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2 people found this review helpful
57.9 hrs on record (46.6 hrs at review time)
46 hours here. im a starbound/ rimworld player. the game shows promise but... here and the truths

here is a list of pros and cons

1.its a little buggy but playable.
2.only two worlds to travel to in the entire game right now........ [starbound/rimworld back on the menu]
3. lacks core features everyone expects to have vanilla in the game such as in starbound/rimworld features such as zoning where the colonist can go/ blueprinting/ taming etc etc.
4. the game is lacking in the tech/ buildable stuff department. starting with some of the basics you would expect to be able to build such . such as cryo pods/ heal tanks/ hospital beds/ etc etc
5. one major pro is if this game gets updates i can see this game killing rimworld and starbound. terreria gaming communities if this game gets the updates its really needs.
6. the enemy raiders in the base game are weak build a wall and you are safe forever.. the game needs to have raids like in rimworld and have the raiders use drop pods and ships and be able to blast endless layers of walls with no problem.

things i would like to see in this game. the ability to build colonies where the npc villages can reproduce like in rimworld.
i would like teleporters. i want to clone soldiers and send them to battle. i want to experiences raids like rimworld.
i want to know there is a organized group out there sending ships and troops after me and my bases and tracking my every location to kill me.
Posted 17 June, 2023.
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472.5 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted 3 April, 2020.
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4 people found this review helpful
47.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
needs an update
Posted 18 July, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
903.1 hrs on record (903.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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965.9 hrs on record (731.1 hrs at review time)
worth buying it buy.

endless areas to explore. tons of fun when it comes to building or fighting.

This game is also has a great modding community as well.
Posted 26 May, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
you will die.....

you will kill.....


Posted 25 May, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
15.9 hrs on record (15.2 hrs at review time)
the game is worth getting.

The only downsides are the
1.end game is lacking.
2.you cant see the battles like in total war
3.the lack of zombies . feels like you are meant to get attacked by zombies but they never show up
4.the amount of war crimes you can commit is very low.

aside from that what you can do in the game is fun so buy it!!!
Posted 25 May, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
43.3 hrs on record (43.1 hrs at review time)
the game is worth getting.

The only downsides are the
1.end game is lacking.
2.you cant destroy your rivals by declaring war
3.the lack of zombies on mars. feels like you are meant to get attacked by zombies but they never show up
4.you can only build 1 city.

aside from that what you can do in the game is fun so buy it!!!
Posted 25 May, 2019.
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5 people found this review helpful
22.6 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
the game is being made by two guys but for whats you can do its amazing. love this game give it a go. i have alot of hours in the game just steam doesnt record my offline hours of gameplay for watever reason. i play offline at work on laptop. lol.

anyway you can cutsom build ships fly around and trade and get into fights. games like this are a hidden gem and i feel like the wave of the future cuz we are living in an era where the mainstream doesnt understand us just look at fallout 76 and diablo devs saying what you guys don't have phones.

on a side note if u guys find an y other games that are hidden gems like this one can you private message me so i can check them out as well.
Posted 26 December, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
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587.0 hrs on record (570.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
THE SHORT VERSION worth at least buying on sale.

the game has good performance that even on the not so decent mp servers out do space engineers best performance servers. on that fact alone i would say buy empyrion.

but here are 10 warning about what you ARE getting yourself into.
1. no scripting at all but luckly there other good games like space engineers and dual universe.

2. armor blocks are brokens..... search on youtube lag armor to explain how bad it is. don't hold your breathe on that bug getting fixed.. at least in space engineers and dual universe the armor blocks aren't broken.

3. there a heavy pve crowd that thrive on pay to win servers and like barely any pvper crowd.

4.barely no pvp at all and the sportmanship and respect among the few pvpers is really lacking as well. I was attacked 5vs1 by pvp wannabees and they failed 2 kill me.I diabled one of the 5 ships before they destroyed all my turrets. I had warp drive destroyed due
to the fact that i had not much of the broken game lag armor broken game bug workaround thing on my ship. they chased me for 114k till i finally got away. in other games like space engineers the most someone will chase you for is about maybe 15k at the max before saying G.G. thats sportmanship.hell even in games like grand theft auto you will only get chased a max of 10 miles if that before someone loses interest.These pvp wannabees are willing to chase you for 1 hour and 49 mins which is 114k distance from the planet.

