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Publicada el 9 MAR 2017 a las 7:06 p. m.
Actualizada el 9 MAR 2017 a las 7:07 p. m.

This game is not a $60(USD) game. When it was first released it was worth $10-$15. I would say now it is worth up to $25 but do NOT pay full price unless you want exactly what you see. There were too many lies and missleading statements prior to the release of the game and is definately not the game it is supposed to be yet. With their current progression the game could be worth as much as a AAA title game but in its current state it is not. The only way I would ever value this game over $30 is if they added mulitplayer even if it was a server based thing like Rust or other survival games. There are plenty of other survival games like Conan Exiles, Rust, Reign of Kings and more that cost $20 - $30 and have much more content already in the game including multiplayer. This is not a complete game and I would consider it to be Early Access. That is how it should've been released as and at a lower price then possibly raising it when completed. I enjoyed playing the game until I found out the ending, won't spoil, and decided there was no point to continue and there was nothing more for me to accomplish that gave a huge gain. My ship may not have been big but I could defend against just about anything after 32hrs of gameplay. They needed to delay release like any smart company or at least early access. I do not reccomend the game in its current state but will update my views after a few more updates.
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