Kaptain K. Rool
Kaptain K. Rool
Th' legendary pirate Kaptain K. Rool be what they call me. Wit' th' Gang Plank Galleon and Th' Flying Krock th' high seas be mine. Togethar wit' me Kremlin' Kuthroats, gettin' me revenge on that bilge-sucking ape and his friends fer sinkin' me island twice will be had.
And piratin' on th' side, gotta have some fun while seekin' revenge

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160 Hours played
Jus' spent th' night inta' th' mornin' playin' Space Engineers on a random serva' wit' two hearties on Steam. 'Bout 9pm ta' late inta' 9am. Durin' this time we had fun travelin' and scavengin' on serva's. At around 2am we found th' last serva' we would play on fer that session

Th' otha' two stole a ship from offline playa's and commandeered an NPC ship, then I joined th' serva'. Mind ye neitha' ship had any weapons on 'em. While th' NPC ship was docked on th' playa' ship ta' be scrapped a meteor showa' hit th' playa' ship destoryin' a side o' th' ship. We decide ta' take off inta' th' distance wit' th' NPC ship docked wit' th' playa' ship and eventually crash and leave. Durin' th' flight I left th' playa' ship and took command o' th' docked NPC ship. I soon disconnected both ships midflight, which sent 'em spiralin' outta control in opposite directions. We met again in sapce, I was chasin', and we had a melee ship fight, both ships flailin' about afta' we crashed. Th' playa' ship lost th' fight, I be victorious in th' NPC ship. Wit' me NPC ship's gyroscope broken we had no means o' controllin' th' ship as it spun irradically inta' space. Wit' time and great effort (also many deaths) we took th' NPC ship and managed ta' fix it up wit' what remained on board. We set out randomly hittin' stuff wit' passanga' seats on board. We smashed inta' some asteroids, missed a military NPC ship, and killed a small NPC ship in one go. Along th' journey our control panel got damaged and we had no means o' replacin' th' lost computa's. Wit' no control seat fer th' ship we had ta' improvise. We stuck a cheapa' ta' build remote control on th' ship, and through a passenga' seat we were able ta' control it. We decided ta' go back ta' th' remains o' th' playa' ship still floatin' in space, its two antenna still broadcastin' ta' us its location. We looted it fer more fuel and took one antenna fer our own. We then sent th' "Krem Beacon" off inta' space wit' th' thrusta's on ovarride still goin' off in a random direction so some may find its remains flyin' through space.
Afta' multiple hits and hours o' flyin' randomly in th' void o' space and goin' through 'bout 4 changes ta' th' ship we smashed sideways inta' th' final asteroid. Th' impact destroyed our remote control, medical bays, and sent' various parts flyin' evary which way. Th' gyroscope once again gone, but th' reactor and all its powa' remained. We managed ta' catch th' antenna, place it on th' spinnin' ship once more, and name it "Kremling's Last Stand" wit' enough fuel ta' last fer 8 years so that all who go on that serva' may see what remains o' our faithful journey. Before we left we put th' remainin' thrusta's on ovvarride so it may fly through th' galazy o' that serva'. We neva' knew th' name o' that serva', and probably neva' will, but it be a night we shan't easily ferget
None o' us eva' died from any o' th' impacts, despite our seats bein' at th' front

Afta' flailin' around in a ship and diein' bunches o' times on a random serva' we spent ova' 5 hours kareenin' through space on a smashed ship we managed ta' fix wit' only what remained on it (mostly) and used it ta' smash inta' stuff

8 pieces o' 8, would reccomend
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maodraws 19 Jun, 2024 @ 1:27pm 
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akiReijii彡 6 Jan, 2020 @ 5:06am 
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:nekosuzu:    :CaraTeehee::CaraTeehee::ws_lewd:    :ws_lewd::CaraTeehee::CaraTeehee:    :nekosuzu:
:ws_lewd::CaraTeehee:        :CaraTeehee::nekosuzu::CaraTeehee:        :CaraTeehee::ws_lewd:
:nekosuzu::CaraTeehee:            :CaraTeehee:            :CaraTeehee::nekosuzu:
    :ws_lewd::CaraTeehee:                    :CaraTeehee::ws_lewd:   
        :nekosuzu::CaraTeehee:            :CaraTeehee::nekosuzu:       
            :ws_lewd::CaraTeehee:    :CaraTeehee::ws_lewd:
𝓗𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴 :scslylilim:
Errantem 3 Jul, 2015 @ 9:05pm 
I claim this Steam account in the name of the Pirate Soviet Union.
The Lil Awoo 7 Jul, 2013 @ 1:49pm 
BoarKingofItaly 20 May, 2013 @ 8:45am 
I'm only level 1 :/
Sticks 16 May, 2013 @ 9:33pm