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Menampilkan1-10 dari 56 kiriman
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Tercatat 0.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 0.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
i was abit pumped up for this game it looks like an old classic mmo i saw it for abit and went like well this is kinda cool got very very slow the more that it went on new mmo are just not even close to as fun as the old ones new ones are less than min or 5 old ones i played liker more that 1000 hours the trainning was keep making to repeat my action than it got even more boring k i must say that am sorry this game is no classic
Diposting pada 4 Oktober 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 4 Oktober 2024.
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Tercatat 231.3 jam (Telah dimainkan 91.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
i got this game after a long while of it than when i start it the training part was abit hard for but i change my key bind and it was easy my game on my first char was keep on bring me into this raid that made me get very emotion sick ness and i vomit on my key bourd to now i dont have to after an hour and 40 mins of this game its over for me i like it yes but i enjoyed vermintide 2 a bit more though as a war hammer fan its not that great though to
Diposting pada 1 Maret 2024.
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Tercatat 7.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 1.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
this game is pretty good if yuo liked the pain killer games yuo will like this its short but its a fun shooter to battle robots i like the comic book syle in it to but yes the last level and boss took me like 8 mouths to beat had to get my cusion to beat it for me than i did one last play though of it and i ended it the one kind of of robot hurts yuo like alot to thare is not alot of space to get away from them to
Diposting pada 18 November 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 6 Juli 2024.
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Tercatat 202.4 jam
i played this game back in like 2008 or 2012 ish it worked on my old old pc that i got in 2002 ish and oh boy did i ever loved it but part two is an another quite some thing upgrade to this was great on i wanted to earn ever avriveent cuese i knew that i was not going to wanna play it agein plus the only great freind that i had on steam that i played this game with does not play games no more agein this was good at the time as my pc that pc was in storage tell like 2013 at least i was like yuo know i like this pc but its just not worth the fix to me cuese this was one of my first more real looking shooter game that i played
Diposting pada 8 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 8.1 jam
i wanted to get super into this game cuese it looked pretty cool i killed the first boss and stuff but ever sigle time that i want out during the day time and not at night i got killed and surouned bye wolfs ever bloody time my quest were very very hard to know where to go to i said that this game just was not for me i like games like the styrager rpg action game 2 and 3 and then first one was not bad just a little too slow for me thost games a sorta dark souls like but they are quite easy but having two chacters in the third one was about 150 hours and beaten and played that was hard effot my guy made a misake and delted one of them two and 3 are both just as good first one was just too slow thest games were all removed from steam in 2010 i was pissed and sad about it with 30 hours of the first game but dragons dogma is a leassy silly game that is not fun
Diposting pada 8 Juli 2023.
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Tercatat 2.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 1.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
woow guys this game kinda sucks i wanted to buy itg was looking forord to this game as well but after the buggy bomb part with the ♥♥♥♥ i stoped playing it and its not left for dead 3 and its not jackie chan the online part of it has no filter poeple said that was bad its not as fun as it shoulde have been unless if it gets abit better after that boat part ok
Diposting pada 11 Mei 2023.
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Tercatat 22.0 jam (Telah dimainkan 16.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
i fily went to play this game after all this time of not willing to its fun but thare is not as much to it as part 2 is its not the same did let me exlore a great mine town at least with an elf and stuff i do not know how or when i wanted to play mre but i could not be a male archer for one thing and it got abit to slow after words in it i wanted more in this thats all
Diposting pada 11 Mei 2023.
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Tercatat 13.5 jam
so i wanted to reveiw the first game though but i would not let me do it i would not pay and ♥♥♥♥♥ to this cuese it would be way to hard for but would it be fun with cheat codes though it is a sigle player game am i right but this robots mix with nightmares i would be erased bye my infect to wipe out all of them tell i get sick and vomit ok ok ok jerry he would never he would never ever oh lord
Diposting pada 25 April 2023.
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Tercatat 0.3 jam
i really realy dont like this game i used to play the old classic guild war factions i got pretty far in to it but in thost days i put more fouces into games like that but this leausy new game is so bad i only got to the first boss and walked around the map abit the poeple in it look compley silly i also dont rember the old game being silly i know that it was a long and detail game and stuff levels were pretty cool and stuff i wounder about it
Diposting pada 25 April 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 25 April 2023.
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Tercatat 106.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 90.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
the best dungoen game that i played sinch path of exile love this cool its dark and great story lone would love to see it played as a movie would be so cool to
Diposting pada 25 April 2023.
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Menampilkan1-10 dari 56 kiriman