ChrisBiceps (Old)   United States
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Created by - 𐂃𐂃
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This guide will show you how to fire any weapon using default key bindings.
To be fair, 😆😆😩😤you have to have a very high IQ 💯😏🤓😜to understand Rick and Morty. 😤😩💦❤️The humor 🤣😂👍👌is extremely subtle, 👉👌😻and without a solid grasp ✊️💪😫🍆💦of theoretical physics 👁😱😤👀most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. 😉😚😌💯👏👉👍There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, ☠️😬☠️😵which is deftly woven into his characterisation 😑🙌😼🥃- his personal philosophy 🤓😎😒😔draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, 💯😩🍑🍆💦😫for instance. The fans understand this stuff; 😝😘👌👏🙌💯they have the intellectual capacity 🤓😏👌🤝to truly appreciate the depths 🤔🙀👽🤤of these jokes, 😂🤣😍👐👌to realize that they're not just funny🤔😲😚😁- they say something deep about LIFE. 😓🤔🤤😏🤓😱❤️As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty 👏🙌💯😻😤😩💦truly ARE idiots- 😒🤔🙄🤐of course they wouldn't appreciate, 🙌❤️😾👊for instance, the humour 😹😍🤣in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wu🅱️🅱️a Lu🅱️🅱️a Du🅱️ Du🅱️," which itself is a cryptic reference 👀👄🙀🤔to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons 😳🤓😝💋🙏I'm smirking😏😏😏😏😏😤🙄 right now just imagining 🤔😑🙄🤣one of those addlepated simpletons 😐😯😑❌scratching their heads in confusion ❓😒🤔😭😓❓as Dan Harmon's 😩🍆💦🍑😤👌👉👌genius ☺️😝🤓😜💯unfolds itself on their television screens. 🙌😆😘😍What fools... how I pity them. 😤😑😂👎 And yes 👍👏🙌😽😻💦❤️by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty👴 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨👦😤😫💦tattoo. ❤️👏🙌👍👌💯And no,😖😑😕 you cannot see it. 🚫👊❌🙀🙅‍♂️‼️💯It's for the ladies' 😤😘🍆💦🍑💁☔️😩eyes only👀💋👅💦👍❤️💯- And even they 😜😋😏😽😻have to demonstrate ☝️👏🙌💯that they're within 5 IQ points💯👍❤️👌😘😍 of my own (preferably lower) 😌😤😎🤓beforehand.🍑🍑🍑☔️💯😏🍆💦💯😻😘😍😁❤️💯😤😩😫👏🙌👍👉👌👊
Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz 12 Nov, 2017 @ 5:30pm 
this is the administrator of PornHub™ we have noticed you  haven’t logged in for 2 weeks, we’re just checking to see if everything  is okay and we’ve prepared you a list of videos from your favourite  category (Gay Porn). See you soon!
Brad to the Bohn 17 Feb, 2016 @ 1:01pm 
+rep known him for almost 2 years and is chill. and chris if u dont remember me, i had names amazin shots, musty shots and shor3 apex.
evo 1 Feb, 2016 @ 10:39am 
Anorak 12 Aug, 2015 @ 12:54pm 
icE 9 Feb, 2015 @ 7:03pm 
+rep really fair trader
TemmuzDC 1 Feb, 2015 @ 7:22pm 
+REP fast fair and polite :melon: