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0.3 hrs on record
All i can say ♥♥♥♥ this game, why the hell we got more CAS than ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ battlefield fragging everyone into oblivion, overall feels like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Verdun and its even more depressing as these devs chose to make 3 seperate games rather than have them all combined into one as to not rip apart the already dead and dying community of those games but greed and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ideas rule supreme here, personal opinion if you dont mind less human players then grab verdun better in every aspect and no stupid ass leveling system really i cant get grenades as the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ assault class if im new cause i have to lvl stupid ass modern day gaming trope.
Posted 23 May, 2024.
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4.5 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
overall a fun neat game but why the ♥♥♥♥ add ninjas who cannot be hurt from the front have 3 of them spawn on a tiny ass map where you can easily get trapped in a corner and get perma softlocked, like legit who the ♥♥♥♥ thought thats a great idea for a game where the map size at best is like 6x5 rectangle 2 can be managed but 3 no damage from the front enemies is beyond busted and is pretty much an instant lose situation.
Posted 28 March, 2024.
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10.3 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
short and simple ♥♥♥♥ this game, the melee system feels horrific compared to the first one the fact one can maintain block whenever they want until their stamina is gone is beyond stupid meaning getting a sneaky hit is sometimes near impossible as that person can just spam block and avoid taking any damage and bleeding you of stamina, no clue why they didnt keep the blocking how it was in the first game requiring you to pay attention and block at the proper time thus making it feel like it requires lees skill to block and understanding of enemy weapons but rather an obnoxious stamina management battle, parrying is wonky not exactly awful but quite rare, and overall this whole game feels like a hack & slash version of shipment in COD especially with the insane playercount of 60+ per match that simply does not work for a lot of the maps.

graphics are extremly pleasing gameplay aside the cursed melee system is fine and nice but in your sword fighting focused game having melee feel so unrewarding is not good.

i would say get the first one but with the highest server playercount of 2 people in a dual server we are sadly stuck with well this D:
Posted 13 December, 2023.
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21.4 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
cant even bother writing a proper review legit wanted to like a game but with all due respect go to BF4 and play that better gun handling TTK and quality of life improvements the whole respawn mechanic is beyond retarded to put it simple recoil is beyond unreasonable its not horrible but its so random and absurd to justify the stupid attachment buff gimic in game and just overall meh game the TTK is way to fast for what the game its like trying to be SQUAD or HLL with the TTK but the playstyle is far to fast paced thus moving slow and cautios is rarely possible if at all and rushing around the ttk is to fast, gameplay speed is closer to call of duty whilst the damage more resembles SQUAD its like this game has an identity crisis and doesnt know what it wants to be SQAUD, battlefield or some mix of it cause it just feels like they shoved a bunch of random stuff from those genres in and called it a day.
Posted 19 June, 2023.
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119.4 hrs on record (20.4 hrs at review time)
i want to write a posotive review for this game genuinely want to, was excited for this the moment i heard it was in the making and whilst it does so much incredibly well there are just so many issues ive noticed that for me ruin the game and have made me quit the game until all or at least some are fixed.

- the game finally fills that ww1 strategy that i feel many of us who looked forward to this game wanted filled
- it portrays the war exceptionally well especially in regards to the attention of detail and the small tid bits of history given before missions (historical battles)
- the campaign is great in of itself large much to do and you can get decently invested into the whole logistic/support section of the game
- Research tree is large and in depth allowing for a somewhat varied plastyle and priorities
and a handfull of other things i cant currently think of.

- persistent maps
ie the trenches and whatnot really cool and thought on these tiles youd eventually see massive networks of arty and MGs so on yet was disapointed when fighting on the same tyle they often time werent the same at first this felt bugged until i read into it and realized that its not a basic tile gets attacked sam map but rather from where the tile get attacked from thus if your first assualt comes from left but the second one from a right hand tile you need to rebuild two new entire trench networks. I can understand the reasoning behind this to a degree but tbh it limits the chance to have these massive trench systems let alone seeing them at all really as the AI is quite passive ive noticed (at least on soldier which is the recomended difficulty for the game) also devs why the bodies, buildings and craters disapear like i thought wed have a chance to click something that would allow us to determin how much battlefield damamge would stay it wouldve been awesome to see a nice lush green map with trees turn into literall mud after a couple turns of fighting yet that seems to not be the case especially infantry disapearing about 10sec after dying with these graphics is absolutly not needed and just kinda ruins the immersion and understanding of how many you just sent to their deaths as the battlefield always looks pristine as if the fighting just started over and over again.

