
Последние обзоры Maxthewicked100

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28.4 ч. всего (24.6 ч. в момент написания)
I fight for freedom. For Arrowhead and for the community (except you Sony bootlickers)


(Great game by great devs but ♥♥♥♥ Sony for throwing Arrowhead and the players under the bus)

EDIT - (06/05/2024)

After much fighting we as a community have won against Sony.

We did it, Arrowhead. You showed us the way to band together and we won.

Truly there's no game quite like this one. Play it for an amazing co-op experience and amazing devs who CARE about their community...Unlike the publisher we defeated as of writing this.
Опубликовано 5 мая 2024 г.. Отредактировано 5 мая 2024 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 11
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0.8 ч. всего (0.1 ч. в момент написания)
Yet another PvP game that has a bot option that I was genuinely excited for only to be immediately crushed with disappointment when I found out that not only can you not complete quests but the game dickishly shows you earning XP after finishing a bot match before immediately showing a XP penalty and reduces it by 75%

Enough with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ gatekeeping. I was genuinely hoping to chill and have fun my own way but yet again, its another game that'll shame me and others for preferring to play the way I'd like to play. This competitive gatekeeping trend HAS TO STOP.
Опубликовано 30 мая 2023 г..
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Ответ разработчика от 30 мая. 2023 г. в 13:56 (просмотреть ответ)
1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
42.5 ч. всего (8.3 ч. в момент написания)
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For a long, long while we've had a lot of FPS games. A huge majority of them have been constant competitive PvP experiences and that has been the most generic, frustrating and boring thing for PvE players. Then in came Shatterline. A excellent game with a fantastic balance of PvP and PvE content. The PvE content is unique compared to most as it is a roguelike cooperative experience where no run feels the same in terms of the equipment you receive. Plus the progression system is solid and you can level up each operative and make them stronger for the PvE mode and this allows further mix and matching stuff you earn in the runs.

The gunplay feels solid and so does the combat. The only couple of complaints I have is the game is still relatively buggy but alas that is just the way early access is. Also to make matters a bit worse, the amazon servers can be mighty unreliable (thanks amazon). Also the character design in this game is super corny but thankfully you can get cosmetics for your characters to make them less corny or more corny if you so wish.

In conclusion, this game could bloom into something truly special with enough love and effort. I only have one simple request to make this game perfect for a PvE experience. Just add a VS AI option to the PvP modes (bonus points if you can make this apply to the weekly event modes) and you have yourself a spot on game. Definitely grab this and give it a spin.

EDIT: (07/07/2024) Shatterline have made the dumb ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ decision to not only move their game to epic games but they are choosing to SUPPORT NFTS. HOW COULD YOU. Not the right move. This will KILL your game.
Опубликовано 10 сентября 2022 г.. Отредактировано 7 июля 2024 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 6
351.2 ч. всего (25.8 ч. в момент написания)
This review is entirely from a casual PvE player standpoint.

Before this game's release, DICE promised they would have full progression across all modes including with bots only which meant you could get full mastery on weapons, vehicles and specialists, ribbons across all modes and all player cards and icons with bots only.

That turned out to be a total ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lie. As of Update 3.1, they added weekly missions and to nobody's surprise, you cannot complete them with AI only which lies about the part of unlocking cosmetics no matter what you are doing. On top of that, All Out Warfare has no ribbons, capped mastery and you cannot go beyond T3 and you cannot unlock any player cards or icons. This game is a complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ liar. On top of that, this cap happened because DICE were dumb not to realise people would farm and get everything early from farming on portal. How do they handle it? By CAPPING EVERYTHING INCLUDING THEIR CORE GAME MODE ALL OUT WARFARE WITH SOLO/CO-OP. The worst part? They've said NOTHING about it since.

♥♥♥♥ you DICE and EA. Should be sued for false advertising. My review will remain this way until they bring back full progression across AOW Solo/Co-op at least.

For now, all PvE players. Avoid this lying ♥♥♥♥♥♥ excuse of a game.

EDIT (28/02/23) So it seems DICE finally added progression of sorts with playing against AI. Granted the XP is still capped but you can now earn ribbons and do weeklies and the mastery is still capped but T3 is fair. I'd say its playable now but this should have been resolved for 3 whole seasons. Not to mention the lack of communication and the awful part of the community gatekeeping content away did zero favours. I can accept the game is good and playable now but I still don't think I can forgive EA and DICE for such a colossal ♥♥♥♥ up. Hopefully lesson learned for the next installment. Although I will not be touching it day 1
Опубликовано 9 декабря 2021 г.. Отредактировано 28 февраля 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
520.5 ч. всего (504.0 ч. в момент написания)
I used to play a lot of the PvE modes for this game and loved they let you progress through the game without having to fight players but now, they've flatout flattened anyone who prefers PvE and this has now become yet another oversaturated sweaty as ♥♥♥♥ PvP ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with the usual ♥♥♥♥♥♥ matchmaking. Don't bother with this game. It'll suck your money and time dry.
Опубликовано 7 января 2021 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 3
0.6 ч. всего
Like many VR experiences, I consider this one a fantastic small bite of what VR has to offer. Its incredibly short, but it does exactly what it seeks to do: make you incredibly tense as you try to make each shot count before the undead can get too close to you to kill you. While to me, its not very replayable the game provides a variety of difficulties for you to challenge yourself so I appreciate the option.

