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Recent reviews by Demogorgon Ramsay

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1 person found this review helpful
19.7 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
My positive review speaks for the content of the game itself and not the performance on launch. TL:DR This game is good, but wait until they fix its performance issues

2 hours in, and yes this game is poorly optimized for how big of a launch this is, and yes I had to turn off my glorious raytracing to make this game run smoother (could still run it on ultra setting otherwise). My game crashed once during a death, and while turning off ray tracing and limiting my frames helped the stuttering, its still present when loading into different areas. Its probably best to wait for a patch to fix the stuttering, but since I'm past the point of refunding, let me tell you why the game itself is pretty good!

When it comes to the actual game itself, it is a beautifully action packed grotesque nightmare. Its gross, the deaths are disgusting, and the world is as isolating and alone as the old dead space felt. One of the big changes is the combat. You still have your stomping ability, but the main thing is that combat is a lot more involved than just shooting your gun. Dodging mechanics make for pretty great melee fights (albeit sometimes repetitive), and sneaking adds a lot of interesting ways to go about certain areas. Its definitely a game worth picking up, and if you don't mind playing with lower setting than your PC can most likely handle, its been running decently, but not great. Theres still no excuse why a game should run this rough at launch, but once this game is patched though, itll be a big treat for sci fi horror lovers!
Posted 2 December, 2022.
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4.3 hrs on record
To The Moon is truly a beautiful and thought provoking story where you and your partner try to grant a dying man's wish of going to the moon. This game will no doubt cause the toughest of men and women to break down into a puddle of their own tears. This game is deep, Tragic yet beautiful, and really makes you think about the ups and downs of life. If you've ever seen the movie "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind" you can expect this game to be somewhat like that, but with 100x more emotion and a more enthralling story. The soundtrack in this game is BEAUTIFUL and the dialogue and interactions between characters are great. You'll find yourself laughing at some moments and crying during others on this emotional rollarcoster. This game is definitely worth the price for the amazing story and soundtrack, and believe that everyone should play this extraordinary game!
Posted 2 June, 2017.
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11.9 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
I started losing faith that Resident evil would get back to its survival horror roots, but MAN, Resident Evil 7 is truly one heck of a revival.

This game does not ease up on its tension... like ever. It's a constant struggle, and every moment feels like it can be your last. The gameplay is smooth and very challenging. You'll feel the despair as you get your first kick ass gun and realize it doesnt do crap lol. There are some MInor bugs here and there, but it's never bad enough to detract you from this hellish world.

All I can say is get this game... And welcome to the family, son
Posted 24 January, 2017. Last edited 24 January, 2017.
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12.8 hrs on record (10.3 hrs at review time)
WAU (wow), There is SOMA-ch to love about this game!!

Outside of my awful puns, this game is truly a work of art. I bought this game when It was on sale and went in with the sole expectation that it would give me a good scare for a few hours. Besides that, I went in blind, and I gotta say, Wow this game is extremely deep and it disturbed me and fascinated me more than any game has in a long time

SOMA ask the question of what it means to be human and will make you question what consciousness is and makes you question the meaning of existence. The story is extremely complex, and the way frictional games goes about telling the story is amazing. You get to see horrific scenes of the Pathos II, run away from monstrosities that are bound to make you crap your pants, and just uncover the mystery that lies below the surface. This game is EASILY Worth the full 30 dollars, and I'd recommend this to anyone who is looking for a extremely deep and enthralling game!
Posted 11 January, 2017.
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94.4 hrs on record (26.3 hrs at review time)
when you first start out:

Me: *Misses one shot*


Me: "Sorry!" "Sorry!"
Teammate #2 : "No Prob"
Me: "Thanks!"

Once you hit pro

Me: "Misses one shot"


Teammate #1 : "wow" "wow" "wow"
*Chat Disabled for 3 seconds*
Teammate #2 : "nice shot!" "What a save" "thanks!"
Enemy teammate #1 : "Savage"
Enemy teammate #2 : "Thanks!"
Teammate #1 : "Pyro you suck"
*Teammate #1 leaves*
*Teammate #2 leaves*

Would recommend.
Posted 4 January, 2017. Last edited 4 January, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
59.5 hrs on record (58.3 hrs at review time)
Confession: when I first played this game, I dropped it after the Prologue because I found the combat tedious and lacking. However, I wanted to play this game before the other witchers, so I decided to try it one more time with an open mind. I'm glad I did because after the first chapter, my Geralt realized the joys of snuu snuu and gambling, and became part of an endless cycle of:

getting laid -> losing all my
Money -> gambling to make ends meet -> losing everything -> sadness -> repeat.

