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投稿日: 2015年9月26日 10時18分
更新日: 2015年9月26日 12時01分

It's one of those games that makes you embarrassed to have in your list as a Steam games collector.
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4 件のコメント
Seht 2022年1月25日 22時20分 
you're wrong dude delete this review!
Spank n Uranus 2015年10月6日 17時06分 
"Magicarp used splash"


But nothing happened.

Game is equally as useful and just as entertaining.
RoboFox 2015年10月6日 9時05分 
Well you have to collect them all... even the bad ones.
hexerei 2015年9月30日 18時41分 
If you don't want to have to look at it in your library, you can right click on it, click set categories, and check the option to hide the game :)