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4.6 hrs on record
The game looks good, great visuals, the gameplay is fine, and it can only get better from here. Definitely worth checking out.
Posted November 27, 2019.
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16.1 hrs on record (14.6 hrs at review time)
Evolve Gameplay And Performance Review: A Humans Vs. Monsters Hunt

It was being hunted... The monster had been avoiding a team of four hunters ever since it saw them jump out of the spaceship. But by the time the hunters’ feet had touched the ground, the monster was already distancing itself, jumping over large boulders and running through trees in order to get away from the human threat. Along the way, it would slay any of the indigenous wildlife in its path, to devour, in order to evolve and become stronger.

Time passed, as the monster played a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the four hunters, while continuing to feed. Now, it felt strong enough to take on its pursuers. But before it could take the fight to them, a blue dome came down around it, trapping it in a small area while four hunters stepped into the monster's field of view.

With a roar of defiance, the monster charges into a hail of bullets, determined to wipe out the group of hunters. But who is really trapped in that shimmering blue dome?

That is how you are going to feel when playing Evolve, a 4v1 multiplayer game developed by Turtle Rock Studios and published by 2K Games. It pits a player-controlled monster against four other players that assume the role of hunters tasked with tracking the monster down and killing it -- preferably before the monster becomes too strong and kills all of the hunters or destroys a power relay station.

The game has taken its developer about four years to finish and, during that time, it has been able to remain in the public’s consciousness. But not always for positive reasons. Turtle Rock was acquired by 2K Games in an auction when THQ went bankrupt and, before any images or footage of the game were released, its DLC was being promoted. In fact, it has been the massive amount of day one DLC available that has caused some backlash against the game leading up to its release.

But glossing over that particular issue, has Evolve been worth the wait? That is what we are here to find out. Suit-up, this could get messy.

Read the rest of my review for gameplay and benchmark results over at Hot Hardware: http://hothardware.com/reviews/evolve-review-a-humans-versus-monsters-hunt
Posted May 28, 2015.
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545.8 hrs on record (111.3 hrs at review time)
GTA V Gameplay And Performance Review: The PC Version Rules

Ever since Grand Theft Auto V’s initial release back in September 2013 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, PC gamers have been eagerly waiting for Rockstar Games to bring its title to the PC. 18 months later, and the long-awaited game has finally been released. Unfortunately, while Rockstar Games is known for releasing some top-notch titles, its track record with porting its games to PC hasn’t been stellar.

When Grand Theft Auto IV came out for the PC platform back in 2008, about eight months after the console version, it was criticized as a poor port at the time. Suffering from performance issues and requiring users to be signed in to Windows Live to save their progress, it frustrated many users in many ways that its console counterparts did not. Though, the PC version has some superior aspects as well. The same can be said about Grand Theft Auto V to some extent.

But we’ll get to that later on in the review.

Read the rest of the review over at Hot Hardware: http://hothardware.com/reviews/grand-theft-auto-v-gameplay-and-performance-review-is-the-pc-version-the-definitive-one
Posted May 2, 2015.
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8.1 hrs on record
If you are looking to play with friends online, then hold off on purchasing Dead or Alive 5 as its online modes are not available yet. Not only that, but it is missing other features as well for a game that has been released for the PC platform. There are no Steam Achievements, Steam Trading cards, Cloud Saves, force feedback, and it is missing two stages that are available on its PS4/XB1 counterparts.

(this is not a review, but one will be forthcoming soon)

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Dead or Alive 5 Last Round on PC: http://www.castlepyramid.com/why-you-shouldnt-buy-dead-or-alive-5-last-round-on-pc-2015/
Posted March 30, 2015. Last edited March 30, 2015.
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55.9 hrs on record (55.7 hrs at review time)
Dark Souls II Review

Fun, yet frustrating

I’m fighting against a skeleton wielding a large greatsword. I roll out of its way to dodge its first attack and immediately parry a second one with my shield. With my enemy off balance, I quickly get in a couple of slashes with my broadsword and get his health down significantly. At this point, I’m feeling confident that the fight is almost over as I roll out of the way of the skeleton’s next attack. But, to my horror, I anticlimactically fall off a cliff and die which forces me to lose all the souls I've collected.

Mouse flies in one direction, the keyboard flies in the other, and somehow there is a fist-sized hole in the monitor.

It seems to us that frustration is the currency that From Software likes to deal in when it comes to the Dark Souls franchise and Dark Souls 2 is no exception. There were many times we became frustrated as we played the game. But perhaps not for the reasons many who have played, or will play, the game will expect. But we’ll address that soon enough.

Read the rest of the review at Maximum PC: Original Link - http://www.maximumpc.com/dark_souls_2_review_2014

New Link - http://seandknight.com/index.php/2019/10/22/game-knight-review-dark-souls-2/
Posted June 20, 2014. Last edited March 20, 2022.
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39.8 hrs on record (33.4 hrs at review time)
Tropico 5 Review

A familiar experience, but still fun

When it comes to creating the greatest island nation in the world, we will stop at nothing to achieve this. What we can’t understand is why our denizens never seem to appreciate the measures we take to achieve this goal. Sure, child labor doesn't sound like the greatest thing in the world, but when jobs need filling, what are you going to do? After all, it is for the betterment and advancement of Tropico!

