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기록상 30.3시간 (평가 당시 5.3시간)
don't get it confused, this is just a paid admission online fishing chatroom
2024년 11월 8일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 203.3시간 (평가 당시 193.5시간)
okay so before you go in:
- install it on the drive steam is installed on or it might crash
- do not alt tab, it creates instability and makes the game liable to crash and stutter
- lock the game to 60fps with something like RivaTuner (bundled with msi afterburner) or graphical bugs and physics glitches happen
- don't play on hardcore unless you hate yourself. It's more annoying than hard since it just ramps up the numbers on all the enemies. Cars become made of paper mache due to the increased damage numbers, making you constantly change cars in trafficking and wrestling with the AI to get into a new car.

On hardcore, the game usually breaks before you do. Examples:
In snatch missions, the five second animation that plays when a ho/contact gets up off the ground is enough to get enemies to do enough damage to destroy your car, so you end up having to recruit them, driving away for a moment, then driving back once the animation finishes playing. Escort missions Brutes take entire magazines until you unlock weapons that actually do damage.
In the Trouble With Clones DLC, the helicopters shoot rockets at Jimmy's car, and it's literally impossible to destroy the helicopters before they shoot that first rocket (if you get bad RNG they shoot you the same frame that they enter your FOV). I got stuck in a loop of getting hit with multiple unavoidable rockets and restarting. I had to turn the difficulty down because despite memorizing the spawns, I still wasn't able to destroy them fast enough to stop the car from being destroyed.
In one of the main story missions where you first fly the VTOL, the heightened damage numbers caused enemies to accidentally destroy the VTOLs before I could even see them.
In hardcore there are so many enemies with high health pools that when you don't have many upgrades unlocked, the ideal path is to just avoid even fighting them and just run straight through to reach objectives since your guns are as effective as a wet fart and you were born with glass bones and paper skin.
The human shield mechanic is effectively pointless as they get instantly eviscerated by the high damage so the play style you adopt to kill things is mag dumping around corners since you can shoot enemies while they can't shoot you.

The pitiful damage you do on all difficulties with bodyshots makes the ideal way to play to just headshot everything with the aggressive aim assist. Saints row 4 improved a lot on this with making all of the weapons feel viable to use.
Not having Gat in this game kind of sucked, but the writing was nice. The three gangs you fight against have a lot of character and feel unique, and killbane being hyped up throughout the game and culminating in a climax where you fight him in a wrestling ring feels awesome, but it feels cheapened by "oh shaundi is gonna die or you can kill killbane" but why couldn't we have both? Why couldn't we have a fully satisfying ending where we both save Shaundi and kill killbane? Why even give us the choice when saving Shaundi is both the canon option, AND the less lame choice ("I need a hero" plays as you drive over to save her)
Many of the options in the game feel contrived with either an obvious choice (nyte blade as a homie or save three hours of district takeover gameplay) and was satirized in Saints Row 4 (as president, choose to stop world hunger or cure cancer)
I didn't like the permanent map changes, I wish that upon completion of the game you could bring the thermopylae or the aircraft carrier into the open world, or the zombie invasion on Arapice island could be toggled.

but the game does have a lot of fun and original mechanics.
Despite being completely unserious and lacking in gritty themes like previous saints row games, it does its own thing and has quite a bit of charm.
All of the activities are things you can't find anywhere else. Despite being braindead easy (unlike saints row 4 where getting gold on all of the activities was moderately difficult), they are still extremely fun.
Tank mayhem is my favorite activity, and watching the combo meter go up as you aim for bundles of street clutter (fences, newspaper boxes, etc.) and then destroying something actually worth some proper cash to get combos in the millions feels orgasmic.
Insurance fraud is a lot of fun, propelling your ragdolled self into oncoming traffic with lowered gravity from adrenaline will never not be fun.
Professor Genki's Super Ethical Reality Climax is literally just an arena where health is granted from pickups instead of regenerating like the base game. It's a lot of fun racking up a combo, but the timer is a non-threat and the cash goal is met without even having to think about it.

Other than that, I have 100%'ed this game 3 times. It's really good, and addicting to go through and do everything. It has bugs and glitchiness, but it's a fun game with lots of charm and silliness. Saints row 4 definitely improved upon the formula, but I still go back to this from time to time.
2024년 11월 5일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 45.1시간 (평가 당시 3.6시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
I recommend playing vanilla for a bit then downloading mods after you get used to the game (Some mods are essential though, like "More descriptions for traits.")

as strange as it is, I love playing in apocalypse mode with minimal building, only ever using curtains or boarding up houses

I would love to have a book in-game (maybe in a survivor house?) that tells you how zombies work and common sense stuff like how being around corpses makes you sick
maybe it exists and I just haven't found it yet? idk

read this guide to get started

Ideally you should go in as blind as possible, but there's not much intuition to some mechanics and you won't find out until you look it up

some things that weren't intuitive for me:
  • I had no idea how to find car keys and I assumed you would find it off of nearby zombies or in the nearby house but I didn't know you could find it in the glove box or around the car on the ground
  • I didn't know that the only way to find out how to use a generator was to find the book labeled "how to use a generator"
  • I didn't know how to board up houses or break down walls or disassemble things because you need specific tools
  • I didn't know that you can craft with water/hot water/bleach by just being near it while it's in a container or on the ground
  • I didn't know where to go because maps were extremely rare and almost tired myself to death trying to find where the other towns were (I was walking across the lumber mill without a car)
  • I didn't know that zombies could respawn by default
  • a lot of the skills were super vague and the way that some are named are just flat out wrong. Keen hearing doesn't actually affect audio, it just determines how well you can see behind you. Hard of hearing and deaf affect audio, but not perception radius. I wish that the more descriptions for traits mod was vanilla

game is good, but reading a lot of the negative reviews they're complaining that build 42 is "never coming out" even though the developers give progress reports on it and they have never once said it was "around the corner" or given a concrete date

plus it's an overhaul to a huge chunk of the codebase and behind-the-scenes cleanup from what I can garner, with a huge amount of features being added

