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Reseñas recientes de zaltelda premic

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33.2 h registradas (31.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
fear 2 is the best fear game that i have played it has a neat story projeck origin had to much scary and fancy things that is not a bad game it just is abit to over the top senseless story
with a dark fiends with long teeth a doctor lab operation gone crazy and even a slugde of flesh
have a very very cool and fun well done story mode but 2 had so much fancy and
scary stuff in to it that it can be indoumery corny in a quite complex and really hard to understand sort of way to thest games are one of a kind dark spooky and fun the third game was kinda hard yuo know very well made game i did not like the hide and heal part
really enjoyed thest fantasic games i do love all 3 of them i really hope they keep it up and make another game i would love to see a forth game come out pretty soon ish
forth game to this amazing game frasise love them a true master pirce story its not really so much that the game its self was chessy just had abit to much dark and fancy stuff in it
Publicada el 16 de mayo de 2018. Última edición: 4 de agosto de 2019.
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100.0 h registradas (57.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
amazing co op team fighting game great mecanics and a great over all half cut and power game love it
fun maps lots of bloody moors rat killing for all yuo folks who like the left for dead kind of game play stlaye its amazing
so fantasic more grat kuzula and i like my self the ice snow 3 maps one and behold the great evil of the nuzuul
i am yours to be unfill with blood smoked calen and gates of underhold it is an imagery herb that grows onto it now
look now where was i to be displayed the game right here now
Publicada el 16 de mayo de 2018.
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8.9 h registradas
hey guys i thought that this game was gonna be pretty good cuese i really enjoyed playing the lengends one for
the nintendo 64 it was super fun but this game upsets me to myself dont ever play and give this game a try its dumb yuo
get killed way to easy its super low buget and really not fun to play either am really upset this game is a pirce of crap
i will not recamend it at all play the lengends one on your pc with an emalater
Publicada el 1 de febrero de 2018.
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105.5 h registradas (4.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
i thought this mod game was really great fun it has pretty good levels such as the powerhouse
but how ever what i did not like about it that it keep on crashing on to me though any clue
what that i can do to fix that though any updates or patchs say to me what yuo guys all thick about it
though next door to its all ones firefight reloaded is a great one it has wapoens like the telsa cannon
in it horde mode but does it ever get fixed though is what am saying to this one though all right then
Publicada el 26 de diciembre de 2017.
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1,111.0 h registradas (10.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
rift is an amazing game the game play in it is like lord of the rings online but the game is
also more like world of warcarft i played an older copy realese of rift back in like 2010 and it was
one of the best mno game that i have ever play the raids are really fun true darkness on regules taking over the world of rift then they travel back though time to stop the invaders as our last hope as on the assendent
story is great made a rift acount like 2010 years ago and played it alot
that much though its a master mind degit of oral informermend daekness grows out though to
its content i am in former and reactervate its former glory i am the leader of the plainlands and
to defaet the dark lords host he rages war over all of its wrath the fantasy places in this game
look pretty nice though the lord of behuolers fire and the darkness that takes it all over now victory
is a great tesk at its own hands i am for your warship to all of us to bring it to yuo for i have dreamed of it
Publicada el 26 de diciembre de 2017. Última edición: 4 de noviembre de 2020.
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220.1 h registradas (131.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
this game rules best max payne game ever its dark and fun like the gun guy in that old book mr pranke guner it has a very great turn to it part 2 was great this one was even greater it rules its great i love it four way stop the in storage to make an even greater cuese to us all its been doom flow down to the gruop blowing holes into bad guys sitting in bars all night doing power upgrades then of course gets really sick after it seems like power well lets put it that way a hair for your gun
Publicada el 24 de febrero de 2017.
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1 persona encontró divertida esta reseña
2,656.2 h registradas (771.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
love this game yes i do to all thost of the beloved time line and terms it has been an out burst it is fun for playing with oither frainds de de it has pretty places in it i would have consider it as an out glace or a water magic dripping from a foumer moutain grace of ace cocor i have your ward bye it with all means its fun story gets a bit stange though and uncinved oh yes it has the hutress of the odaien woods the inter vest ment of the oservesy tory i am out last for are blood lust conpare to the rest how ever comperhenson and dark wilerm and cosmatic horrors beyound inter vylwym un conviced its a best fan fantasy anime style type of game one must revive or elimanate thier past tell its complete expeald spells and former black magic arts and not very thought ful and cool i like to play it a bit to easy for to long in a way ora mind des shield to be brought down to the gruond it was he was thare was the fight befor chist mas yep but it even has a poner of say de de i thick the guy has to become a like the stearth on to him yeaah he feels sticky i have come to reclaim my own home land let us displain with faith and diesre i am the unbreaker reconation with all are own hopes been like recycald ice cream craxern long last it for all un ressolved cases such as well it ends to night very fun indeed ugh yes the barren dark lords have it selghty un breched bye foum soul one soul would do all this due to a draded time line
Publicada el 24 de febrero de 2017. Última edición: 24 de noviembre de 2017.
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220.0 h registradas (204.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
love this game lol its dark bad ass and fun if yuo play it with the right cuonuesness its jast a nuves
zombies killing macine zombies out of fear i never played it with any conpents but i no of about this
its a great game with some mind blown story parts the night of the living dead ♥♥♥♥ lol its like a hell
break has gone all loss on wards out and pop out from them part 2 is silly and cartoon ish but this one
is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ great lol lol chess burger crisp burn them all up lol and loz wigg glous and wigg glous i am
the king of this game for as yuo no about it for even thost who fear in the dark i am thost who has cusume it
all thost who have conjustment it yet agein from time to time with in it from beyound the own grave i am
inter manutive i can out jast with in all hope i am the un maker of its prierd i am the dark reaper in this
action bassed socked game from the old barren odes book
Publicada el 23 de abril de 2016.
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12.0 h registradas
this one is really bad its the worst one in the frasie i thought that 2 and 3 were way way cooler
this ones pretty boring i thought the very first part of it was super creepy but all the rest of it
was jast so so boring though play 2 and 3 but dont play this one cuese i really like thest games
myself but not this one as much though but how does it go on though its own wisdom
Publicada el 30 de noviembre de 2015.
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2 personas encontraron divertida esta reseña
13.6 h registradas
this game is terreble dont buy this game i was quite upset about it i had wanted to play
it then i was up set it was not very cool not as cool as it looks it was pretty gorny
and it was really buggy it always crashs and has weird bugs to it this game is also like
way way to hard yuo cannot heal your self offtan anefe no guys help yuo when yuo need it
its jast a bad game i was pretty pumped in wanted to play it then i was like well i dont like it
that much true for its buld terms now i cut it off right
Publicada el 18 de noviembre de 2015.
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