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quantity(x) 11 ago. 2013 às 17:10 
Hola :D
shark 3 jan. 2013 às 7:33 
Happy belated holidays and New Year to you! You are very welcome for the game. I too miss the days of stack fortress 2 and the days when TF2 was great period before the flood of F2P newbies. It got so bad I uninstaleld TF2. Keep meaning to install and check it out again sometime as things keep getting added and hopefully the majority of the F2P players are getting better now.

Sorry for the slow reply. From Christmas eveining to New Years I've had no power as my state was hit by a real bad (for us down south at least) snow storm.
Meestor Feeshee Spy 12 jul. 2012 às 16:08 
hey dickstain this is me getting my comment in
GroovyLoopy 25 dez. 2011 às 13:44 
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!