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14.5 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 1,299.7 h en tout (55.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 5 mars 2023 à 9h17
Mis à jour : 25 juil. 2023 à 7h55

Ok first of all it's a gacha game so if you have gambling issues stay away
That being said, it's otherwise easily the best gacha ever made.

Of course as is customary from project moon, the story, the art and the music are all absolutely outstanding.
I could talk about this for days but seriously just boot up the game for its story and art or look up some music on youtube and you'll be blown away instantly.

The gameplay is fairly easy to understand but incredibly deep, with strategic teambuilding being the most important element of all and allowing for exponential possibilities everytime new units get released.

The story and the character design are clearly oriented for queer and neurodivergeant people, featuring primarily characters in cool or fancy suits rather than being half naked like in the other gachas. Both the men and the women get the same treatment in the story and in the art and it's very tasteful all around with nothing that feels like "its just bait".

From a monetisation standpoint, the game is very free to play friendly.
You can beat the entire game using the base units if you're smart with your teambuilding.
If you just care about the main story and dont care about the side content you can litterally just do that and not even treat the game as a gacha.

Of course it's still fun to have access to many other units to expand your teambuilding possibilities, and you can do that while still being free to play as well :
Just by playing the game you get enough currency to afford a 10-pull regularly every week, on top of that just playing through the story for the first time well net you half a dozen 10-pulls as well and you'll get even more if you play during events.
Not a gambler ? You also get currency from just playing the game which you can use to pick the unit you want from the in game shop.
For reference Ive been playing since release and without buying any microtransaction I own every unit in the game and still have 500 pulls in stock for when they release new stuff.
And you dont have to worry about fomo either since everything can get bought from the shop even after the banner or the event is over.

Cant recommand this game enough, its so perfect Im absolutely obsessed with everything about it.
Please, the game is free, just give it a try. You won't regret it.
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