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12.5 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
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Posted 24 July, 2024. Last edited 24 July, 2024.
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476.3 hrs on record (72.0 hrs at review time)
Quest area design is garbage and the devs do nothing to fix it. If anything, they've made some quests worse by adding more anomalies. Black holes are an orb in Stalker, while they're a pulsating white blob that disappear every other second in this game.
Hearing anomalies is near impossible because the rest of game is so loud that when you turn stuff down so you can hear your friends, they're just too quiet. You're not allowed to bring your squad into quest areas either. This ruins the multiplayer aspect..
They show you all these different anomalies in the beginning, but then it just turns into gravity type being the main anomaly type used. Dogs also deal WAY too much damage compared to everything else.

For a free game, it's still better than a lot of others. It's not pay to win, and most of the complaints anyone has are design oversights. I will cut them some slack because this game is from 2014 and was originally a Minecraft mod. I think in turning the mod into its own game they didn't have the best idea on what to do.
The game is getting an overhaul in two weeks on July 10th 2024. My hope is that the devs are aware of all their design oversights and have been accumulating them over these years into this overhaul. I'm hoping this overhaul fixes many of my complaints.

Really what makes me give this a negative review is that. . When you play a bad game, you expect it to be a bad game. When you play a good game that has a handful of flaws with it, those flaws are going to stick out like a sore thumb. Depending on where those flaws are, they can make or break an opinion on something. I think as a whole this game is great, it just has stains that prevent it from being fantastic.
Posted 24 June, 2024. Last edited 25 June, 2024.
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5.3 hrs on record
A lil funny seeing all the people complaining about P2W even though the game is less P2W now than it was back in 2013-2015. I've put in less work now than back then and have progressed so much faster.
Hundred coins is no problem to get now, but back then you could sit there for a day and not even have that. Not to mention I've been getting free gems left and right. Easy missions that just give you free stuff? Shoot dude, those didn't exist when I played years ago.
People have just forgotten how P2W the game actually was in its first few years on mobile. My only genuine complaint is all the cheaters. Outside of that 1 complaint, game is def less P2W than I remember, resulting in progression being much easier. I recommend it if you want a good nostalgia trip.
Posted 10 April, 2024.
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67.1 hrs on record (58.5 hrs at review time)
The game is much better on PC than on mobile. It's not p2w. This is coming from someone who progressed fine before buying the Legend season pass. Really wanted the 25th Ann Countach (Loved it in Asphalt 8). The other rewards were just a bonus. You can earn tokens (paid currency) easily just by doing season events. Earned over 1500 tokens and a couple cars from doing them.
One thing I miss from Asphalt 8 are earned avatar icons. I'd rather be a real gamer and flex that I completed challenges for icons. I also prefer that Asphalt 8 lets you buy any vehicle you want at any point as long as you have the creds. In 9, you have to earn/buy cards to unlock a car. Seasons make this easier so you're not getting most of your cards from card packs in the store.
Now we just need Asphalt 8 released to Steam. I'd download it in a heartbeat, Asphalt 8 just has better racing mechanics- actual laps, higher speeds, better stunt and drift mechanics, etc. A point to 9 is that I think it had a good visual overhaul when coming to PC.
Posted 27 May, 2023.
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205.7 hrs on record (43.6 hrs at review time)
I'll have to change my opinion on my review. While I think the game has potential, it just hasn't reached it yet, and DICE has had months to improve the features of the game, but they've been slacking on features thanks to bugs. It's an okay game, I love the gunplay, but honestly, I prefer Battlefield 4 and 1.
It's a dying game all ready, because it's got too many negative reviews. There's no point trying to ride out this $100 pre-order wagon if it's gonna get shot down just some months after release. Pre-ordering this was a mistake, definitely, however, I would consider buying it again if it ever went on sale.
BF 2042 isn't worth $50+, if anything, it's worth $20-30. I don't recommend this game anymore unless you just wanna have fun with the gunplay.
Posted 19 November, 2021. Last edited 1 February, 2022.
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237.3 hrs on record (74.9 hrs at review time)
Picture this, you take a Warthog and a Ghost, and combine them- boom, Sparrow. You take a Spartan's high, floaty jumps, and you combine it with an added jump boost- bam, Guardian.
Ever wanted your grenade to explode numerous times? Well now that can happen. Was assassinating a Spartan and breaking his neck not enough? You can throw Thor's f***ing hammer with the middle Titan solar tree.
Posted 6 November, 2021.
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62.7 hrs on record (23.7 hrs at review time)
I think it's a perfect sequel to a game loved by millions. You got more augments, the story is just as rich as it was in Human Revolution, and the combat feels better in some areas. The biggest improvement has been on stealth, as the system isn't as buggy as it was in HR.
This game has fantastic graphics on top of all of that, and it makes sense, since this game was released at the golden age of modern graphics, 2014-16. Other great examples of the time are Dark Souls 3, Assassin's Creed Unity, Battlefield 1, etc. I recommend this to anyone who enjoyed Human Revolution.
Posted 16 September, 2021.
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112.8 hrs on record (42.6 hrs at review time)
I have no ill-words towards this game, perhaps a suggestion for a few things that could be done slightly better, but nothing major. This game is a masterpiece, especially if you ever played Ghost of Tsushima on PS4 before playing this game. It's fantastic.
One of the few things that could've been done better compared to old AC games is parkour- Unity had mastered the parkour system, it was smooth, it kept a fluid rhythm.
The other issue is that they don't encourage you enough to explore the world. Here's a fast travel, now here's another one 300-400 meters away. Oh right, we forgot to tell you, the map is gigantic and will take you 16 minutes to ride across. Exploration could've been encouraged more by removing the compass entirely, making the map a tad smaller, and having areas to explore literally everywhere.
However, there are many pluses to Origins- the combat is far better and less meticulous than Unity's. Unity's combat feels like you're a sissy boy in a bar fight with 5 big black dudes. The RPG aspect was a great change for the AC series.
Everyone has to try this game for himself. I was iffy on the game for the first hour or so, but I grew on it, because I saw how it inspired my favorite PlayStation 4 game of all time. Don't let the Souls-like combat and RPG aspect deter you, because you may just end up loving the game at about the 2-3 hour mark.
Posted 8 July, 2021. Last edited 6 July, 2022.
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21.3 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
Great Warhammer game- If you enjoy L4D2 and Chivalry, you'll definitely enjoy this game.
Posted 25 April, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
351.0 hrs on record (19.3 hrs at review time)
Great non-pay-to-win game, but also difficult to become good at at first. Just shove A/C 2s on your mech and people will become afraid of you.
Posted 29 January, 2021.
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