Despite our citizens’ ire, we still found it satisfying to step into the shoes of El Presidente once again and experience the game’s humorous approach to the simulation genre. Whether it was our advisors, well, advising us or foreign diplomats’ various demands, all of it is wrapped up in a very humorous package.

Read the rest of my review at Maximum PC: Original Link - http://www.maximumpc.com/tropico_5_review_2014

New Link - http://seandknight.com/index.php/2019/11/13/game-knight-review-tropico-5/
Posted June 20, 2014. Last edited March 20, 2022.
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6 people found this review helpful
7.7 hrs on record
Dear Reader,

I’m writing to you today for I wonder at the thoughts you would think, and the words you would utter, if you could see what I have seen. Hear what I have heard. Experience what I have experienced. Would your thoughts and opinions mirror mine as Narcisuss’s visage was reflected back to him from the water of a pool?

Or will my thoughts be as a cherry blossom falling to the ground? Seen but lost among the countless number of facsimiles. Remembered for a second, but forgotten and swept away for all eternity.

I wonder…

Dear Esther is an interesting experiment. It is a game devoid of action, violence, sex, and interaction of any kind. You are on a deserted island with a disembodied voice for company as you explore. No more and no less. Or so it would seem.

As I wandered over the island, the voice read excerpts from a letter to a woman named Esther. Over time, I began to wonder about Esther, the voice, and two men named Donnelly and Jakobson. All are mentioned frequently throughout the game yet there is much that requires explanation.

The game uses Valve’s Source engine, which continues to hold up well despite its age. The island might be devoid of life but the views are lovely if somewhat grim. As I made my way to a lighthouse I observed rolling hills of grass, walked along a beach, spotted derelict ships beached upon the shore, and saw other sights. There is a section of the game where I found myself in a cave that took my breath away. Stalactites, stalagmites, glowing objects, gems, waterfalls; this area has easily become one of my most memorable locations for a video game.

To read the rest of my review visit Press2Reset: Original Link - http://press2reset.com/reviews/review-dear-esther/

New Link - http://seandknight.com/index.php/2021/09/15/game-knight-review-dont-starve/

Still a game I would recommend
Posted December 13, 2013. Last edited March 20, 2022.
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9 people found this review helpful
6.3 hrs on record
When I first heard this game’s title I immediately thought of Majesty 2, a medieval sim game that takes place in the land of Ardania. Though Defenders of Ardania is related to the Majesty franchise it surprisingly shirks its predecessor’s medieval sim genes and instead fits firmly in the tower defense genre.

Tower defense games have been around for quite a while and every year there are tons of them released as indie titles and mods. I was curious as to how developer Paradox Interactive would tackle this particular sub-genre of real-time strategy.

Like many such games, Defenders of Ardania has you slugging it out with an AI or human opponent to try to wipe out each other’s base. You set up towers to defend your building against enemy troops while simultaneously sending out your own armies to destroy the opposition.

Following in the vein of Majesty 2, Defenders of Ardania is filled with bright colors and has a nice style to it. But sadly the graphics aren’t that polished and the game seems to use the same engine as Majesty 2.

In addition to borrowing graphics, Defenders’ music also uses the same themes as that of its strategy-game counterpart, which was filled with sweeping orchestral pieces. The voice acting, however, is rather horrendous. Aside from your stalwart Advisor the characters, such as Kilia the Elf, will grate on your nerves. The character sounds like an old woman who talks rather slowly. In fact, if I couldn’t skip the dialogue at the beginning of each campaign I probably would have stopped playing.

Read the rest of my review at Press2Reset: http://press2reset.com/reviews/review-defenders-of-ardania/
Posted November 26, 2013.
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9.4 hrs on record
When it comes to the subject of King Arthur I can’t help but be intrigued by it. Nor am I the only one. There are plenty of books, movies, and a few video games that attest to how popular the Once and Future King is. In King Arthur: The Role-Playing Wargame, I took part in his rise to power but the sequel does not continue on in a positive manner.

In King Arthur II: The Role-playing Wargame, the golden age of Arthur is no more. Known as the Maimed King due to a magical wound, Arthur and his kingdom suffer together. Monsters roam the torn kingdom, the Knights of the Round Table have disappeared and a new threat looms on the horizon. Now it is up to William Pendragon, son of Arthur, to find a cure for his father and restore the land.

This is the setting in which I found myself.

Read the rest of the review at Press2Reset: http://press2reset.com/reviews/review-king-arthur-ii-the-role-playing-wargame/
Posted November 26, 2013.
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12.8 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Every now and then there comes a game that tries to revisit genres that have fallen by the wayside as the video game industry continues to change and grow. Dungeon crawler games, for the most part, happen to be one of those genres. So when I first saw images for Legend of Grimrock I couldn’t help but be excited.

When I was a kid I spent a lot of time playing the old dungeon crawler games. I still vividly remember such titles as Dungeon Master and Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep. Given how much time I spent playing those games, and loving every minute of it, I was hoping that this new game would live up to the games in whose footsteps it was following.

I’ll tell you right now, I have not been disappointed.

Legend of Grimrock is everything it is supposed to be. It is an old-style dungeon crawler modernized for today’s gaming world. While such a game can be limited in terms of graphics and art style, Almost Human, the indie developer behind the title, has executed it perfectly. The game looks great and the various creatures’ appearances are fantastic given the limits of the genre.

Read the rest of my review at Press2Reset: http://press2reset.com/reviews/review-legend-of-grimrock/
Posted November 26, 2013.
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