Normally I dislike open world survival crafting games, but this one is an exception. I didn't think I would like it because there's so much to keep track of, but it plays more like the sims with guns.
2024년 9월 12일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 9월 12일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 4.6시간
Why are people paying $50-100 for cosmetics? The game came out last week

my thoughts
  • the microtransaction shop prices are still too high ($70+ for one skin that can be put on multiple guns), and to unlock the rest of the classes it takes ~30 hours of playtime (or $7)
  • the maps and skins look amazing but the default player models look awful
  • none of the maps are good except for the laundromat (the others are all 90° corner peek fests)
  • there is variety in these bad maps but doing so is so risky for so little in return (nobody is spending a full 30 seconds going to a marginally better angle) that it's not worth bothering with
  • the game itself is fun if you spend more than 5 hours learning it, I love playing with spectres and it's a lot more fast paced than other comp shooters
  • camping is an issue, but almost every class is designed in a way that flushes out campers with either the free utilities or the purchased ones
(I think that camping might be because of the fact that both sides get the same guns, and most maps are defender sided)

solo players be warned:
Playing solo is the worst of any comp shooter. if one player leaves or goes AFK that's basically two players gone. The game doesn't work well at all if you can't get the team to be on the same page...

I'd love a 1v1 mode with maybe an extra spectre or something (I'm not a game designer) since playing 3v3 with randoms is butt cheeks.

2024년 9월 9일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 9월 9일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 14.7시간
awesome game, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ port that needs fiddling in order to work. The combat feels great and as you get further in the game the world you tangibly feel more and more powerful.

The latter quarter of the game gets pretty lame though as everything becomes a giant bullet sponge and enemies do so much damage that your healthbar that stretches half the screen makes you about as durable as a wet napkin...

the final boss deletes your entire healthbar and has so much health that he takes minutes to whittle down, and it just feels like you're abusing the AI to cheese him rather than actually fight him like you fought the earlier enemies
2024년 8월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 300.0시간 (평가 당시 293.6시간)

real review:
baldur's gate 3 is a story-heavy game with DND-inspired mechanics

the amount of times I've played it and gone "wait, the game is just letting me do this?" is crazy

the core gameplay is great and the story is fun

a lot of the bugs in the game have been fixed overall, and they're still udpating the game
2023년 11월 30일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 9월 9일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 13.4시간 (평가 당시 11.4시간)
They're fixing a bunch of the issues with the game, and it's finally approaching feature parity a year after launch. I appreciate that the devs are actually fixing the game and making things work, but I don't recommend that you buy the game in its current state, or potentially a year after launch if it remains worse than payday 2.

My original review had complaints, and these are the ones that were addressed, to their credit.
•No Playing Offline - Being worked on. It's possible to play "offline" but you must remain connected to the servers.
•No VOIP - Being worked on. This should hopefully help cross-platform communication.
•Want to grind weapon XP? Kill cops mindlessly for hours on end. - XP progression has been drastically altered.
•Level is tied to challenges which aren't fun to do - XP progression is now like it was in payday 2.
•Locking progression specifically to guns is annoying, especially since the option to buy modifications you didn't own was removed - Again, XP progression has been drastically altered.

However, these issues still aren't remedied and these are still very big issues:
•Playing with AI is an active detriment, unlike in Payday 2 where missing players gave you buffs
•No preplanning. Want assets? Finish the heist and get heist-specific assets. That's it. Wanted a specific asset? Too bad, grind the same heist for hours on end.
•No kick function, if a player is actively griefing or they have executive dysfunction, you need to find a new server, since no more player hosting.

Originally I thought they could fix this game, but it's a year after launch and it's still a broken mess. I get that they want to make content for the game to make some money for development. I get that they had to rush this game to launch, so development was neutered and cut short as a result. Unfortunately, with the way things are going, I don't think payday 3 will be fixed any time soon.

Please fix your game, I'm running out of copium.
2023년 9월 24일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 8월 22일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 67.8시간 (평가 당시 47.1시간)
it's like they designed the ultimate main game and DLC stories and then made all the sidequests feel like chores
2023년 7월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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115명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
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기록상 6.9시간 (평가 당시 2.5시간)
In this game, you play as John Trepang2 and you have to Trepang all over the guys to win

played the demo for several hours as soon as it released and have been actively watching the game until launch day. After getting my hands on the full game, I HIGHLY recommend buying it.

If you liked Max Payne, Crysis, or F.E.A.R. then this is up your alley

If you've played shooters before, start on Hard or Very Hard for your first playthrough and then try the higher difficulties after.
2023년 6월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 11.1시간 (평가 당시 10.6시간)
it's a free mod

and it's REALLY good for a mod
2023년 4월 28일에 게시되었습니다.
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