All in all, if you are stepping into VR for the first time or are looking for a quick bite of immersive action, I strongly recommend throwing yourself and your friends or family into this one. Just be warned....Its not for the faint of heart.
Опубликовано 10 октября 2020 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
1.7 ч. всего (1.2 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
This game has some fantastic potential but currently, its execution is sloppy in so many areas and the price the game is worth doesn't match the quality of the game the way it is now.


- The gunplay feels right. A little clunky but I'll let it pass. The tactical reloads leave a lot to the imagination. You can whack out an empty mag to replace a new one, you can use your other handgun to chamber the handgun in your other hand for good dual welding action...Its all alright.

- The traversal zipwire and swimming mechanics so far are pretty good. A little exhausting on the arms but definitely decent exercise.

- Being able to collect ammo from guns with magazines in them is a nice little trick to stashing ammo.

- Even though I barely was with the community (preferrably because I'm more into PvE than PvP) the community seem to be friendly so far.

- The devs seem to be working on the game and listening to its community carefully which is great.

Now the cons...

- Undoubtedly the biggest issue I have with the game: the main menu is INCREDIBLY broken because it doesn't even work correctly. For instance, I wanted to go into a bot match and clicked on that. Instead, I'm taken to a lobby with another player and then a match begins with me and only them for the whole game. Then when I tried to do a private game to ensure no other players ended up with me, I ended up with another player anyways. So put it simply, playing alone or with bots only simply doesn't work. I only managed to get a match with what appeared to be bots only ONCE.

- The main menu lobby music is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ atrocious as some people have said and when you're loading (or at least trying to) only to be booted to the main menu lobby and greeted with that frustrating music it really does grind on the ears. Would greatly prefer instrumental music. (UPDATE: This issue was resolved.)

- The loading times...They sometimes take forever. Other times, the game softlocks you when you start a game and its INCREDIBLY frustrating. (UPDATE: Also somewhat resolved but the main menu still remains broken)

- I get this is early access and I hope this will be prone to change, but the quality of the map is incredibly scuffed. Not to mention, for a BR game there's really not a whole lot of items to collect other than guns, apples, weapon attachments and a knife and that's LITERALLY it. There doesn't appear to be solely ammo pickups or first aid kits which seems flawed honestly.

In conclusion, the potential is definitely there and I suspect this game could do well with the right adjustments but the way it is right now, its just unplayable. Wait until its on sale.
Опубликовано 7 мая 2020 г.. Отредактировано 10 мая 2020 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 23
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2.2 ч. всего
This game is no longer alive because BHVR pulled the plug. To make matters worse, when I asked about a refund due to the game shutting down, they had the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nerve to decline me because I had 'exclusive items' that could not be taken back. This is one of the reasons I'm done with your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ schemes BHVR. Not only can you not fix Dead By Daylight to be balanced and fun, but you refuse to give refunds to a game you let die. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pathetic.
Опубликовано 1 марта 2020 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 2
251.4 ч. всего (73.5 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
A fantastic homage to what was once Gmod Tower. I have a question for you reader...Are other games frustrating you? (If that's the case, be wary of Virus on here) Are you feeling lonely? In the mood to relax and chill? Check out Tower Unite and explore a giant social hub where you can gamble, play, socialize, watch Youtube videos and have fun! Or alternatively, spend the money you earn playing in Tower Unite to buy lovely furniture for your very own condo and make it to whatever your heart desires! Creepy house? No problem! A cosy house? Easy! An aftermath of a giant frat party! Absolutely!

I absolutely recommend this to people with friends for an extra fun time. Otherwise, check this game out and watch it continue to grow in size as it soon gets its own freaking arcade!
Опубликовано 29 июня 2019 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 9
1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор забавным
0.6 ч. всего (0.3 ч. в момент написания)
I really, really wanted to enjoy this game since it looked promising and felt that way in the tutorial but its missing one seriously crucial thing that makes it unplayable for me: no snapturning for Vive users! I'd happily play this if I had two working trackers but one of them is busted so I only really have one to work with. But what annoys me is snapturning does exist in this game but ONLY for Oculus users....Why? Until the feature is implemented I'm refunding this and hoping they'll add to it.

So in conclusion to ALL Vive users who have small space and one tracker, avoid this game.

(This review will change if they make this fix)
Опубликовано 27 июня 2019 г..
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