goffee 13 mar 2019, ore 11:48 
(i'm just now realizing i haven't logged in to steam since at least Feb 7 and I don't know how I feel about that)
JPEGFAN 7 feb 2019, ore 21:02 
JPEGFAN 18 nov 2018, ore 13:06 
____*******_________******* _____
___***____***____***______*** ___
_***______SORRY FOR_____***_
JPEGFAN 14 lug 2018, ore 15:54 
salty_ 25 mag 2018, ore 13:03 
psyduck join shah's team thx. also play more spelunky. :steamsalty:
arka 15 mag 2018, ore 18:37 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ebola is killing ducks in Africa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Repost this on other peoples profiles ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Or you will die of Ebola ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
JPEGFAN 11 mar 2018, ore 18:39 
Duhhk 2 mar 2018, ore 20:10 
JPEGFAN 2 mar 2018, ore 19:42 
u give me headache
arka 21 giu 2017, ore 8:39 
yur so kawaii uguuu~~

Duhhk 24 feb 2017, ore 16:38 
JPEGFAN 24 feb 2017, ore 16:36 
so u and corned r walkin to mid and the other teams roamer comes n drops ur corned. wyd????

JPEGFAN 5 feb 2017, ore 20:01 
A medik was walkin2 da cp wit her solly n they were crossin da choke. she sed “bbz will u luv me 4evr” he said “NO..”“ da medik cryed N ran across da choke b4 da wall wuz chekked 4 stickiez. boy was cryin and went to pic up her body. she was ded. he whispered 2 her corpse “I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever…” (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr) xxx~*…LIKE DIS IF U CRY EVRY TIME…~*xxx duck
JPEGFAN 29 gen 2017, ore 17:50 
quack me up daddy you make me want to duck myself ugu :senpai:
Yosephus 29 gen 2017, ore 17:39 
duck me harder
arka 6 gen 2017, ore 19:41 
You've been DUCKED!!!
The spooky :senpai: has come to town
To leave some quacks... I see you've found.
if you wish to make this a happier fall...
Continue this greeting, this duck call.
goffee 6 gen 2017, ore 17:17 
a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chump

Takoyaki 7 dic 2016, ore 13:58

I hope you're studying. :senpai:
arka 4 dic 2016, ore 17:37 
:senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai: :senpai: WHAT A FUNNY DUCK! :senpai:
JPEGFAN 4 dic 2016, ore 17:36 
really DUCKING cool guy!!! :senpai:
Yosephus 4 dic 2016, ore 17:33 
Yosephus 4 dic 2016, ore 17:30 
JPEGFAN 4 dic 2016, ore 17:27 
Duhhk 2 dic 2016, ore 16:50 
all my comments are made by a duck so its duckish by default
Yosephus 2 dic 2016, ore 14:29 
thats not a duck
Duhhk 2 dic 2016, ore 13:27 
y'all think you're slick but there will be only ducks on here i swear by it!
Takoyaki 1 dic 2016, ore 22:36 
Me: :octodad:

Psy: :senpai:
Takoyaki 20 nov 2016, ore 20:15 
Quack :senpai:
Duhhk 20 nov 2016, ore 19:38 
only ducks are allowed here from now on
Takoyaki 20 nov 2016, ore 19:22 
Is a duck. :senpai:
goffee 21 ott 2016, ore 15:56 
But wait weren't you the admin that banned you? How can you be more powerful than yourself? Check mate atheists.
Yosephus 21 ott 2016, ore 15:29 
Duhhk 21 ott 2016, ore 9:41 
i am far more powerful than your puny admins
Yosephus 21 ott 2016, ore 4:19 
I thought he was banned. :(
Duhhk 20 ott 2016, ore 23:42 
goffee 20 ott 2016, ore 21:41 
gross. i want psyduck back now personally.
Yosephus 20 ott 2016, ore 18:25 
finally a good dictator
arka 20 ott 2016, ore 17:19 
now for the minti era to begin. im taking over
Yosephus 13 ott 2016, ore 17:29 
its been weeks since pyscho has shown up here is it truely free of his tyranny?
Duhhk 14 set 2016, ore 20:25 
as admin of this profile page, psychopsyduck has been banned from posting from this point onward, he is estimated to return never
arka 14 set 2016, ore 19:38 
doesnt matter how, i concur. ban psychoduckboi
goffee 14 set 2016, ore 18:55 
how tho
Yosephus 14 set 2016, ore 18:38 
i say we make this a psyduck free zone. a safe space
goffee 14 set 2016, ore 18:34 
oh my
Yosephus 14 set 2016, ore 18:30 
arka 14 set 2016, ore 18:24 
i missed like 2 pages of messages becus i afked on psychos profile and now my comment is basically irrelavent. fml
Yosephus 14 set 2016, ore 14:27 
sounds good
Duhhk 14 set 2016, ore 14:06 
dont u ♥♥♥♥♥ dare
arka 14 set 2016, ore 14:04 
id like to dedicate psychos profile for complaints toward steam. big boys from steam will see it. psycho is like. wildly popular : D
Duhhk 13 set 2016, ore 20:05 
both of u cuz im a crack shot pow pow