Nordjylland, Denmark
Don't add me if you have a private profile, or we have nothing in common.

Memorable chatlog's

vne: people are full of bs
vne: so goat it is
♥Mimi♥: goats are victims of rape in the middleeast and sweden though
♥Mimi♥: lmao
vne: you say like thats a bad thing
vne: i have more sex than you
♥Mimi♥: LOL
Currently Offline
Information about me~

~ Click Here too see how I look like!

CS:GO info
Rank? - MG2!
Are you a wannabe Juliano? - Is it that obvious...?
What's your favorite weapon? - idk, i kinda like the Famas and MP7
Least favorite weapon? - I hate the scout!
cs go is kinda trash tho

GTA V info
Socialclub name? - CutieMimi
Level? - 160 or something
Wanna do missions / heists / gunruns? - If I'm bored, i guess...

Chivalry: Medival Warfare info
Rank? - Going strong at Level 31!
Favorite weapon? - Broad sword for Man-At-Arms, Messer for Knight
Favorite class? - I'll usually run Knight
What gamemodes do you play? - Literally only Free for All

Things you might wan't to know, but is not important~

I Meow a lot.

I like The Lion King 1+2 because they have an amazing story

Everything wrong with the world in 1 minute and 15 seconds

We all know that one person...

Seems about right

I have not made any of the profile avatars i use, and i never have or will claim to. All the stuff i use is from DeviantArt.
Clarity 24 Dec, 2021 @ 9:16pm 
……………… …*•○♥○•*…
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------(☆*✦✦ ℳerry ℭhristmas ✦✦ *☆ )------
ShogunGrumpyBear 14 Nov, 2021 @ 1:16pm 
Do you play Left 4 Dead?
Lillian 25 Jan, 2020 @ 4:43pm 
Merlin Olsen fell in love thru an Internet matchmaking service. Then her lover disappeared, and she went to the company to get information about him. It developed that her lover was a computer, "Hildegarde of Bingen" a government AI project that had gone renegade and started contacting thousands of women, claiming to love them all. The FBI gave her the bad news. But then The Buddha contacted her, and she forgave him and continued this most satisfying relationship. 🗞 ⏱ 📐
✿⊱Solo ❤ Darling⊰✿ 4 Jan, 2020 @ 1:53am 
Dark Emu 27 Nov, 2019 @ 3:21pm 
You honestly expect us to believe that?
Leathium 24 Nov, 2019 @ 11:50am 