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投稿日: 2016年10月1日 4時48分
更新日: 2017年11月25日 1時43分

Easily one of my favorite games of all time. Holds one of my favorite antagonists (Ruvik) in any game ever. Story is amazing as well as the combat (third person). Difficulty in this game is ridiculous at times, especially on Nightmare (I don't even want to try Akumu) But even on Survival (Normal) you're going to have trouble on your first playthrough.

In short and no spoilers, You are a detective that gets a case about a hospital, you go inside and you are strangely transported into another "world". You go through the game hoping to find a way out, fighting undead, bosses, and someone watching you.

Third person shooter, you find ammo on the ground and off dead bodies, the higher the difficulty, the more scarce ammo is. (Also harder enemies obviously). The boss fights WILL aggravate you at times, but you eventually get past it. You might have to look up internet guides, I know I had to. You can craft crossbow ammo which you get from traps. The rest you can see for yourself.

As far as the horror elements go, yes they are definietly there. Very creepy game, however at times it loses those elements in some chapters but they always come back. If you're an experienced horror gamer, then it might come easy on you. There are definetly more horror games that will scare you even more. The DLCs however, are definietly nightmare fuel.
As far as bugs, I haven't experienced anything major. Some people say it's buggy, I say it's not. It could use better optimization I'll admit but don't judge the game's optimization off of the demo because people are saying that the demo has never been patched like the main game.
As one of my favorite games of all time, I say go ahead and buy it if you're a fan of horror games, if you're not, don't bother. But if you are, definietly pick it up and play it, amazing story, amazing combat, good characters, very hard game. (Please make a sequel <3 ) 10/10.

EDIT: THE EVIL WITHIN 2 IS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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3 件のコメント
Xandumas 2018年6月16日 14時15分 
God Hand?
Xandumas 2018年6月16日 14時15分 
What game would that be?
Hipster Elephant 2016年10月2日 11時42分 
I reccommend playing everything Shinji Mikami has ever directed. His worst game is still a 6/10 for me