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7 people found this review helpful
2.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Seeing as I have already played just over two hours and can no longer refund, here are my thoughts...

The devs have started off on the wrong foot here so soon after launch.

A classic voice line was removed from the game due to some rando complaining that their feelings were hurt.
Now to be as open about this as I can be, I don't really care about the voice line one way or another. BUT, the fact is that content was removed from the game for non gameplay related reasons, this is a huge issue that has damaged the reputation and enjoyment of other games in the past.

Don't let the leaf lovers damage the reputation of DRG.
Rock and Stone!
Posted February 21, 2024.
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90.6 hrs on record (89.7 hrs at review time)
Great as a game, great as a board game.
Good for single player, good with friends.

Pick it up if you can, and remember: If you don't rock and stone, you aint coming home!
Posted November 23, 2023.
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34.4 hrs on record
The game I paid for all those many years ago has been replaced with this "fee to pay" knockoff. If you need to delist CSGO, so be it, but don't pretend it never existed.

Oh, and to put salt on the wound, they now expect me to pay for the "Prime Status Upgrade" on a game I already paid full price for.
Posted October 2, 2023.
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11.8 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
When I tried this game day 1 of it launching, it was pretty rough and I had not touched it again until now. Now it is a rough gem.

But in all honesty, it has improved massively since 2020 (Three years will do that), and I can recommend giving it a try if you can get over the janky controls/keyboard shortcuts.

6/10 - Looking forward to 10/10 in 2026 lol.
Posted May 26, 2023.
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4.1 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I am sure it will get better over time, but I cannot recommend it in it's current state, for the price they have set.

$50 asking price.
Early access.
Less than half the features of the original at launch.
Unnecessary launcher.
No GOG release at launch.
Performance is not great at launch. (I have over the recommended specs)
Squeaky tutorial VA (Not Gene Kerman? Really?)

Just buy the original, and wait for a 60%+ discount.
Posted February 24, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.6 hrs on record
The devs have now removed content from the game that they have retroactively deemed as "disturbing". In the last update they added a toggle option to skip said content, THIS was the right choice, NOT removing content from the 99% of players that do not care/actually find the content makes the game more immersive.

If I could get a refund, I would as this is no longer the game I purchased.

Also the fact that Steam finds reviews like this to be "off-topic" is insulting, the game content was changed, how is that off-topic?
Posted July 23, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
214.3 hrs on record (53.9 hrs at review time)
DO NOT PURCHASE THIS GAME! Please do not support games whos distributors/devs are anti-consumer.

With the C&D of one of the largest modding tools (OpenIV) that is required by most mods to function, they have single-handedly killed the longevity of both GTA5 and GTA4. I for one purchaced GTA5 for the sole purpose of using mods, as the story does not interest me.

Until these companies learn that modding is not their enemy, this will keep happening.
Posted June 15, 2017.
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8.5 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
"It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years"

The story is pretty short as many have pointed out however that is not where the meat of the game lies, that is in the endless/challenge modes, and of course you can replay any of the levels.

I don't generaly play a single game for that long, But I feel that I will be returning to SUPERHOT many times.

Overall I rate it 7/10 and definitely worth the purchase.
Posted February 26, 2016. Last edited February 27, 2016.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries