Leniander: The Golden Destroyer
Leni Radev Toshev   Sofia, Grad Sofiya, Bulgaria
[EN] Hello, my name is Leni Toshev. I live in Bulgaria. My favorite game is "FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage". You can buy the game, and play it with me. Also, I own the titles of "The Golden Destroyer" and "FOUC (BG) BEST" ([!!] Only in Bulgaria!).

[BG] Привет, моето име е Лени Тошев. Аз живея в България. Моята любима игра е "FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage". Вие можете да купите играта и да я играете с мен. Нося и титлите "The Golden Destroyer" и "FOUC (BG) BEST" също.
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201 hrs on record
last played on 22 Feb
0.5 hrs on record
last played on 21 Feb
637 hrs on record
last played on 20 Feb
雨 Cynki 雨 28 Jul, 2024 @ 4:42pm 
Thanks for the additional items, it is really appreciated :CapSta2_EI05: