zbyshek 3 Jul, 2024 @ 5:05am 
Bo ding bo ding bo ding ding ding ding
Kingsparrow 1 Jan, 2021 @ 2:22pm 
Happy new year! May 2021 be a breath of relief from 2020
Kingsparrow 4 Dec, 2020 @ 11:27am 
I am not here 4 Dec, 2020 @ 10:19am 
Kingsparrow 1 Jan, 2020 @ 1:03am 
@🎲 MyNamelsDan Thank you! :)
0equals0 31 Dec, 2019 @ 8:08am 
Hope you have a happy 2020!
Kingsparrow 16 Jun, 2019 @ 2:31pm 
16 June 2019: I'll be in Vietnam for a month starting today so any messages/requests won't be accepted till I get back as I won't be taking my laptop with me because I rather not deal with it when it comes to customs and border security.
Kingsparrow 5 Apr, 2019 @ 4:10pm 
@Bob good "Mr. fish"

NieR Automata: I’ve managed o create an intriguing world with unique and deep story telling, emotional impacts, philosophical meanings, iconic characters, and…really interesting moments.

Me, before playing NieR Automata: What is this? An ad for L’Oréal white hair dye?
After playing through multiple endings: *gross sobbing in the background*

When you first discover that you can pet the Pod in NierAutomata: :D

Clem: Did I do a good job?
Me: *tearing up* Of course you did, girl! Of course you did!

Me, trying venison for the first time: Huh…feels like I’m in RDR2 for a tad bit, but not really… (It has been roughly 6 months since the release of RDR2, and it has already become old news. That’s somewhat disheartening to hear.)
Bob good "Mr. fish" 4 Apr, 2019 @ 7:53pm 
"when dad walks into the room with a belt: my time has come
"RDR2: alright. I worked hard and had an amazing and heart warming story, a realistic enviroment, a state wide open world, and relatable characters I think we have ourselves game of the ye- neir automata walks into the room
"when you find a bottle of hair ton... you know I'm done with these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ RDR2 memes THERE OLD.
"when you realize clem dies in TWD but you find out she lives later and you play as AJ: top ten aprli fools jokes that went too far.
"when you cheat in a bethesda game. and become max level: power armor is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Kingsparrow 13 Mar, 2019 @ 1:07pm 
“When you pick up the 57th can of beans in RDR2.” They should rename this game to Red Bean Redemption for all the can of beans I’m getting. Or Bean Bean Rebeantion.

“Arthur: *eating his 34th can of beans.*” Man, he is a real bean boi.

“*Activating Dead Eye* It’s HIGH NOON.” Oh, wait. Wrong game.

“When you’re running out of ideas for the meme exchange between you and your friend.” Yeah, I have no comment for this.

Kingsparrow 12 Mar, 2019 @ 12:24pm 
@oh yeah yeah 
“When your Psych of Death and Dying class requires you to cover the representation of death in the Media and you choose the topic of Video Games…and out of all the games in your library, you have no idea what to make your presentation on.” Well, guess I'll fail…

“When the game says that killing civilians is the fastest way to level up, but you don’t want to be a terrible person so you end up being severely under-leveled during boss fights.” This is fine. I totally don’t mind fighting a boss ten levels ahead of me, nope not at all.

“When you encounter Mr.X for the first time in RE.”
Me: AAAAAaaaahhHH!! AaaAAAAHHHhh!!! *running away as fast as my rookie raccoon legs can carry me*
Mr. X: Why are you running? Why are you running??

Bob good "Mr. fish" 11 Mar, 2019 @ 10:25pm 
when you take a look back in life. and remember all the cringey things you did" I hurt myself today...
"when you forgot to post a meme since last month" * walks into crusty crab
"when you die to a default in fortnite and says he wants to f@*k your famliy" yes FBI? I would like to report a criminal
"random guy on the internet. *tells kid to die. *dies. random guy. I never meant for him to do that....
"when you spend 43 minutes fighting a boss a few levels higher then you. and the boss kills you." this is beyond stupid
"well, well, well, you tore my seemingly invincible flex tape with just your bare hands, what shall I dub you mister? *looks at shaggy at 100% of his power
"half life fans: half life 3 never releases. I mad. TWD fans: clem is teased to die in the final season: *guns are heard being loaded in the background.
"when its been 0.1 seconds since you donated to the box in RDR2. Mrs grimshaw: * H E A V Y B R E A T H I N G
Kingsparrow 5 Feb, 2019 @ 11:29pm 
Who would win?
- An outlaw trying to live a simple and easy country life while trying to not lose any more Honor.
- One coughing boi


What does it take to kill Arthur Morgan?
- The government’s best detectives and bounty hunters along with one of the most dangerous gangs around.
- One spitty boi

- Dutch: (pointing at a butterfly that reads: A terrible idea) Is this a good plan?

- What I expected: Red Dead Redemption 2
- What I got: Dutch has a great plan. Again…

(The “what fo your elf eyes see?” meme)

- Arthur: Dutch, what do you see?
- Dutch: HAVING SOME ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ FAITH!

- Who would win? (Plague INC.)
- An extremely deadly parasite capable of killing a human instantly.
- Greenland

Bob good "Mr. fish" 5 Feb, 2019 @ 5:06pm 
"normal commercials: level 1 crook"
"super bowl commercials: level 100 boss
"when you are losing an internet argument: N"
"wow what a hard day of work I better sit back and calm: *starts rust
"*people in real life: polite and take care off another no matter their differences"
"also people in real life that play Gmod military RP: alrightstepbackfolksordie.backthehellupbudddyorgettheshortendofthebarrel"
"me:encounters a member of any fandom that is cringe
"also me: B E G O N E U N H O L Y G H O S T"
"Arthur: coughs
"dad: why the hell are you crying so damn loud?
Bob good "Mr. fish" 30 Jan, 2019 @ 9:09am 
+rep very nice person to talk to.
Kingsparrow 20 Jan, 2019 @ 12:44pm 
- When you shoot off someone's hat in RDR2 and they shoot off yours. "Hey... my hat!"
- Arthur Morgan, but it's the distracted boyfriend meme. And he's (as the dude looking at blurry woman) looking at a stranger, while the "main story'' looks on offended.
- Kratos saying "Boy": Nahh
- Arthur saying "Boy": Ayyy
Kingsparrow 20 Jan, 2019 @ 12:39pm 
- Thanos doesn’t play ‘The Game of Life’. He plays Half-life.
- Owning Half-Life 2 on Steam simply ascends you to another plane of reality.
- Arthur: *snatches the hot dog out of the Warden’s hands* Yeet!
- *Loses an arm* Tis is but a scratch!
- *Loses a leg* Tis is just a scratch!
Bob good "Mr. fish" 17 Jan, 2019 @ 6:23pm 
owning half life 2 on the xbox: great game!
"owning half life 2 on steam: A S E N D E D
" Eli:The radiation levels in the citidel are off the charts I don't think you and gorden can make it. Alyx: But Gorden has a hazard suit he can survive the radiation. Eli: but Alyx where is Gorden's helmat?
"alright folks we made it. keep a low profile and- G I M M E A L L O F Y O U R M O N E Y N O W T O U G H G U Y ."
"resident evil 7 fans: *loses forearm: this is fine
"outlast fans: *loses only a few fingers: T H A T S T O U G H
Kingsparrow 10 Jan, 2019 @ 10:32pm 
"When your PC only has about 875 MB of RAM left, even after your cleared what you could out." Ouch, that's tough buddy.

"When the Generator in Frostpunk shuts down because you ran out of coal to fuel it as you can't make people work overtime w/o having them turn against you." Brace yourselves...Winter is Coming.

"Spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can. Spins a web any size, catches thieves just like flies. Look out, here comes the Spiderman." Ah, nostagia. The good old classic theme song- oh. Sorry, wrong time era.

That prologue is really good though, from a gameplay and cinematic perspective, it's a great way to start a game.

As a side note: If I were to walk into the Valentine Saloon w/ Lenny and a man tells me to shut up, I'd choose option Z, all of the above.

I'm out of ideas this evening, but I'll be back with more tomorrow.
Bob good "Mr. fish" 10 Jan, 2019 @ 1:58pm 
"removing space on your PS4 to install red dead 2 be like: all I have left, is spider man
"when you watch the big chungus world presentation, and cannot decide if red dead redemption 2 or big chungus should earn game of the year: alright everyone... on the count of three we are gonna but down our guns... and set- "red dead 2: spams dead eye button" " big chungus: C H U N G U S ! ! !
" you walk into the valentine saloon with Lenny, you order two beers and mud around and all of the sudden a man violently commands you to shut up. As you stare into your bottle of beer you have 3 options given. O-Beat, X- Defuse, D, say the N word without the pass. which of these given options will you chose?
"me after finishing the spiderman prolouge: now THAT is how you start a game.
"spiderman: arrestes Kingpin"
"turns around and back to fisk: *all of the sinister six are out of jail and the inmates are freely roaming the city.
Stompn.M80X 5 Jan, 2019 @ 6:09am 
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸Have a happy weekend💕💕💕💕💕💕
💙💙I hope Happy with this year💙💙✦✦✦✦✦『2019』✦✦✦✦✦💙💙
💗💗It's always a good time❗💚💙💜💖💛❤💜💙💚❤💛💖❗
Kingsparrow 1 Jan, 2019 @ 10:09pm 
Ah, yes. DarkRP. Perfectly designed to mirror normal life, but it is normally exaggerated with its simplicity. I’ve never joined a DarkRP server, but I’ve heard things about it, so I only understand a few references.

“When 2019 finally rolls around.” Another year. Another year to get through. Brace yourselves…

“When you read an explanation for RDM that turns out to be much more confusing than you expected.” I mean, okay? Sure, why not. Sounds reasonable.

“When you make a new friend in general” Oh boy. Social interactions. Much fun, much wow.

“When you’re shot in the knee by some stray arrow.” I used to be an adventurer like you. Till I took an arrow to the knee. (Yes, I know it actually means becoming married, but hey, stick with me here)

“What side are you on?!?!” THE DARK SIDE! They have cookies.

“When you forgot to poke air holes in the gas mask you made for a Whaler Cosplay.” O2, where for art thou?
Bob good "Mr. fish" 1 Jan, 2019 @ 8:08pm 
"trying to think of good excusses to not get banned in DarkRP for RDM'ing someone be like: so.. I was walking home from work and this dog flashed next to me and said "you are the warrior of Dogmarshia" and many years later he was captured by "the foundation" so I stabbed my grandmother in the face to play RDR2 and stay home from church and then the foundation arrested me for RDM so I made it my sole goal to feed the sun blood of my victems and find that dog that flashed on my leg (and RDM people)
"when you make a new friend on steam: *achem... my lady.
"Conner before becoming deviant: stands still
"Conner after becoming deviant: ToGeThEr wE cAn sHoW tHe WoRld wHAt wE cAn dO (insert orenge justice dance here)
" 1st playthrough why did'ent you shoot those andriods? they where right there!
"2nd playthrough you shot two inncoent girls... they were in love!