-Light arty suppression
Arty was a massive aspect of ww1 i understand but the fact that i can shut down an entire trench network or have my entire trench shut down with a handfull of light arty barrages just feels kinda cheap there are moments where this entire game evolves into sending dude into a trench for an endless mellee (this goes for defending and attacking) as all that will happen is spawn 3 or 4 light howitzers and boom the enemy or you cant do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ aside from waiting to get stabbed, exceptionally frustrating with your mg positions as getting them to fire correctly is difficult due to them being limited to the flanks of said trenches only meaning infantry gets remotly close frags gone (i know armoured nests exist but they are so far down the tech tree the first year or so in the game youll get pounded with that) maybe lower the effect or duration dunno but just please dont make it as super strong as it is currently

- campaign/Battle time
i understand its ww1 and that only lasted from 1914 - 1918 but why limit us in the campaign till like 1919 yes it might not be historical but i mean just let us play past said years if you so wish its always stupid when devs put a masssive brick wall to your fun when you just wanna research everything and see what can happen. why are the battles capped at 20min you feel like you gotta rush non stop know this might be to kinda get the ww1 feeling going of just sending blobs of flesh over the top as fast and efficient as possible but it would be nice if liek total war we would be allowed to decide if you wanna keep the base game 20 min or maybe unlimited or some other number.

Artillery as a whole:
seems weird as mentioned above it can absolutly win you matches by simply bombing the ♥♥♥♥ out of them but then with the heavy art its sooo expensive gas costing like 70 supply i think or 60 not to sure being the most underwhelming whilst it gets them out of the trenches it does not kill at least for me it didnt it simply removed maybe 20% of their moral and they were slow AF getting away from it, i dont want gas to be this OP killing machine but unless gas mask have been researched i dont wanna just do moral and then have em walk back in the trench as if nothing ever happened airburst seems to be quite good against INF in the open didnt test it against entrenched INF, but once again really really expensive which pretty much had me avoid heavy art throughout the whole game as i felt it didnt add much and was to expensive compartivly to the lighter variant.

theres a couple more minor stuff going wrong and some i cant remember as of now but yeah thats about it.
35€ for this game imo is far to high where it currently stand in content and whatnot but for round about 25 or 20 id say its absolutly worth it its a fun game that is half decent and set in ww1 something ive looked for a long time to find.
Posted 9 April, 2023.
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1.1 hrs on record
good things first movement is decent jumping while moving seems overly difficult at times but eh can look past thats not really game breaking, gunplay isnt half bad from what i could gather map design is pretty in depth and nice, and overall the world building is well done, but the reason for my incredicly short playtime as of writing this review is the fact they just seemed to shove the one thing we all love, or at least everyone i know who grew up with stalker back in the day was the brutal and incredibly difficult situations you could get in at times. No they`d rather throw in this stupid pvp concept of constant online and non stop at risk of just being gunned down by randoms whilst doing campaign missions and just roaming.

when i read about this having pvp and pve i was expecting a style of which we saw in the division games ie "the dark zone" so we would have pvp zones not that the whole game no matter what we do coop or campaign that you can just get blasted overall.
if you are looking for a good stalker game to bypass the wait for stalker heart of chernobyle then just grab one of the older stalkers and suffer with it crashing a lot rather than suffer with random ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thatll camp in bushes for literall hours only to destroy you out of nowhere.

