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1 person found this review helpful
15.4 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Get to play as a cat 10/10 best game.
Posted 22 July, 2022.
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17.6 hrs on record
It is what it is
Posted 21 November, 2020.
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114.7 hrs on record (103.3 hrs at review time)
Pretty cool game, Kylo Ren best hero. Lightsabers are also pretty cool as well as the epic menu music you get when you're waiting for your friends to pick something to play. Ewok hunt is fun when you have friends too.
Posted 21 November, 2020.
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33.1 hrs on record (9.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I saw this game kinda blow up with most of the people I watched on youtube. Gave it one look and didn't think much of it not knowing what it was, it only really took my eye after about 5 minutes into watching a video on the game to think maybe I will give this a try. A few days later I saw it come up in my recommended on steam saw that you can have up to 4 people to play with and told a few friends about it to see if they would play it with me. I did see the price and was a little unsure if this was worth it or not. I can 100% agree that it was worth the price with how much fun this game is to play. I do think playing with friends is the way to go as it is a lot more fun then solo but that is my opinion. I'm not a high enough level to mess around with all the equipment as of yet but I am a fan of the spirit box and EMF reader. you can really get some response out of the ghost. I like the fact of there being quite a few different types of ghosts in game really making you work for clues as to what the ghost is. There is only a few maps on this game but each time you load in its always a different experience, either you have to be on your own to talk to the ghost or you're friends can join you in the game room. The scariest is when you're on your own in a bathroom with an angry ghost throwing objects at you. I will admit this is a pretty scary game when a ghost just pops up out of no where to grab you. Another part that I like about this game is how you have voice chat, playing with friends it makes it much more fun when you're just talking in game weather it be over the radio or with the local chat. Gives it that even scarier feel when your radios go down and you can't hear one another or when you lose a friend to the ghost. Honestly I don't have a much bad to say about this game, I can give credit to this game for being scary as hell and making me jump quite a few times. Only one thing that can be annoying is that you can get timed out a lot when trying to load a map up mainly for me is that I can't play the asylum map due to being timed out every time. But I really can't fault it other then that and I'm sure it can be fixed some point in the future but as this is a fairly new game out I can get over little problems like that. Only one more thing to add is we did also have a little trouble with getting the voice chat to work but with a quick fix of making sure our Cortana was on and working and also switching over to the beta of the game we got it working. All in all I would say if you have a few friends and want to get scared I recommend this game fully.
Posted 11 October, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
3,118.0 hrs on record (669.6 hrs at review time)
So I used to love playing this game a while ago. I stopped playing for a little bit as I was getting to rank 1 pretty quickly and rank 1 is just no fun, its only full of try hards. I came back after I saw the new chapter come out. I liked the idea of this new killer and I wanted to learn this killer, playing this killer was okay I guess. I think I got 1 kill with them as I dont really know how to play them. I do like the mori tho, best one by far. So far the killer is pretty cool I like them yet the perks could of been better tho. Same with the survivor but breakdown seems pretty cool if you are gonna be tunnled off the hook. Now that brings me to the next point I'm going to make. Tunneling is a main thing with this game, also camping. I pretty much get tunneled all the time, its even worse in the higher ranks. Its the only way killers know how to play it seems. Camping well, you have ds on well most killers love to camp if you have that one perk. Now before many people comment on this and say what about toxic survivors dont worry I'm about to talk about them. Survivors yes they can be toxic. Survivors with flashlights, if they know how to use them you bet they will blind you when ever they can. Yes I use a flshlight a lot but I only use them on killers that like to tunnel or camp, but I mostly will use them to save people as thats what they are meant for. But dont get toxicness mixed up with good players. I know to some killers survivors that teabag or pointing can be seen as toxic, and I can see why it is annoying when they just sit there doing that stuff. Now onto this new update that we have, yes the killer and survivor are pretty cool and its nice to see this new change but a long with all this is so many bugs and I mean there is so many I have not seen this many bugs in one game this bad before like wtf happened to the game. Yes they have taken the new map down to fix it as people have been reporting that they have been crashing due to that one map and I'm glad to see they are trying to fix that but lets be honest now they won't fix it as they never fix things. They say they do but they never fix it right. Like the bug where you couldnt move at all, many killers took advantage of that bug. They said they fixed it but it was never fixed took them over a month to fix that bug. I thought that was bad but these bugs we are getting now are even worse. Killers not been seen at all and getting hit from out of no where by a killer you cant see. Putting a pallet down and slidding around the map. Oh there is many more I can list too. But this review is all ready getting long enough. Now the new map? well I cant say much about it as I havent got to play on it just yet as I never got the chance to get it and they have taken it down so who knows when we will get it back so I can see how the new map is. So now I have said all the bad what about the good? Well I guess the only good thing anout this game is I've met some really great people on this game. Really good friends. So I guess this game is only good for playing with your friends or meeting new friends. KYF (Kill Your Friends) Is pretty good fun to just mess about with and have all the perks so you dont have to grind all the perks. So if you want to get this game, make sure you have some friends to play with so you can play KYF. Now SWF is okay I guess if you want to play lobby simulator for an hour or until a killer isnt scared of a 4 or 3 man or even a 2 man yes killers will leave if there is even 2 SWF. So all around thoughts? Well I think I'm gonna be uninstalling until they can fix this game or do something with it. So go a head and buy this game if you want to try and find the game inside all these bugs. But what I would say is to not buy this game. I think it will only get worse then it already is. So "pretty good job so far" if I dont say so myself :)
Posted 14 December, 2018. Last edited 14 December, 2018.
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