where you build an encampment and attract workers to help gather resources while you're out fighting. And there's a little minigame you play with the innkeeper, which, while being a simple clicker game, is perfect for if your workers are close to having collected enough wood to build that new building you wanted, and you want to get that finished before setting out on another adventure. There are just SO MANY FEATURES.

The combat seems simple, but I quickly found there are plenty of tricks you can learn, and you absolutely CANNOT rush into every conflict, hacking and slashing, and expect your superior stats to carry you to victory. Use stealth, use range, use your shield.
Posted April 14, 2020.
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25.8 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
This game is unbelievably good. Looking at screenshots or even gameplay footage simply does not prepare you for how insanely lit every second is when you're playing Soldat.

At first, you'll die a lot without knowing why. There's no tutorial or anything like that, and if the server you join is busy, you can end up getting killed moments after spawning. This is pretty standard fare for multiplayer action games, but the neat thing about Soldat is you learn pretty quickly. I would guess it takes maybe an hour to pick up most of the basics, and from there on out it's all just fun.
Posted April 13, 2020.
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2.0 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Mustache game on point
Posted November 22, 2019.
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4.8 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
It's lit fam
Posted November 18, 2019.
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12.4 hrs on record (3.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game is exciting and fast paced from the very moment the race starts, and your heartrate will not drop until the race is over. It's F-Zero for PC!

And it's free so you have no excuse not to download it right now.
Posted May 15, 2017.
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39.1 hrs on record (30.9 hrs at review time)
The game is fantastic.

It's simple and fun, while at the same time being complex and infuriating. Also, it's free!

Also, it's really quick to play a few rounds. In the time it took you to read this review, you could have died 4 times and unlocked a new weapon.
Posted November 23, 2016.
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5.7 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The people who made this game knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

I guarantee this game is different from how you imagine it going.

Posted May 17, 2015.
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