5. wtf is this pve zone bull crap anyway? I cant think of a survival game i play that has this built into the game?who cares about pve anyway/. pve is suppose 2 be called single player not a pay to win carebear pve server wat are u even paying on those servers to even win? to beat your chest about how much better of a pve'er you are? thats right boys u heard it here first i invented a new internet word carebear pay to win pve'er!!!! not a pvper but a pve'er? its a [person thats pays to win on pve servers.

6.this game got some weird distorted ideals of balance [fair gayer play] i mean game play. so you cant dock certains ships on certain ship plus you can't do simple things like have solar panels on ships. You cant have certain guns on watever gay,.......... thank god the rest of the world that has scifi building block games like space engineers or dual universe you can build whatever you want how ever you want and there is no weird gay carebear balance "game dev police" acting like "mister overseer" his self balancing the game to some extreme gay end. [gay end] im full of puns.

7. buy the game cuz at least the performance is good but then you neeed to just pray to the r.n.g jesus that the game devs fix all thats broken with the game and watnot.the market kinda sucky for scifi building blocks game so i guess we take what we can get at this point.

8. the gaming community on this game is hardly respectable .trolls on the discords of every server /the forum is lack luster for any organized threads about getting the game devs to fix the game. also it gets worst the wiki is so out of pocket that a drunken british man that was out all night on the town on a rant about stuff n things could have wrote a better wiki in his sleep facts.

9.but in the very end the game devs have left the building on space engineers and dual universe is still 9 months away from even getting out of pre aplha and if this empyrion game is still a option on your target cursor then pick it up i mean hey just remember how bad it is cuz we are still talking about a early access game at the end of the day am i right?

10.I have left this open for comment watch as the forum trolls prove me right. i mean at least in games like ark and rust the trolls put you out of your misery after they played their little game of stalking trapping trolling and kill you.In this game the trolls parade around in a pve zone like some kind of dead horse beating gone new meta gaming?

UPDATE AS OF 5/25/2019

THE SHORT VERSION worth at least buying on sale.

so we are now fast forward a year later.everything stated here still applies true.

1.the handful of pvper gamers hold no respect 4 each other. the pvp community use 2 make up 10% of the community nowadays its more like 3%.the rest of player population are pve troll-care-bear.

2 the broken armor lagg thing is still an issue unresolved. the game devs doesn't have the knowledge require 2 fix the game code 4 the handling of weapon fire.now there something new called hull shields thats will bring balance to the force.2 bad the game cant weapons firing.SO THE SAME ISSUE AFFECTING ARMOR BLOCK WILL EFFECT HULL SHIELDS LOL.

3.the game shooting mechanics is still so terrible u cant even crouch N bullets still glitch thru walls.The science of Grenades is 2 advance 2 exist yet either. there is no excuse at this point because the game engine runs on unity look it up. whats stopping the game dev from going 2 the unity engine store page N just downloading at least the free assets unity has 2 improve empyrion at this point? hard 2 believe that 4 as little as $100 spent in the unity store the game devs could just buy some insanly good shooting mechanics n be done with it but no thats not even a concern in the community. no one in the community will even bring it up that the game dev should just go shopping in the unity engine shop page n just buy good mechanics 4 his player base.

4.ALSO THE WIKI IS STILL OUT OF POCKET..... sadly this game is still on the table because dual universe is still not ready.......

5.The entire active pvp community is on break with this game and have moved on to space engineers. but on a side note patch alpha 10 will release at some point what good will that bring? nothing... of course but its in the work so go read about it when the new patch launches because the game dev will be posting amazing patch notes will list a million fixes to bad he just wont spend some money in the unity app store and buy us good game mechanics that we care about and instead waste our time with shiney patch notes that includes the following

Update: May 7, 2019 - Fixed local coop

Changelog: Alpha 9.7.1 (Build 2321)
- Fixed: Local Coop: Cannot connect via Friends tab in Server Browser
- Fixed: Large PDA window was shown when starting local coop
- Fixed: Logistics window exploit
- Fixed: Blueprint save data in MP (now BP spawns without any ammo)

6. still worth a buy because space engineers game devs are not good either and we all quit eve online forever and a day ago plus dual universe is taking forever and lets face it star citizen is just a myth and what else is there really?

7, this game got some weird distorted ideals of balance still are a thing in the game lol
Posted 8 August, 2018. Last edited 25 May, 2019.
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