2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 12.0 hrs on record
Posted: 27 Feb, 2019 @ 6:07am

Overall it's a blast to race through this game.

Here's a few things I wish I was told when I started this game:
-The "boost start" timing is half a second before the lights turn green. Couldn't get that one down until I was already level 15.
-Be sure to double check your graphics settings so they don't get auto-lowered. That being said I have 10 hours in on the lower graphics settings and barely noticed.
-The difference between easy and normal is definitely noticeable, but I do recommend playing on normal (the middle difficulty).
-There are shortcuts.
-Don't be a spaz when trying to trigger the moves/emotes. Especially on a steam controller.

The game consists of a couple game modes, 9 AMAZING maps, several vehicles, personal skill upgrades, vehicle upgrades, and a campaign that tweaks the difficulty up as you go through it.
I do need to stress that even though they only have 9 maps I never got tired of them, they look amazing even at low graphics setting levels.
For the completionists the last few levels consist of all game modes, all maps, and all of the toughest opponents, and by that point of the game it will kinda feel like a slog to get through; At least it was for me. Other than that it's looking pretty easy to go through and get all the achievements.
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