2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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Son iki haftada 0.2 saat / kayıtlarda 657.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 220.0 saat)
Yayınlanma: 11 Mar 2018 @ 21:08
Güncellenme: 12 Mar 2018 @ 5:33

====={ Who is it for }=====
Everyone. Kids, Casual Players, Pro Players.
====={ Story }=====
This game has no story.
====={ Graphics }=====
Beautiful graphics for 2013 game.
====={ Sounds }=====
Game sounds are good, no soundtracks.
====={ Difficulty }=====
Very easy, just haul some cargo and obey to traffic laws.
====={ Value for money / How Long to Beat }=====
Besides not having story, masterpiece graphics nor sounds this game is a must buy, it's endless.
PS: I advise to purchase the dlc's on sale.
====={ Game Development }=====
Frequent updates, solid performance and good post updates backup in case something goes wrong.
====={ Single Player Score }=====
- Very solid game besides lacking some features.
====={ Multiplayer Score }=====
- Not as good as it could be, some unsolved issues with performance but great to do some hauling with friends or meet new people.
====={ Overall Score }=====
- Great game for the price, good graphics, sound and game development. Mods can also transform the game with endless possibilities.
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