I have no regrets

In all seriousness, this game is phenomenal.
-Combat is tedious, but once you get the hang of it, it actually becomes quite enjoyable.
-This game excels in how it deals with choices and decisions. When your faced with an important decision, there is no clear right or wrong answer, and they do have lasting consequences
-The story is engrossing, and while the pacing may be quite inconsistent, theres never a dull moment!
Overall I'd recommend it to anyone who is looking for a immersive RPG, and a well thought out story.
Posted 3 January, 2017. Last edited 3 January, 2017.
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10.4 hrs on record
If Alice from 'Alice in Wonderland' smoked some hardcore meth, you'd probably get something like Fran Bow. Fran Bow is a point and click game that takes you into the mind of a little girl with extreme delusions and is looking for her cat. The world of Fran Bow is disturbing, and somehow really charming. The world design is by far one of the most interesting parts of the game. Bloody and gory, but with a touch of a childs wild imagination and innocence thown in. The story is great and rather complicated depending on how you interpret it, and each level never lost my interest! The puzzles are challanging, but not impossible, and the characters you encounter throughout this game are diverse and interesting! If you're looking for a challenge, and want a very unique experience, Fran Bow is for you!!
Posted 18 November, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
13.4 hrs on record (10.9 hrs at review time)
On the surface, this game looks like anyother war shooter. You're an American soldier tearing through enemy forces and trying to be the God dang hero! To be honest, Spec ops' gameplay doesnt add much when compared to other third person shooters. But this isnt a game about being a hero, this is a game about war , and in some sense, a game about games. A game that holds you accountable for every life you take, every action you chose, and makes you really think everytime you pull the trigger.

Spec ops adds a new deminsion to the War genre, and blurs the lines between good and evil, right and wrong, etc. As you play, you will begin to notice a twist in the games identity from generic war shooter, to horrific game depicting the harsh reprocusions of war. The character development in this game is unreal and is what really drives this game home. You will see the degredation of your squads morals, mental health, and humanity as they have to deal with the reprocusions of your actions. While the gameplay is somewhat lackluster, the story is truly the best part about this game, and i would easily recommend it to someone who is looking for one heck of a story, and a life ruining experience!
Posted 18 November, 2016. Last edited 18 November, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
14.2 hrs on record (13.9 hrs at review time)
Got this game on sale a while back because hey, who DOESNT wanna shoot some nazis?. Didnt know what to expect from this game, but if I went in with high expectations, this game would've definitely shattered them! Beside the obvious killing of Nazi's, the world is so intrecate, Immersive, and so thoughtout. The characters are so realized, the world is nitty gritty and unique, and you just can't help but want to kill some nazi's when you dive into this world. The combat is smooth and intense, and the stealth mechanics, from my experience, funtion well. My only complaint would have to be some choppiness in the cutscenes, but overall this game never broke my immersion and it kept me enthralled the whole way through! Definitely worth the price for those who want a great story, awesome gunplay, and wnat to enjoy the blood, guts, and glory!
Posted 17 November, 2016. Last edited 17 November, 2016.
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24.7 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
This game is like getting a Puppy for your birthday, taking it on a walk, then seeing your puppy get hit by a car, all while simultaniously getting a phone call telling you that your house is on fire and that your fiancée is leaving you for your bestfriend 2 days before your wedding.

In short, GET THIS GAME and to get the most out of this game i recommend two things:

1) GO INTO THIS GAME AS BLIND AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. You'd be doing yourself a huge disservice looking up companion guides, choice guides etc.

2) As hard as it might be, to get the most out of this game, TRY NOT TO ABUSE THE SAVEPOINTS TO REVERT ACTIONS AND DECISIONS YOU MADE. This is suppose to be a life ruining experience, so let it ruin your life. when life hands you Crap, DEAL WITH IT :)

Posted 4 November, 2016. Last edited 4 November, 2016.
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