3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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3.9 horas nas últimas duas semanas / 2,557.9 horas registradas (1,586.9 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 12/fev./2021 às 10:30
Atualizada: 23/mai./2023 às 14:40
Produto recebido de graça

"The game used to be fun but with every update comes another kick in the balls from Gaijin. It's poorly balanced and very much a cash grab with new premium or event vehicles always being way overpowered at launch to make people spend more money. Glitches that have existed for years are still yet to be patched. It can be fun at times but will only get worst as time goes on."

This was my original review of the game a few years ago after the I quit war thunder due to the mounting problems at the time. Clearly I was onto something when I wrote it as it still strikes as very true to this day. I want war thunder to be a good game, I want it to be fun. The recent acknowledgement that the company has made in regards to how vocal the community has become is a step in the right direction however my review will be staying negative until tangible actions to correct the damage they have done are made.
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