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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 255.2 hrs on record (238.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: 23 Jun, 2020 @ 12:05pm
Updated: 1 Jul, 2020 @ 10:51am

Do not buy Prison Architect, or support Paradox Interactive.

I hate that I have to write this review. Prison Architect used to be one of my favorite games on Steam. It was what got me into games like Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress, oddly enough. And I still have fond memories of it. However three major things have changed in the last year that have really killed all enjoyment that I can get from this game; the bugs, the Paradox acquisition, and the new DLC.

A year or two ago, this game was basically 100% stable. In my 200+ hours of playtime during this era, the amount of bugs I encountered could be counted on one hand. Now? Now you can't even count on your hands since you'll be too busy typing, looking up whether something is a glitch or intended. Workers refuse to build water pipes, workers refuse to haul items, canteens glitch out and refuse to be assigned, and workers can't interact with what they need to build. This is all without the DLC, and the DLC adds even more bugs. In fact, unless they've changed it, the psych ward DLC completely breaks female prisons if you have it installed.

A lot of this rests on Paradox, however, not the original devs. For those who don't know, Paradox is a leech of a publisher. Taking mildly competent strategy games (or more recently popular but inactive indie games) and sucking as much money as they can out of the IP. Several of their games cost over $250 to play if you want to grab all the DLC, and even then be prepared to shill out another $10-15 every couple of months. Look at Europa Universalis 4 and Hearts of Iron 4 if you don't understand just how scummy this publisher is. And while it's slow now, they're likely trying to see if they can squeeze as much money out of this game too.

And honestly, the DLC has been added in a way that's utterly terrible. Firstly, the original devs made a free update to the game that added female prisoners and babies a few years ago. Why do I bring that up? Well that DLC is more substantial than anything that Paradox has released for a price. I made the mistake of purchasing Psych Ward, only to discover game breaking bugs that - I believe - have not been addressed or fixed to this day. I can't speak for Island Bound, as it just recently came out, but judging by other reviews it's removed key functions of the game. And if EU4 is any indication, that function is now locked behind a $10 DLC. Which, if that is the case, is a truly despicable move.

This isn't the well designed, simple but fun game that Prison Architect used to be. This is a shambling, bloated, rotting husk of a game reanimated by a parasitic leech of a company, like some sort of Resident Evil monster. Do not give any more money to this terrible publisher, and if you already own the game, I implore you to never give a dime to these worthless, minor DLCs.

(Also, if you ever see a game that has the 'off-topic' review asterisk that artificially raises a games score, make sure you learn why that game has that tag. However it is my opinion that exposing a rotten publisher is very much relevant to a game's worth.)
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Fedaygin 25 Mar, 2023 @ 4:40am 
@Wild "This is the only game I have to run with a Steam startup command to skip the launcher since the launcher refuses to start the game, but suddenly works fine when you open the .exe directly." <-- Never happened to me after manyyyyy game launches. :new:
DCBenton 5 Apr, 2021 @ 3:04am 
They ruined the game. And expect us to pay for fixes. Scumbags.
m 16 Jan, 2021 @ 5:33am 
You're right. It was playable before, and the DLC have interesting concepts but just does not deliver. They should be releasing no DLC before they fix the game breaking bugs in the main game and make their other DLC worth while
pineapple pizza 28 Dec, 2020 @ 2:27am 
do what i did
pirated the game to say fuck you to them
PiE 20 Jul, 2020 @ 12:38pm 
Thanks for Sharing!
Captain Crispy Bacon 19 Jul, 2020 @ 1:41pm 
@// go troll somewhere else. I trolled long before you learned how to walk
「The Queen In Yellow」 19 Jul, 2020 @ 1:06pm 
@// Prison Architect is a 5 year old, 2D game that - a few years ago - ran perfectly on a terrible old laptop. The fact that people are having bugs and issues with it on gaming PCs means it's not the hardware, it's the software.
Captain Crispy Bacon 18 Jul, 2020 @ 3:44pm 
@Mr. Sin I don't own any DLC any my game broke as shit. It's unplayable mess right now.
BurpBurp 17 Jul, 2020 @ 10:38pm 
Not to mention island bound kinda stole someone's workshop idea and locked it behind a paywall. And it dosent add much for its price. However the base game is still good and honestly the dlcs dont add much.
Wild 17 Jul, 2020 @ 4:29pm 
This is the only game I have to run with a Steam startup command to skip the launcher since the launcher refuses to start the game, but suddenly works fine when you open the .exe directly.