Temps de jeu des 2 dernières semaines :

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Succès remportés : 2 sur 9 (22%)
Succès personnels

Veteran Fans

Guess the team that won the championship
Débloqué le 21 déc. 2022 à 17h38

Junior Fans

Participate in 2022 Super Fest
Débloqué le 21 déc. 2022 à 17h38

We are the champions!

Choose the team that wins the championship as your Peak Belief

Senior Analyst

Get 50% correct in the Super Fest

Intermediate Fans

Participated in all Super Fest quizzes

Junior Analyst

Get 30% correct in the Super Fest

Master Analyst

Get 80% correct in the Super Fest

Time Traveller

Get 100% correct in the Super Fest

Aladdin's Lamp

Perfect guesses for the top 8, top 4 in the championship