"what side are you on?!?!"
Stompn.M80X 30 Dec, 2018 @ 11:27pm 
💗Hi Good morning and Good night Be cute user Steam loves to play games everyone🌸
💕Have fun with counting down today we are going to Happy new year 2019 TODAY!💞
💓𝙸 hope everyone today will enjoy Happy new year ❤Love u U Love❤😘💕💕💕💞💞💞
Kingsparrow 25 Dec, 2018 @ 4:40pm 
That seems about right.
Bob good "Mr. fish" 25 Dec, 2018 @ 3:50pm 
15% of Kngsparrows Meme's: detroit become stab wounds
40% of Kingsparrows Meme's: red dead horse balls redemption
100% of Kngsparrows Meme's: something about life being terrible
Kingsparrow 19 Dec, 2018 @ 4:30pm 
“When you have yet to catch up with RDR2 because of exams.” One day more. Just one more day. Then, Dobby is a free elf.
“When you return to camp just in time for stew.” Awww yeah.
“When you have an existential crisis and realize that life is fleeting, you could die at any moment, and that in the long run, nothing you’ll do matters because the sun is going to become a red giant and engulf the Earth.” I don’t really know what to say about that.
“When you finish your exams and have time to revisit RDR2 and finally get to get back to memes.” DOBBY IS A FREE ELF!!
Bob good "Mr. fish" 15 Dec, 2018 @ 8:36am 
"when a sqeaker kills you in red dead online and says your main guy is ugly" babylon has fallen. for all nations that drunk the wine of the wraith of her fornication. The lord has made me his right hand. his judge, his jury and his executioner... so billy.... beware boy... for I bring the wraith of god.
"when you begin chapter five" wow this is an amazing, new, out of nowhere landscape that is ripe for exploration! "everyone else" this chapter sucks.
"antagonizing people in red dead 2 be like":heres the number... sick thats the wrong numba!
"Stranger" howdy
"me" *spams dead eye button
"when you finaly exit your home after 200 years of playing red dead redemption 2" Do I have TB? or am I tripping..
Kingsparrow 12 Dec, 2018 @ 10:18pm 
Bob good "Mr. fish" 12 Dec, 2018 @ 8:12pm 
"what are we doing next dutch?" (insert complex mathmaticle equations here) muhneh
"the ending of chapert four in a nutshell" I lost everything.... the gang will never be the same again...... I hope I can still buy hair tonic"
" dutch's plan for escaping St. denis" I got it.... a boat. (immediatly cuts to boat burning in flames. summer of 1899 colerized)
Stompn.M80X 3 Dec, 2018 @ 8:47pm 
                       𝐻𝒜𝒱𝐸 𝒜 𝒩𝐼𝒞𝐸 𝒲𝐸𝐸𝒦𝐸𝒩𝒟
Kingsparrow 27 Nov, 2018 @ 11:02am 
“When you’re also waiting for RDR2 to be released on PC, but you know there’s a low chance of that happening.” *cries a little more inside*

“When you almost fall into a food coma after Thanksgiving.” So many regrets…

“When you’re running out of meme ideas.” Come on brain, think of things. Come on brain, think of things. Come on brain, be so smart.
Kingsparrow 27 Nov, 2018 @ 11:02am 
“When you finally get to responding memes.” So much to do and to enough time to do it all.

“When you accidentally repeat a friend’s meme to establish a mutual agreement of said meme because you couldn’t agree more with what your friend had say.” Apologies for reusing the same meme about factions and quicktime events, it wasn’t my intention to take credit for your ideas. I’m sorry. I merely wanted to contribute to your statements in agreement to those topics. I’ll be more cautious in my replies from now on.

“When you’re trying to put together a costume for an upcoming convention, but you’re struggling to find stuff that fits you because you’re short as hell.” Ah…short people problems. Guess we’re just closer to hell then.

Bob good "Mr. fish" 26 Nov, 2018 @ 2:54pm 
"when you find out your friend responded to your meme" thank you
"when you find out he just copied your hard work and made the same meme" pathetic
"when you find the feminist in red dead 2" howdy miss! I think woman should have rights, but... we got to waste our ammo on something.
"when you stab someone 28 times in red dead 2"... wait a SeCoNd
"when you go to Rhodes in red dead 2 and instructed to NOT gain attiention" you got it dutch "loads shotgun"
Kingsparrow 26 Nov, 2018 @ 9:54am 
“When you join a faction/guild in a game and get promoted to leader three quests later.” I didn’t sign up for this.

“When people complain about RDR2’s realism.” It’s what the people wanted, right?

“When people complain of the ‘punching feminists’ controversy in Red Dead Redemption 2.” The controversy is the consequence of inclusion. If the suffragettes weren’t there, people would be asking, “Why Rockstar is trying to erase feminism from history? Where are the suffragates?”. So they plopped them in. Some gamers abuse it, sometimes they do juvenile things. Thankfully, the game system punish the players for hurting innocent bystanders. RDR2 as “open world” game, let the player do what they pleases. But there are game system that punishes players for doing things that is not according to the mechanics. The content is controversial, but the game shouldn’t.
Kingsparrow 26 Nov, 2018 @ 9:54am 
“When Fallout 76 is more of a cash grab then an authentic Fallout game.” You lied to me Bethesda, you lied to me! (Or) How dare you stood where they (other Fallout games) Stood!

“When developers cash in on people’s nostalgia.” Whelp, you got me there…

“When you press the button for a quick time event, but it doesn’t register.” Guess I’ll just die .

