Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
0.3 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 1,326.7 tuntia (465.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Julkaistu: 11.3.2018 klo 22.04

====={ Who is it for }=====
Everyone but Kids. Casual Players, Pro Players.
====={ Story }=====
It's all about the BIG SCORE.
====={ Graphics }=====
Astonishing graphics for an open world game.
====={ Sounds }=====
Game sounds are good, with good soundtracks.
====={ Difficulty }=====
Meadium/Easy , Easy to learn Hard to Master.
====={ Value for money / How Long to Beat }=====
Very good value for money, endless game and fun even more with mods.
====={ Game Development }=====
Frequent updates, a lot of content released FOR FREE the downside is that new content is for multiplayer only, unless using mod in SP to unlock it.
====={ Single Player Score }=====
- Perfect game, too bad R* forgot about singleplayer otherwise would be a 10.
====={ Multiplayer Score }=====
- Multiplayer lacks some optimization demanding more resources from computer causing some low fps sometimes, has a BIG variety of jobs to do.
====={ Overall Score }=====
- Almost perfect game, at beginning devs didn't wand a car with shooting guns now they shoot rockets, fly and even go underwater. They could add more features to the game like a working casino, add something new in singleplayer.
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