"Skury! Are you okay?" Skuria asked her friend, who was very pale.
"I'm fine, but this volcano is really hot." Skuria said as she looked at her friends' feet and noticed that they were all burnt black from walking on the molten lava. "We should find someplace cool to rest for the night," Skuria continued.
"Okay!" Skury replied excitedly, and then turned around so fast that she slipped and fell down into the lava with a loud oomph! The other two girls rushed over to see if she was alright, but Skury just laughed and got back up onto her feet. As they walked towards the water's edge, Skuria looked up at Skury and saw that her skin had started to peel off.
"You're going to be all right, Skury," Skuria reassured her friend as she held her hand. They both sat down by the waters' edge and watched as the sun began to sink behind the horizon.
At sunset, Skuria's father came to meet them and took them home with him.
That night, Skura cried herself to sleep and dreamed about Skury being eaten alive by the crystal dragon. In her dream, Skury was screaming, "Help me! Please help me, Skuria!"
When she woke up, she looked over at the spot where she heard Skury scream in her nightmare.
There, lying next to her, was Skury. She smiled and kissed her forehead.
"I wish you were real." Her eyes welled up with tears once again.
Skuria lived happily ever after.

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