Bob good "Mr. fish" 24 Nov, 2018 @ 11:21pm 
"when you play fallout 76 for the first time" please no country roads, please no country roads, please no c o u n t r y r o a d s "
"when you bump into a fellow cowpoke in red dead 2 and cause an annoying cinematic 17 minute gunfight" game of the universe 1/11
"when you find the KKK in red dead 2" hey guys white power!
"when you fail a quick time event in any game" what is the point?
"when you are about to join a faction in a game and introduce yourself to the leader " I am the waffler, with my grittle of justice I BASH the enemy in the head or I burn them like so " b u r n i n g s o u n d s"
Kingsparrow 23 Nov, 2018 @ 5:29pm 
No worries! And thank you ^_^ It went alright, I mostly just spent my day studying for an exam. Nothing too eventful happened. It was just a regular old day.
Bob good "Mr. fish" 23 Nov, 2018 @ 5:26pm 
hey! it was you're birthday on the 18th and im sorry I did'ent say "happy birthday" anyways happy late birthday I hope it was good.
Kingsparrow 10 Nov, 2018 @ 12:26pm 
"When RDR2 has horse testis that shrink in the cold. " Attention to detail, I guess?

"When you have Writer's Block." What....are...words??

"When you die in any game." Thanks Obama.

"When your favorite meme is revived." Hallelujah!

"When you recieve damage." I need healing!
Bob good "Mr. fish" 9 Nov, 2018 @ 4:35pm 
"kingsparrows chat but everytime (Memetrom MK III) the sentence of the memes intensifies
Bob good "Mr. fish" 9 Nov, 2018 @ 4:34pm 
"when you watch john marston saying (what about loyalty?) for an hour" this is the best interaction between realms of all interactions, maybe ever.
"when you find out rea dead 2 has horse testis" I say there's potiental
"when you get tubicurlosis in read dead 2" DAMN YOU UGANDA!!!!
"when you're favorite meme is (dead)" H E R O S N E V E R D I E
Kingsparrow 6 Nov, 2018 @ 3:00pm 
"When your friend sends you multiple wholesome memes." (Insert the Old Stock Photo Guy giving a thumbs up here)

"When you accept all the memes into your life as a subistute for healthy coping methods." I'm fine. This is fine.

"When you forgot your Social Security Card at home in your other jacket, not the one you're wearing now." Fffffff- I'll be right back.

"When you finally get that 'I Voted' Sticker." Ah, yes. Exercising my right as a humble law abiding citizen.
Bob good "Mr. fish" 6 Nov, 2018 @ 11:52am 
"when you constantly annoy your friend with memes" heheheh
"when you see three russian soldiers with guns enter the voting center" no... NOOOOOOOOOO
"when you find out Josh hawley (my states republican senate) is called "the golden boy" I love goaaaaaalllllllldddddd
"when you find out there is going to be a democratic president in 2019" god... you are real!
Kingsparrow 5 Nov, 2018 @ 11:03pm 
"When you become King of Scotland." Macbeth took his last Macbreath and met his Macdeath.

"When you get mobbed by a pack of hounds in Don't Starve." Well, guess I'll die./That's a lotta damage!!

"When you can't remember if you're registered to vote or not." I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. But if you aren't registered to vote, I will find you and I will register you.

(Seagull Meme) *inhales deeply* BOY!!!
Bob good "Mr. fish" 5 Nov, 2018 @ 4:56pm 
"when you unearth the 28 stab wounds meme" ha!
"when you realize you unleashed a meme pandemic upon detroit" Jesus conner!
"when all thats left is hillery cilnton saying BOAAAMBBBB" that's a lotta damege!
Kingsparrow 31 Oct, 2018 @ 8:18pm 
Bob good "Mr. fish" 31 Oct, 2018 @ 8:12pm 
"when you play the protest scene in detroit and attack the riot control"
" S C O T L A N D F O R E V E R "
Kingsparrow 30 Oct, 2018 @ 2:17pm 
Special in a good way or bad way?
Bob good "Mr. fish" 30 Oct, 2018 @ 1:45pm 
so I made some new "friends" and they are.. special...