KenJ2JR   North Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
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'MOON' - The Traveler | Destiny 2
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53 Hours played
(Edit - 30th November 2021 - 0900 PST)
This game is not worth playing right now. Is the multiplayer fun, YES. Besides that fact, nothing else works. Challenges are broken. XP is semi broken, even with the update. Guns and hit boxes are broken. Vehicles and Grenades clip your toenail and you die. Challenges do not register in game and do so AFTER the match. You complete your 10 kills, well hold your breath you dont get kicked mid game due to server issues or that the data loads at the end of the match to actually count! You can say its in BETA or Free To Play, but dont lower your Standards, because the past year or two with games, this is the new normal and its not okay.
Downvote this game hard like we did with CYBERPUNK 2077. and only....IF....343 fixes it, we should then begin to change them to UPVOTES. You think the mutiplayer has its problems...look at all the things not in it right now and imagine how the Campaign is going to release. It wont even have Co-op!

Disregard the rest of the Review below, till a more updated review comes! Thank you!

Moon's Mythic Review

Welcome fellow gamers! I would like to start off by saying that I have played every Halo game, from the Original Trilogy, to The Reclaimer Saga, to the Spin-Offs. Id also like to point out this is only a review on the Multiplayer Experience (FOR NOW) which is still stated to be in BETA till actual release on 8th December 2021.



Halo Infinite looks absolutely gorgeous, as it should, given 343 had another year to work on it. They are also using their own new engine called Slipspace. The effects, lighting, settings and overall graphic of it seem quite improved from previous titles and trailers. It runs pretty smoothly @ 144hz, if you have the hardware for it. The guns sound great, the AI have their differences that bring in more fun ways to interact with the game and the armor sets look amazing.


The game feels great to pick up. The controls on M&K and Controller are very easy to understand and get used to, even for those who have not played the Franchise. I will say Controller has a slight Aim-Assist on PC and Console, but it just takes the right settings on M&K for yourself to become consistent in recoil and accuracy.


Playing with friends is easy and exciting and the multiplayer shows alot of potential. It has a alot of room to grow and I believe it will do so. With many of the recent shooters released as of late, this one feels way better polished and fleshed out. In the hours I have played so far, Ive had more fun in one match then Ive had playing 100+ hours of other recent shooters.



No Pun intended, but the EXP Boost/Challenges are so underwhelming and the worst I have seen in really any game. The one daily is to play a game (which was not in there at the start) for 50 EXP. It would take you 20 Matches to level up 1 level in the 100 level battle pass. If you play a match for est. 20mins, you are looking @ almost 6-7 hours of non-stop playing for ONE LEVEL! The weeklies do help but you are limited to 4 weeklys at once with multiple upcoming challenges after. However the challenges have you do gun specific or game specific challenges. While its not that bad, it almost promotes you not the play the way you want too. It doesnt help either that in some objective based challenges, you may not beable to do because when selecting game modes, you have no say in what you will be playing as it is all random. The EXP Boosts for 2x EXP and are NOW limited to 1hour per boost, but they only work when COMPLETING CHALLENGES! The system is just flawed and broken. The battle pass itself awards barely any really good cosmetics so far, and awards you more EXP Boost and Challenge Swaps, which have no real value as of yet. Better to hold onto them for now.

(EDIT: As of 30th November 2021, XP will be as follow
| Game 1:300|Game 2:200|Game 3:200|Game 4:100|Game 5:100|Game 6:100|Game 7+:50)
While this does help, I have noticed that when doing challenges, sometimes the objectives you complete do not always count. I had 18 kills one game in Slayer, and it only counted 6 for my challenge. This has happened on a few challenges this week on different objectives not counting.

Onto the guns. The guns feel so unbalanced compared to the other games. You either run the AR or the BR or you run the BOOM BOOM One Tap No Skill guns that are scattered around the map and respawn, what feels like instantly. Some will say you need to hit headshots or all your shots, but when you are close range using the Shotgun aka Bulldog, and you tap someone twice, only for them to 360 and blast you away with half a clip of AR, its disappointing. Its worth mentioning to, that that hit boxes feel inconsistent. One moment all your shots connect and you kill someone quickly or you use the entire clip, missing no body/head shots but they do not connect properly and you still manage not to kill someone. I will also mention that alot of previous weapons are missing from the arsenal. Now I am not sure if that has to do with where H:I takes place or not but MANY and I mean MANY guns are not in the game. Forerunner weapons being the biggest one. Unless they are holding out till the "Beta" is over, the meta is AR / BR or Rocket / Swords

The Maps. Oh boy! In Big Team Battle you currently are limited to 3 maps. 2 of which feel so unbalanced in Team Spawns that you just cry when you get them and are on the less covered and more scattered weapon side. As for other Ranked maps, they are fine, at best. Could they be bigger. YES! Some game modes, like CTF, you can grab it and score in less than 20 seconds. It also doesnt help with all the following above, and this game being F2P, that most people do not do OBJ or will go for challenges to get 'X amount of kills using X' or so on, and end up going 0-15 or something equivalent, just to complete what they need to.

The Store and Customization. While I do not have a huge problem with it. $10-$20 for some of the items, its just absurd. You have different armor cores, so they get away with charging you money for BLUE for one armor core, and able to sell or have you earn BLUE for another. All of the good customizations also seem to be locked behind paywalls. I also want to note that I remember 343 saying EACH piece of armor would be customizable and able to be colored. However it seems they went with more of a Destiny 2 Shader idea, rather than a Warframe color palatte option.

Overall the game feels great and plays great. Being a fan boy of Halo, I will say I may be abit biased, but what Halo Infinite does WRONG the few little things it does RIGHT just feel so good and Im excited to see where the game ends up being after the BETA and going into the new year. Hopefully 343 adapts some of the good qualities of previous titles into this and build upon the amazing QoL things it has started such as the never ending Battle Pass that you can always go back to, should you not have time to play that season

Overall @ Halo Infinites Multiplayer state, I give it a big ole' - 7/10

Its FREE TO PLAY! What more could you want out of a game.
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10HoursClaudette May 13, 2024 @ 8:47pm 
this guy is really cool
ChrysG14 Jun 24, 2021 @ 7:12pm 
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