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28.3 hrs last two weeks / 1,905.8 hrs on record (854.4 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Jul, 2024 @ 2:22pm
Updated: 19 Aug, 2024 @ 3:26am

All the good gamemodes are pretty much extinct, so its full of nothing but RP servers with 30 GB worth of garbage you have to download each time you join one. the people that plays on these RP servers take it too seriously and a majority of them are also moderated by power tripping 14 year olds with inflated egos thatll ban you for having fun. Not to mention that these servers tend to be pay-to-win, lots of locked content behind a paywall.

The game is fine, its a fun sandbox experience to mess-about in with tons of add-ons being added everyday, this review is mostly concerning the state of community servers, or the lack of variety in community servers more-like.
its basically just:
various RP servers
Prop Hunt (currently on life support)
Zombie Survival
and Cinema (brain rot cancer)
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