(i know the description mentions can be killed anywhere gotta be honest i had hopes that there would be a single player/coop only option thus my mentioning of being disapointed and annoyed by that)
Posted 31 January, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
6.4 hrs on record
really wanna like this game but the stupid difficulty mechanics that just at times feel blatently unfair just ruin the fun, if you dont have 4 friends min who play this dont bother cause even with 2 its near impossible the lack of ammo forces to melee focused gameplay which is fine when engaging the sleepers but in moving combat it is the most useless thing out there resulting in you swinging 4 or more times at a single enemy unless you get lucky and hit the weak spot then it takes less swings (meaning if you run out of ammo at one of the security gates that cause an alarm you might as well quit the game becuase you cannot win in melee), the absurdly weird hitbox of enemies is beyond infuriating at times especially the crawling enemies seem to sometimes flat out ignore or not get hit by fully automatic weapons, the stealth mechanics are weird especially as sometimes you swing for melee only for them to die but instantly alert others and other times its fine gives the vibe of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ RNG mobile game at that point sadly. but overall gun play is nice the game is fun and looks beutiful but the listed points above just ruin it.

it feels like a game with great potential ruined by an artificial difficulty spike insted of being hard and even harder to master like for example what the souls games go for which feel unfair but often times are becuase of player misinput in this game you can do everything right only for an enemy to die to a sneak attack and then alert everyone in a 30km radius it feels like.

maybe just increase the ammo by a bit or dont drop people into the mission with only 60% to 80% Ammo which is beyond dumb imo and fix some of the hitboxes and the random stealth mechanics and the game would be even better until then avoid this especially if you dont have a group of 4 i wouldnt even try it at 3 maybe if you are some extreme sweaty player go for it.
Posted 2 December, 2022.
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27.2 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
just a quick review game is really cool runs really smooth at least on my end, grpahics are lovely overall dont really have any issues with the game aside from some minor and one thats been quite noticable though why in the hell is the BMP 1 or 3 so extremly busted like in a tree line fighting against 3 Panzer greandier units with M113s in an entrenched position and whilst the bmp didnt win it beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of them nearly killing one out of the three entirely.
Posted 2 September, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
21.7 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
do not buy this ♥♥♥♥ game, very simple has a great promise and absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ execution, grinding for guns and whatnot aside im not to upset about that but first off maps way to big for the player counts half the time TDm maps for a 10vs10 miles to big and the conquest type mode could definetly use more than 20 players on each team due to size you barely find people especially when most camp in building.

the audio is at times beyond aweful leading to footsteps being heard from the completly wrong side they are actually coming from, gun play is good enough id say nothing to freak out about its not that good but it fits the game, collision is horrible players have no collisions with each other leading you to just kinda run through each otherr like ghost in turn resulting that the player with the highest sensitivity wins CQB fights cuase you just walk through each other, same with objects you get sucked into walls when to close or lose all your speed when touching any form of object.
Maps are well made and look good vehicles really need a rebalance the anti tank weapons aka the RPG7 being the only one is pathetic barely doing 17 damage to an APC half the time rear armour hits on average give about 24 damage but good luck when the crew can just see all for some reason. do not buy this game as it stands now wait for it to be free to play as it will become that soon around may from what ive heard, 13 euros way to much for this still rough mess, got high hopes we can see improvement and whatnot as the devs have showed improvement after they first released this mess but we will see.
Posted 17 April, 2022.
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52.6 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
ya know one thing that would be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nice is if this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game gave you a chance to play by yourself but ♥♥♥♥ no play alone and get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ raped 24/7 yeah what a fun and well made game in all honesty remove the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ single player in steam as alone you get ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ screwed and cant even destroy a single bear with a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bow, if singleplayer is seemingly a bit more adjusted for one player then ill gladly retract my statement as otehrwise the game is quite enjoyable but over the top difficult when playing alone. dear devs no everyone has a ♥♥♥♥ ton of friends to take along this journey

Edit 1: feel like i got targetted by the devs for my review considering the game was running fluently and perfectly all the up to 12am my time i turned off the game to do something the same way i always do and retunr an hour later now everytime i try to load into my prospect it immidiatly crashes with acces violation blah blah, oddle enough this only started after the review was posted on steam
Posted 12 December, 2021. Last edited 13 December, 2021.
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