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| Xbox: RiseAbovePride | PlayStation: RiseAbovePride | Uplay: RisAbovePride | Rockstar Social Club: RiseAbovePride | Blizzard: RiseAbove |
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I have completed this game twice (once on XB1 and once on PC). I have to say this is one of the best RPG's created to this date. The graphics are stunning, often I would just sit in awe looking at a immacculate city or gazing off in the atmospheric enviroment that has been bestowed upon me. The subtle things in this game are easy to miss. Often when running about you'll see the results of quests you've completed in game or small details in caves, towns, or cities that help make each area stand out and feel unique. The story is very entertaining and precisely created each character has a unique story to tell that is meaningful. The side quest are well-developed and engaging, every quest is worth the time put in because of the reward system and the interesting events that unfold. The monsters/beasts in the game are very unique some familiar like a wild dogs, bears, griffins while others are unfamiliar(Unless you have played the other Witcher games) such as djinns, nekkers, and botchlings. Throught the game I encountered a lot of the same monsters while also slowly being introduced to new monsters/beasts along way which kept the game refreshing. The combat is fluid and very repsonsive, when fighting the control are smooth and engaging multiple enemies is a breeze. Elements such as using signs, oiling your blade, and using potions help increase your immersion in the game and help supplement the combat also. Crafting in the game is also breeze and the higher difficulties are not too difficult but provide a challenge to the point to where you don't cake walk through the game. While this game is very enjoyable to play it also has flaws. Texture clipping is an issue, but not a deal breker. While the combat is a breeze often I find I'm trying to escaape an area and Geralt automatically enters combat stance and sometimes it results in my death because of limited mobility. There are some bugs that frustrated me like having to follow a merchant back to his town so he didn't glitch and randomly not being able to sprint while on horse back. While there is many more postives and many negatives that can be listed you get the point. This game is overall phenominal and I would recommend it to anyone!
Saithimath 18 Jan @ 9:14am 
+rep good job, my friend
Fosius 17 Nov, 2024 @ 7:13am 
+rep clutch master
Burikelv 14 Oct, 2024 @ 10:17am 
a genius on the field
76561199095124502 29 Feb, 2024 @ 6:22am 
nice mate
Aeon 4 Feb, 2024 @ 6:39pm 
:biblis: Love you friend hope your week is going well! :biblis:
Aeon 26 Mar, 2023 @ 12:45am 